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Posts posted by Ponme

  1. Hello everyone!  I haven't posted here in a while and I hope some still come back to write their stories.

    I know there are many who likes to watch women pee, as do I. Is there still some into drinking pee or getting peed on that still come and share their experiences and stories?
    For a long time, I have been into outdoor peeing experiences especially camping. I use to have a gf back then which she shared many golden showers on me, which I admit I do miss it.
    Things didn't work out so we went our separate ways however we remained friend and saw each other from time to time. 

    Do some of you that use to be with someone which you shared peeing moments but are no longer together?

    Since about a year, I have met a new female friend at the gym and we are together since. It took me a good 3 months to open about my fetish, I waited one night while we were drinking wine so that it might be easier to talk to about things that turns us on. She share that she was in nipple play and opened up about just having someone there sucking on her nipples could make her cum. When she asked if I had anything I like or would like to try. I told her how I was always turned on about golden showers. I was amazed how she never did a face or said something that would lead to as a turn off. She was quite receptive and asked 3 questions which I was surprised. I remember her first question was if I ever got a golden shower and what was the first experience like, which I shared. Then she asked me if what was the most amazing moment getting peed on, which I also shared that with her. When it came to her 3rd question she ask me if I would like would like to get peed on, in that moment. What a turn on for her to say that to me. It is now such a regular thing to do because she will randomly show up from doing something and tell me that she needs to pee. Just during the summer, happened many times. She was once working in her plants on the balcony in her apartment, I was working on a project on my laptop and she came in with her gloves on, dirty from the earth and asked me to lay down on the floor, then took a piss in my mouth, pulled up her short and went back outside working.. what a turn on. Another moment we had which I was so blown away, we had went on a small trip which we went to visit a mountain with waterfall. We had the option of walking it up or taking a gondola/chairlift which has space for about 10 people. We decided to use the chairlift which would take less time to go up. It did take us a good 10 minutes at least. We waited but since there was no one else, they sent us right away. Once we were climbing, she tells me that she needs to pee now and asked me to lay down, she squatted over my face and emptied herself on me. It was more than I expected so I wasn't able to swallow everything. My hair and face was drenched. I was fortunate that there was a bathroom as we got out so that I can at least rinse my hair and face.

    What are your stories?


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  2. On 4/26/2019 at 2:50 PM, mickymoist said:

    One of the girls I share an office with often shares that she's "dying for a wee" or "if I don't go soon I'll have an accident"  with some relish, I can't help imagining that she might be into the same thing and its a little exciting.

    Nothing would happen as she's happily married, but I do like to fantasise  😁

    I understand and feel for you brother.

  3. On 4/27/2019 at 10:39 PM, PissFanOmega said:

    Yes, and your story actually got me out of a rut I've been in for a while now.

    So, Thank you.

    In reality, I've never heard anyone that I know, admit openly about liking watersports.

    In fact, when I was in my early twenties, it was found out by a group of people I knew years ago that I was into it, I was ridiculed, even downright bullied in one case as a result.

    You are welcome, and I am happy that I am not alone feeling like that.


    Also, to add to this, she knows I have a girlfriend and she has a boyfriend as well, so I would rather be careful with my approach. If I were more gutsy, I would of told her it is okay to pee in my hands. I did say something about urine is steril.

    Today, we had to go inspect a diving board for serial number which was painted over. So she went into a squatting position to use a small exacto knife to remove the paint from where the serial number is located. She was there for a good 10 minutes in the same position. Then she said to me that she needed to pee and left the tool on the side. So i told her i was going to look for a bigger scraper. When i heard leave the washroom to go back to the deck. I went to that washroom and saw there was sprinkles of pee on the seat which I did not hesitate to damp it with my finger and taste it. (Seriously, shes that hot). Then I went back to the diving board with a scrapper, and looking at her turned me on. However there was no talk about pee, as I don't want to push this topic on her. Part of me is content that she doesn't know about me liking this.

