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Posts posted by Ponme

  1. On the container, there are 3 measures,

    591 ml, 1183 ml and 1774 ml. I don't believe i can hit the 1774 ml but its the best i can do. I was able to get it at half way between 1183 and 1774 which is a little more than a litre.


    Hail to Sephora!! What the hell, that is alot!! Well you seem comfortable with it now. Let me know if you want to join is this weekend for camping lolol

    Me being a golden shower fan, your BF should be in heaven?

  2. With all the people who are on vacation, i was still able to reserve a lot at the same camping site we go to for 3 days. There are a few changes, my girlfriends best friend Emilie had a huge argument with her BF, at the time, about a week ago and she will be joining us, including 2 other couples that reseved.

    This was the speech I got from my GF: we had some fun all together two weeks ago, and said Emi is "single" and told me to she doesn't mind having fun again but just to be on my guards. (I guess its her way of saying, i don't want to lose you). So I told her to not worry that I will not go there but i am looking forward to spend some time together.

    We round up our supplies of food, drinks, wine and Emi brought some grass. We are having sucky weather for now but it should clear up for the weekend. I will do my possible to keep this thread up to date thats if the signal is good since we are in nowhere land.

  3. You guys are really into to this lolol.. I am okay with pictures like this one where you cannot be identify the person.

    Yeah, i would never post her face or tattoo's so that in the slim chance someone would see this or others and she is cool with it.

    During her supper, she told me that she is going to be drinking some wine and to be ready..

    Should i ask her to bring Emilie and she could take out on me too?

  4. So, my girlfriend writes me from her work.. saying that she is stepping out to go see her friend Emilie. Apperentely she broke up with her boyfriend... who was supose to join. He broke off with her because he was seeing someone else... anyways! So she is going out with her for supper.. so my plans are cancelled.

    But the she text me: I have to pee in the worst way right now and sends me this picture that she just took. Yes, this is the pussy that gushed on my face when we went camping.



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  5. That was pretty hot. Camping in a remote place gives lots of opportunities, especially when people are loosened up with a little alcohol.

    She just lets go when we are at camping, thats what makes it so special. The things she is willing to do, i have never imagine to have sex with 2 girls because of the jealousy that might happened. The day after, her friend told her what happened at the rock and I was expecting getting a slap in the face and maybe a break up but she told me it was ok as long as nothing bad happens and only when the go is given. She is more worried about her best friends boyfriend knowing about it. That it might not go so well.

    Alfresco, put her on a pedestal and she might bless you more often (build it and they will come)

  6. Ponme, you are very lucky to have an indulging girl friend. My wife pees for me and even on me sometimes, but not very often. However, being not that often does make it more special when it happens.

    Thanks! I do treat her with the highest respect and give her lot of compliments, i always make her feel sexy, even if she knows she is.

    I believe everything your wife is, make her feel special, you would be surprised how this can turn in your favor.

  7. Just a while ago, before login here, i was texting my BF. I decided to have fun and told him that i will text him on my break because I need to go to the washroom. Then he replied saying, think of me while your there. I giggled and asked him, what do you want me to think about? :wink: He replied, imagine my face is there and just aim for it. I told him that I will make an effort. So i go to the washroom which has 2 stalls and one had no paper so i used the other. I decided to remove my low heels and place them on that water container for the toilet. I lift my skirt up while standing up and attempted to pee in the toilet and aim. Well at the start, i did a spread and made a mess on the toilet seat and some on my leg but managed to get it in. You men have it easy you know that???

    Anyways, i was proud of myself because it was my first time peeing standing up. I did wipe my leg put my heels back and i looked at the seat, then I smirked and left fast before someone showed up, all that and I forgot to wash my hands.. Thank god for hands wipes! As I was texting my BF to tell him, a woman in a cubical said to another, avoid the bathrooms because there is no paper and people don't know how to pee around here. So I laught silently as she was calling the maintenance guy. So I told BF about this and he laught but was happy to hear about it and told me I was hot. So that made my day and i wanted to share this with some of you.


    Well, someone is enjoying their morning. Its funny and also hot. Who is the dominating one in your couple? If you are, can you imagine all the things you can do to him? ;-)

  8. Yeah.. my phone died lastnight..

    So she is drinking alot of water and i asked her if she had intensions of flooding me?? She looks at me and pauses then tells, she wants to keep herself hydrated. Then tells me, so what if i flood you? Your a toilet and you can handle it.

