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Posts posted by Admin

  1. Hey chak/chaku, you only need one account here. You will be able to access the videos once you get 3 ratings, which can be achieved by contributing quality content to the forum. See you around the site! :)

  2. Welcome to the forum, like Steve said, you will easily be able to gain video section access by simply contributing quality content to the site. Once you receive 3 positive ratings, you'll be able to view the video area.

  3. Thanks for the review Steve, I've been wondering about this site. I've stumbled across video teasers for it before and it seems very hot, although I was concerned about the girls not speaking English (I like to know they're saying, especially when talking about peeing as I find this in itself quite hot), but I guess the subtitles are an answer to that. I'm a little concerned about the videos being mixed in with other drunkenness like throwing up which I really wouldn't enjoy... is the peeing separate or is it all just in the same video and you'd need to skim through the whole thing? Either way, as a fellow naughty peeing fan, this does seem appealing, and since your judgement seems excellent so far Steve, I will definitely consider a membership here myself.

  4. PS: the big ads on this forum with peeing wemen is quite annoying and turns me off too but they aren´t flashing and not so many of them as it is on Peesearch

    Which ads are you referring to? Do you mean the changing site logo?

    We only display one advert at the top of each page and that is fairly small and doesn't flash...

  5. Good to see YouTube is still bringing in members - welcome to you all! Unfortunately YouTube doesn't allow certain parts of videos to be shown and so some of them are edited. Anyway, it's great to have you all here as part of the community. Once you get 3 post ratings, you'll be able to access the Videos area of the site. You may also want to check out premium membership. :)

  6. Hey guys, just wanted to bump this old thread. Who actually feels a 2nd choice of theme would be a good idea? Let me know if you'd be in favour of having choices of designs to browse the forum. And if so, what kind of designs would you want?


  7. We've all had our input on what our favourite peeing fantasies would involve and what types of pee videos we enjoy most. However, just to put a different spin on this, what areas of the pee fetish do you actually find a turn off? So, even though we're all united by an interest in pee, what are your least favourite aspects of it?

    For me, I don't get much/any arousal from pee drinking, golden showers involving men and just peeing on a toilet (unless they're making a mess!).

    This is purely out of interest, but perhaps it will be interesting to see how people's views differ.

  8. Thankfully there are lots of pee websites out there with plenty of content. However, lately I seem to have been stumbling across the same videos quite a lot. My question to you all is, how often do you rewatch content you've seen before? Do you prefer to watch videos that you know you like or are you more interested in finding new videos to watch? Are there some videos you watch on a regular basis because you enjoy them so much (and perhaps can't find anything you like as much)?

    Let me know your thoughts.

    • Like 2
  9. Just curious as to whether anyone else seems to experience periods of interest when it comes to peeing. Whilst I'm not saying one day I love it and the next I hate it, there definitely seems to be periods where I'm extremely turned on by it, and other times where I enjoy it, but just not as much.

    What about you? :coffee:

  10. I watched two films I really enjoyed lately. One of them is actually from a couple of years called Limitless which I'm sure some of you will have seen. For those who haven't, I thought it was a really interesting concept and very much worth watching. The film I watched yesterday was Wolf of Wall Street. All I can say is that the positive reviews and hype about this film are justified.

    For all UK members I want to point out that the new series of Top Gear begins on BBC2 at 8pm tonight, less than an hour from now. I do love that program. Jeremy Clarkson may well be an arse, but he sure can be a funny arse sometimes. :laugh:

    You've got a point there! I'm late seeing this but will watch it on catchup and then watch tonight's episode later on. Despite not being a huge car fan, I am a big Top Gear fan, especially the (roadtrip) specials. Thanks for letting us know it's back...

  11. I'm sure I could set up a live feed on this site where models could pee on camera. Could be a better option than Skype for both customers and models... hmm, something to look into seeing as there seems to be a lot of interest. :)

    So has anyone here seen live peeing on cam before?

  12. Welcome to the forum, kiaman! Thanks for joining.

    To access the icons you're referring to - the post ratings - you must first receive 3 yourself. This rule is in place to stop abuse of the system. You already have one rating, and once you get 2 more, you'll find that you can rate people's messages and give points.

    Let me know if you have any other questions. Enjoy the site. :)

  13. Hi friend293, thanks for joining. The site is a forum where you can discuss anything related to peeing, but also share pictures, videos and stories in our gallery area. Have fun here, and simply message me if you need any help on the site. Thanks.

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