    Does that make any sense?


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  4. On 4/23/2019 at 12:21 PM, peeingone said:

    Great sighting indeed not one, not two, but five women peeing all at once. You got so lucky that day man You really did. 

    At first, 3 of them were peeing while the other 2 stood there and waited, then the other 2 went after. Unfortunately, I didn't stay because tge other 2 I was with were walking away.

  5. 3 hours ago, Brutus said:

    Ahh...okay. She's not afraid to assert herself. Definitely confident. I was going to ask if you'd considered recording her but it is indeed risky and I probably wouldn't try it either. 

    Still, I know the frustration of knowing a female coworker is big pisser and wanting to hear it for real, no walls or doors blocking the sound. If she can be heard through a wall at all, just imagine how hard she must be releasing and how loud it really is...

    You struck gold here either way just hearing what little you can and of course having access to her leftovers.

    Struck gold lolol  if I was single and had the guts to ask, i would love to get a golden shower by her.

    I would never use my phone to use to record it.. too risky and big. I do have a tiny device that I bought a while back because my neighbor use to dump his junk on my yard. I eventually caught and faced him. Anyways, if i can remember where i put it, i can try to locate a place hidden enough to hear and that i don't get in trouble and lose my job..ect

    Can i upload mp3 or videos here?

  6. On 11/11/2018 at 2:01 AM, Brutus said:

    And they are appreciated. This is a unique and ongoing real-time occurrence that I want to hear more about, for as long as you wish to update it. To bring this back to your story, I wanted to ask does her pee sound like a heavy deep pitched rumble in the water, or more of a loud spraying sound and/or hiss?

    Based on what she said about giving the blue colors something to do, it seems that she either messes the seat on purpose and gets a thrill, or at the least, is aware of her daily transgressions needing cleaned and truly does not care, like she believes that being concerned about it is beneath her. Seems she has a highly elitist attitude, to think that her piss serves as something for them to make themselves useful. You think she does it on purpose,  maybe as a "fuck you"?


    Hey bud thank you for the interest in my experience.

    I wish I had more details, unfortunately, threw a freakin wall...    It sounds like a deep hissing sound but with wisper because of the wall I presume. It is loud when splashing in the toilet everytime I can hear.

    I would like to get a device to record the audio, except i would be worried that she finds it.. i don't want trouble.

    About the blue colors, she does not like them because they are a bunch of slackers, and never get work done right and she is stuck deal with them. So maybe she has hate issues.

    To answer your question about if she does it on purpose, I don't have an answer for that. If I can can describe her personality in general, she loves her job and is very pro active and has energy. Lets say we talk about the main boss giving her more work or other things to do. She replies such as: its not my job. Find someone else to do it. Like her and another department boss don't get along. I hear things such as: oh he wants to play that game, and she will purposely mess with his schedule to piss him off.

    I don't have any problems at all with her, I believe she see's me as, i get shit done and when she needs something, she can rely on me. 


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  7. 6 hours ago, Brutus said:

    Man that sounds awesome, she destroys it every damn time and leaves it for someone else. She knows her piss is spraying everywhere. You said the rest you wipe with a cloth, is she pissing on the floor as well?? It must be quite a mess if the other woman wont even use it.


    Yes if you could snap a few pictures of her damage before you lick it up, that would be beautiful.

    Haha.. i guess we can call it destroyed. There is a bit of pee on the floor but from what I observed, it seems like it dripped from the side of the bowl. Like even the under seat is wet, which i will not lick. I heard her a few time pee from the other wall which was quite obvious and I noticed she doesn't even was her hands. I don't if she's a germ freak or just plain doesn't care.

    Once I spoke to the evening guy and he told me once he arrived to unlock the front doors to the building and she with 2 others but only her peeing down a set of 3 stair on the side exit because it had some cover. He told her that it was going to stink, and she responded something like it will give the blue colors something to do.



