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Roadside exposure

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My ex sister in law (who was very fanciable) was in the car one day with her new husband and she desperately needed to pee but her husband refused to stop any where for her even tho they hadnt passed a car for miles. Eventually she told him if he didn't stop the ca4 she was going to wet herself and the seat of the car. The next layby they came to he did stop the car and she hurriedly jumped out trying to remove her one peice bib and jeans style clothing along with her knickers. Being as they hadnt seen any other cars and her state if desperation I dont think she was too discrete - but as she was mid gush and im guessing exposed, apparently a car went driv past full of young lads who were all shouting out of the windows.

Unfortunately, no I wasnt there to see it but I do know it to be a true story.

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Thanks for sharing - sounds like a hot story. Like you said, when girls are that desperate, I imagine they're not overly concerned about being discrete.

I know her husband wasnt impressed but he was a prick anyway lol

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My wife is very reluctant to pee outside, and certainly never anywhere that there woukd be a chance of being caught. However, one time we were on a journey wh7ch takes about 45 minutes coming home from a day out. A journey we had done many times before and never with any hint of a chance at a peeing experience. However this time, about 10 minutes into the journey, my wife said she needed to pee. There were no toilets on the route, so she said she would hold it, but she wished she had used the toilet before we had left. 5 minutes later she was holding herself and squirming. another 5 minutes and she said she wasn not going to make it. I was getting excited by now and I asked her what she wanted me to do. She said she didn't care how, but she needed to pee like now! I pulled into a quite parking area which was formed as part of an old road that was cut off when the road was re-routed. I turned the car so it was 90 degrees to the entrance and therefore hiding her side from the busy road. Before the car stopped she was openign the door and jumping out. She ripped down her trousers and started a gushing pee immediately as she dropped into a squat. I watched, mesmerised, as she flooded the tarmac with her head flung back and a expression of extreme relief on her face. She peed for ages and when she was eventually done she simply pulled up her trousers, casually got back in and said simply "that's better". She left behind a serious lake of pee and the image is well and truly etched in my mind even though it was quite a few years ago.

We have been married 16 years but I have nevere seen such a show from her before or since.

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