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Best place/event for pee sightings?


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I think anywhere involving alcohol and a lack of facilities is probably your best bet, but I was curious whether anyone has noticed any particular locations or events where public peeing is particularly prominent and easy to see? For example, not just somewhere we know peeing happens, but where it is openly visible?

Any accompanying stories around this would of course be very welcome. ;) 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I reckon music festivals and carnivals are the best bet if the videos on the internet are anything to go by.   Personally I haven't had any chances to go sighting at these types of events (I live in hope for an excuse to visit one).  My own sightings are mainly limited to girls peeing near nightclubs and bars either whilst waiting to get in or after they have been turfed out at the end of the night.  If there is a queue to get in, there is a good chance at least a couple of girls will leave the queue to pee.  Once the bar is closed, there will be girls needing to pee before going home - especially if they have been to a fast food place that doesn't have a toilet before going for their taxi.

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