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  8. On 10/27/2018 at 3:19 AM, Brutus said:

    Well at least you can ensure it's clean before she uses it. How much does she leave on the seat, a few sprinkles or a big mess? I'm curios as to how much of a "drink" you're getting here!

    Brutus, sorry for the late reply as I don't come here daily. I can always try to take a picture, the lighting is dim so it might not be great.

    That seat is clean when I am done with it, just the seat, the rest I wipe off with a cloth. We are not talking sprinkles.. it is covered with drops and splashes. I actually paid attention how many times it is getting used. My head boss shows up at 8h30am and uses it before she goes to yoga and she is quite fit as a boss and she's 42. Then she doesn't go back to that washroom until the end of the day. Which she has told me that the seat was in bad condition which she had to use the mens washroom on several occasions.

    The lifeguard head boss in question, she's 24 and is so sexy and beautiful. When she wears leggings or in her swimsuit, I try to stick around because it is a turn on just looking at her. She comes in at around 10am and seems to always go to the washroom at the same times. I actually wash well the seat before she walks in and before 2pm which is the time she goes back. I can tell you, the seat is a complete mess so i don't mind liking all of it. Been doing it for a while.



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  9. My second experience was a breath taker and let me explain why. At the time, I was single and living in a cheap appartment building. Across from my appartment was a single young woman. I felt bad for her because she had a 1 year old and had no support from the ex.. donator if I may call it. I remember an occasion when she knocked on my door, when I answered, she seemed to have been crying. She had asked me if she could borrow $10 because she had no food for her and her child so I gave her a 20$ and told her not to worry about it. She just jumped in my arms and said thank you. Its not something I can forget.

    I never saw her parents or any family members helping her and once I went to her appartment to bring her a bag of food. I felt bad because she had a matress on the floor, a tiny couch and the appliances belong to the building.

    After many times I invited her to come and take a tea, we talked about many things, which one was about sexuality. I did eventually brought up what was on my bucket list, which is a golden shower (i had gotten my first in my mid teens but thats another story lolol, i just made her belive it was my first). She never made facial expressions or said anything negative about it. I believe a few weeks went by which I knocked on her door and asked her if she wanted to join me for supper. She told me, that she doesn't want to mislead me to have sex with her. I believe she was not interested, at least at that moment.

    The day came, I bough 2 bottles of wine and I can tell when she came in, she sparked up her looks. After supper, she seemed more relaxed and had conversation. Then I popped the question, I told her, I knew she was not into sex and pointed at the table that there is 100$ in it for her if she is willing to give me a golden shower. Not long after, she got up and told me she should be going and went back to her appartment. At that moment, I felt rejected and started telling myself to give up on my quest. I also felt how stupid I was to think by giving her money, she would happy and I would as well.

    About 15 minutes later, while I was washing the dishes, there was a knock on my door, she asked to come in, you can tell she had anxiety. And then she spoke fast and placed her terms. She agreed to do it as long as I don't touch or do anything sexual. As soon as I agreed, she went in domination mode, telling me to take of my shirt and to lay on the floor. Once on the floor, she paused for a good 30 seconds, nothing was said from us, she removed her pants, wearing a thong. To make things easier on her I closed my eyes and opened my mouth, then i felt both her feet on each side of my head. I slightly opened 1 eye and saw she still had her thong on, then I saw her moving it to the side and squatted to my mouth as I kept my eyes shut, she started peing, after a few swallows, the rest went around my neck and soaked my hair. She then got up, went to put her pants on, grabbed the money and said thank you and walked out.

    After not seeing her for a few weeks, she knocked on my door and seemed tipsy, told me she asked if she can have the same deal as the other time. Which I agreed and had the money on me. Then after that, I haven't seen her in a while, until she knocked and tokd me she was moving away and I thank me for helping her and I never seen her again.

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  10. Hi everyone and thank you for all your comments and feedbacks.

