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Posts posted by ForgotPass

  1. I've always wondered how much harassment women on erotic sites get, and I never really understood how bad it can be until I went on Eroprofile and ended up accidentally signing up as a woman (in my defence, I was very tired at the time). Within two days, I had numerous people showing me their dicks, had a guy ask me if I liked "animal porns" and numerous others ask similar things, and even had someone say they wanted to "cut me up" and drink my blood. I was fucking shocked. I gathered I'd be getting some people acting a bit odd, since the internet is a mostly anonymous place, but not like that.

    I'm glad that kind of crap will be dealt with here. It creeped me out pretty hard, so I can only imagine how disturbing it must be for people who have videos and pictures of themselves on their accounts. I'm not sure if this is the thread to say it, but I'm hoping it'll show people how bad things can get if left unmoderated.

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