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Which Girl?


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This is just for fun...There was a thread about being a dictator but i cant find it..So,imagine youre this rich dictator,and you have staff who find you women to have your way with,voluntarily,but with massive benefits if they agree.They search the inet for pictures,identify the girls,then show you the choices.On each picture you are allowed to pick only 1 girl,who will have to let you watch her pee at least.

Pick one from the selection below.My choices are Girl in pink blouse,and girl in blue dress,2nd from right



Edited by fannywatcher
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In these groups its girl sat 2nd on the right,and girl in glasses stood back row.(its the glasses...:11_blush:)

So now your aides are contacting these women to inform them they must attend your offices,for selection.Only after they attend are they given the choice of refusal,attending IS mandatory.All expenses paid of course.At least then you get to see them in person,they might even fancy you anyway...and the benefits are lifetime.



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