    First, this young woman I work with has a boyfriend, so I am not hitting on her nor am I interested. I personally agree with Brutus, it's not cheating and I'm not having physical contact with her.

    Regarding the toilet, I work as a cleaner in a sport center. She always uses the same washroom with a single toilet bowl. I actually know around what time she uses the washroom, so I clean the seat before. The walls are thin and when I enter the singles men wasroom at the end of a corner hallway, (more for the office staff) which its, her, boss of the aquatic, my female head boss and the receptionist that uses it. I actually listen in with my ear against the wall and she sounds like a massive torrent to a point that I don't even need to lean in to hear. What suprised me, she told me that she dislikes sitting on public toilets, so she hovers. That being said, she doesn't seem to wipe the seat even knowing the my head boss uses it.

    I can say for a fact that the pee on the seat is still warm after she left and I go in. To be honest, i have been tasting her pee for about 2 years now. It excites me because not long after, I go and chat with her asking if there's anything that needs to be done on the pool deck. Call it a crush, a turn on, an obsession, it does stop there and I would not be drawn to date or try to pursue a sexual encounter.


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  11. Let me explain the situation, where I work, there's a beautiful girl that works in the office, and I work for the maintenance company. The beautiful yound lady always pee's down the hallway bathroom. Once i went in the next bahroom which I was able to listen to her pee. Wow, the sound is quite impressive and when she left the washroom, i entered to go see this single toilet bathroom which, after closer inspection, there was pee all over the seat, so I licked the seat. I have been doing it 5 days a week or almost a month.

    A friend found out what I like doing, he never said anything about it except he asked me if I thought it was considered cheating on my girlfriend.

    Ahhh  I never really thought about it and its difficult to give an answer. Perhaps this fetish is blind me.

    What do you guys think?

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  12. 47 minutes ago, Admin said:

    You should be able to see on their profile when they last visited, but as you said, there are plenty of new friends to meet too! 😊

    Thank you for the aviced, i will go check.

    15 minutes ago, spywareonya said:

    Well I am Always eager for new friends ahahaha and I love to entertain people!!!

    In that case, i am looking forward to talking with you. I try to catch up on breaks, so you might not get a fast response.

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  13. Look at what they want to start installing in public areas and MTL is apparently might be on the list from what I have read.

    Also, they will be making money off your urine as the company uses the urine to make fertilizers. Sephora, I believe they might be making money with your gold HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH





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  14. 15 hours ago, Sephora said:

    So my best friend calls me this morning and asks, since i had the day off and before I leave for my trip, she's engaged you see and since I am her maid of honor, to go out in old MTL for late lunch and talk about it.

    It started out we had parked the car and got free parking. The attendee was smilling the whole time, we even got free parking which we saved $18  So we decided to walk at the old port before going to eat, because she had brought a small joint.

    So we are already high walking around and go to the terasse resto that we planned on going. Ordered one memosa each and a picher of sangria plus some food. Lololol  can you imagine our state of mind right now?

    So we finish and start walking it off and not too far we spotted this:


    A new outdoor self wash toilet for public. Amanda stops and look at me and says, lets go make a mess inside and started laughing with happiness. So she went first, while I waited outside, she sends me this:


    Saying that she pissed all over the toilet, floor and wall. The door opens she walks out smilling and wispers, your turn lolol  The door closes and starts washing then opens up and I walk in. The door locks, i set my purse next to the sink, lift my dress and squat. I peed all over the floor and it was messy, however, there were cracks in the floor for the water to evacuate:


    I sent the picture to my friend, the doors opens and she is standing there cracking up with a line up of people in the back probably asking whats going on as we walked towards the car.

    I just thought most of you will enjoy this read. *wink*

    Not to freak you out,  I know where you were and if I get the chance to go in that area one day, I might do the same and take a pic

    Wow Seph, this is totally hot!!!   Oh, noticed the tissu in the toilet, that's sexy!!

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