    She grabs 2 dining chairs and places them in front of the tv and asked me to lay down in between them while she stretches.. she can do splits easy as she is use to train in ballet. She is about 1 foot away from my face at this point and not long after it starts to poor all over me, face, mouth and chest. She stops, and gets up, she can stretch for so long. She removes the chairs. So i start getting up and tells me she wasn't done. Takes her foot and places it on my chest and pushes me back fown. She sits on my face and ask me to open my mouth. Our lips are together and she releases again with a soft jet so i had to swallow fast. She asked me to clean her and make her cum which it was a matter of minutes. Got up and cleaned the floor and that was it.


  9. Pee no 1 just happened. I was laying down on a towel in the bathroom with my eyes closed while she was brushing her hair, teeth and putting things away and tells m to keep my mouth open and continues doing her stuff. She turns the music on loud. So my mouth is open, eyes shut and i can't hear anything. My reaction?? Breathing heavly and waiting!!! It must have been 10 mins and then ZANG!! Strong get of pee right in my mouth and i swallowed everything. God she taste so good.

    Do you see what i mean and can you feel it?

    More to come...

  10. This just happened:

    My GF, the same one you read from my camping story, just texted me from work:

    Your face is my toilet for the rest of the evening. I expect full and immediate compliance when i need to use your mouth (this means don't make me wait) and I expect an exceptional clean up job well done. Is this completely understood???

    At times, she can be such on a dominating level. I will not argu with her and i am sure if i did, half the people here would slap me in the back of the head.

    "Hahaha, i just got a txt from her friend Emilie saying... Bow to your queen!!" Wtf?? As a joke I asked, do you want to join? She laughed and said, i am not getting involved here and then writes.. Looking forward for camping with a wink. Ok, i will probably have something to type. I will try to get a picture out of it.

    Can i post a pic in the story thread or is that in another place?

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  11. Just by reading this, I am surprised how many are into this. I love camping but this is on a higher level hahaha. Who knows, maybe one day.

    It was an interesting read.

    Hi, thank you for reading,

    I didn't start out that way and i had a few occasions before. But when I met my girlfriend, she never judged and came with a positive approch. The only concern she had was hoping it didn't taste bad. Over time, i read up on it and the key is to drink alot of water. I heard wine is a good thing to take because the body will not keep alcohol and will flush it out and it actually taste not bad.

    Btw, i was just lucky it went like that on my camping trip, i am not always living the dream.

    • Like 1
  12. Next day, i was the first one up, i made some breakfast and then we went for a swim/wash. The girls decided to go get more wine and a few stuff and i knew they were gone for at least 1 hour. During that time, i went picking up wood and branches and then I decided to read. Once they were back, we had some snacks and went for another swim. GF was close to me and we started kissing. Then told me: its going to get warm, and she started peeing in the water and that was sooo sexy. Emilie had brought something to smoke, which we did and went back to relax and we started making supper and drinking alot of wine. At this point, Emilie went to pee in the back of the tent. Once she came back, i told everyone i was going to get some bug spray, which i got but then went in the back and felt the pee in those big leaves and it was still warm, so i drank from it. I came back down and we ate some food. At this point, Emi was tipsy and my GF was very drunk and a hard time standing because her head was dizzy so she went to pass out in the tent.

    So me and Emi had fun and laughed, she asked me about my fetish and i answered her questions. Then when i asked her about her and her boyfriend, she said: oh he just likes to watch, so I got a feeling she wanted more. When i asked her what she thought about peeing in my mouth, she anwsered me: peeing on you or the grass is the same thing but at least i make someone happy. Wow, nice answer!! I asked her if she wanted to go for a swim and she agreed but not too far in. Once there, she took off her t-shirt, bra and shorts with a belt. It was dark but i was able to see her breasts which was nice. We jumped in, talked and enjoyed the view, once we came out, Emi picked up her towel turned around and grabbed my shaft. Then she looked up at me and told me to go lie down on this big flat rock. Then said: lets try this again, she placed both feet next to my head and started drying her hair with the towel. Not long after, she squated which i had her pussy, 6 inches from my face. The target was my mouth but since it was dark, i got some all over my face and the rest i got it in the mouth. This girl can pee for a long time and once she was done i pulled her pussy on my face and i ate her out until she came. She grabbed my cock and sat on it for a while, i have never did this before and part of me felt bad. So she tells me to stand and she puts the towel down and goes on her knees and started blowing me. She let me came in her mouth but spit it out after. We went back to the ten and slept. The next morning, i woke up before the others which was early. I took a towel and went in the back of the tent and laid down in the area where the girls went to pee. About 5 min after, i heard the tent zipper opening but no voices. I closed my eyes and opened my mouth as i heard foot thump coming my way. Then there was a pause, for about 10 seconds and i heard more steps each side of my head, keeping my eyes closed because I didn't want to know who it was, but by the sound of the belt buckle, i knew it was Emilie. And she started pissing in my mouth, (btw, morning pee is not that great), and she tied up and went towards the fire pit. Not long after, i followed, and we spotted the sky was very dark, we woke up my GF and told her and we decided to pack up. Then Emilie said, please, lets not talk about what happened this weekend, she didn't want to cause a fight. In my head, GF told me to let go but I didn't want to bring this up. So we agreed and gave a group hug.

