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Obseving my wife's pussy as she pees

Guest UnabashedUser

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Guest UnabashedUser

Being fascinated with pussies in general, and more specific my wife's exquisite example, I've spent a lot of time studying them up-close and personal.

Fortunately Bonnie wholeheartedly helps me in these studies as she is rather a bit of an exhibitionist and it makes her super horny to go along with my observations and experimentations.  Also much of the time she gets to pee for me which turns her on, and then of course I oblige her urges with energetic cunt-lapping followed by jackhammer fucking until she almost passes out.

My Bonnie's coochie (her word) is full and generous -- its outer lips are pussy and long and lap over in a nice bulge. When she has been exercising, or on-the-rag they sometimes stick together as if glued, and if she then starts to urinate, they seal off the flow for a few moments allowing the piss to inflate them until they suddenly burst open and gush out the retained pee.  Sometimes depending on her ass angle  the pee rushes in a flood down her asscrack flooding her pulsing asshole which gives me another cheap thrill to witness.

She is vocal about this: "Oh my hot piss right on my asshole again. Baby make sure to wipe me there".

A great thrill is watching her in slow motion get set to pee: Pulling up of the skirt, tucking parts of it under her arms to hold it in place, the panty-drop around the ankles, then crouching slightly and spreading of her ass cheeks. If my face is upturned to observe, then, like the bombay doors opening on a bomber, the outer lips slowly spread open, revealing the cavernous inner pussy -- it's ruby red inner lips then opening by themselves revealing her lima-bean sized clit which now extends from it's little hood, glistening with moisture as she's been rubbing it externally to get it ready.

  Next to the  clit is that tight ribbed opening that has caressed my cock and tongue, the place where I have spilled my hot cum countless times -- the input of her vagina.  

As she gets set to release her flow, her urinary opening reveals itself, and poutily protrudes as it relaxes to let go. Several tiny drops first appear, then two or three very short spurts which usually are the most pungent and flavorful of the load.  And then the full force of her bladder screams out of the pee chute in full flow -- if  the lips retract slightly to interfere, it breaks into a fan shaped stream, and several smaller streams run down either her legs or asscrack, hissing mightily as they descend.

If she's holding the lips open for me to observe, the flow stays circular and she can aim it much as a man does.  Bonnie is also capable of rapidly interrupting the flow which is very stimulating if she's pissing on my hardened erection.

During the final few spurts at the end of her pee, she expels the last drops by clenching her ass muscles, and her tight brown asshole contracts then opens and contracts again. If the pee is flowing that direction, the opening will capture some of the pee or mine if I am peeing against it which I sometimes to.  A portion of the pee will go into the hole and be captured -- not much, but enough to be expelled along with a fart after the main event is over. Again very very hot to watch or to touch.

As long as we're on the subject, Bonnie taught me a trick I'd never had before.
I have long foreskin, so long it covers the head of the cock when erect and can be stretched over. She is able to take the skin, tuck it into her anus while the head of the cock is still retracted into the sheath, and then fart into the skin thus inflating it.  The heat of the fart on the sensitive cockhead and the pure naughtiness of this act are incredible.

As you may have guessed, we have a great time in bed together.



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Guest UnabashedUser

I love watching and writing about the things I love -- and I love pussy of course.  My legit job is technical writing about machinery and its maintenance -- shop manuals etc. Observing and writing about it.   This is much more fun of course.

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You are one lucky man. Its not every woman that lets a guy, even her husband, examine her with such close anatomical detail while she pisses. How I like to see it is always in flux. Sometimes I like to see a girl spread her lips completely to reveal her hole and pee silently. My current favorite is when a large lipped girl squats and you see the stream seem to emerge from the tip of her slightly dangling labia...its almost an illusion of sorts. But the faxt that your wife encourages you to examine the countless subtlest variations makes me think you were chosen. I think you should write a book on the subject. I'd be the first to read it.

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Nice observations and it is cool that she lets you watch her so closely.  Yeah, I love studying how the shape and size of a girl's pussy affects her pee stream, especially when she does it candidly.  It's neat when her lips are stuck together when she starts to go and then a few seconds later, the stream gets strong enough to force the lips apart as a strong flow of pee pee exits her body.

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Guest UnabashedUser
On 2/15/2018 at 7:10 PM, whiz kid said:

Nice observations and it is cool that she lets you watch her so closely.  Yeah, I love studying how the shape and size of a girl's pussy affects her pee stream, especially when she does it candidly.  It's neat when her lips are stuck together when she starts to go and then a few seconds later, the stream gets strong enough to force the lips apart as a strong flow of pee pee exits her body.

I just love a bursting pee and the sound it makes and her groaning releif as she pushes extra hard to give the piss a maximum pressure just for me. After the pissflaps open she spreads the lips wide with her fingers to aim the stream, usually directely on the head of my cock.

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