    Hope you guys enjoy the read.

    • Like 3
  13. After taking a small nap, the girls already started to prepare the food and start the fire. The wine bottle was already open so i took a glass before they swallow it down at a fast rate. We ate and were on the second bottle of wine. Both girls were tipsy at this point and we were laughing and joking around. I went back to the tent and grabbed a bug spray, not that there was alot of mosquitos, i just wanted to enjoy my evening. My GF gets up and and wispers to me: Emilie asks if she can watch? I thought it was a turn on so i said yes. She turns around and ask Emi to open the other bottle and smiles. Not long after, my GF tells me to lie on the ground because she needs to pee badly. I put myself in position, she takes off her leggings and places one foot on each side of my head. At this point, her friend is about 6 feet from this and GF takes her thong and moves it to the side and squats and starts peeing in my mouth for about a good 30 seconds. Gets back up and sits down on her chair, i hear Emilie say: now that was hot and says to my GF, nice shave pussy. Not even a half hour goes by, my sweetness gets up and tells me that she needs to pee again. I put myself in position but this time while in a squat position, Emilie gets up and goes on her knees and starts kissing GF while she starts to pee. My horny level is very high right now. We go back to our chairs, except i go back to the tent to grab a towel. On my way back, my GF wispers to me, can Emilie join in? I said yeah with a smile, but she told me it just for the weekend, her boyfriend knows nothing of this. So i look at her friend and said, what happens here, stays here. She gives me a smile, and tells me, i can't hold it in much longer, seeing her small breaths. I get into position and wait for her. Keep in mind, this happened so fast because she didn't pee in a while. Her friend has a noce enough body and looks very good so why would i say no? So she gets up and comes next to me, removes her shorts which she had no undies. It was a little dark so i can't describe her pussy. By the time she placed both feet it was already dripping while she squatted and by trying to pee in my mouth, i got some all over my face with a wide jet and full stream, it was faster than chuging down a litre of water. I couldn't swallow everything because she must have peed for a solid minute. Then she went back to her chair and as i got up, i asked if anyone needed a drink as i took my penis out. Emilie said it wasn't her thing and my GF said she was good so i turned around and started peeing on a tree hahahahahaha.

    We then went to the tent, both girls lied down on Emi's matress while i put my sleeping bag on the ground. Well both removed their bottoms and GF asked me to lick both pussy's. Which i did and this is the first time it happened to me so i was sooo enjoying that moment. GF came both her friend had a hard time so told me it wasn't happening. So i left it like that and we slept.

    Part 2 over (i will write the rest later)

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  14. hello everyone, this is my first post and i will start by sharing some stories I have. Also, i will post some in parts.

    It begins with me and my girlfriend going to wild camping. We started planning it and her best friend, which her name is Emilie, asked us if she was able to tag along with her boyfriend. At first we had reserved 2 lots, one for each and to stay for 3 nights. Unfortunately, her boyfriend was called in to work for that weekend and didn't want to travel 2 hours extra so they declined and cancelled their lot rental. The night before, she changed her mind and asked if it was okay to join us. At first i wanted my privacy with my GF because we were planning for my peeing fetish. My sweetheart told me that her best friend knows about my fetish and does not mind because her boyfriend likes to watch her pee. I still wasn't comfortable with it but she convinced me to not worry.

    We leave in the morning, Emilie brought her tent and we had ours which is much bigger which you can walk in standing up. Just before going to the area, we stopped at a food market since it will be 30 min away and nothing else is around. The girls bought lots of food, water and 4 bottles of wine. We arrive at the area which we must park the car and walk about 20 minutes. Our lot is next to some small rapids/lake and there is no one close and we are talking about 150 feet of privacy. We start putting up our tent which was about 50 feet away from the fire pit because of a slop. We ended up unable to put up Emilie's tent because there was some missing parts so she slept in the same tent as us but we used her big matress. Once all was set up, we all went for a swim. Not long after, i was on the look out for wood for the fire pit.

    Part 1 over (since i am at work)

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