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"Lisa" Epilogue

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"Lisa:" Epilogue
by Dr.P.

"Lisa" and I had a committed relationship for three years, but eventually went our separate ways, remaining good friends who were still very much attracted to one another. We saw each other occasionally and enjoyed some of our former games for several years, after we broke up. The breakup had nothing to do with our sex life.

During this time, she dated men she met at work, etc., and often discussed them with me. This was no problem, because I was involved with "Michelle", and "Lisa" was seriously considering moving back with her husband. During her time with me, she had really gotten to like pee sex, and wanted to find another partner, with whom she could enjoy it. It was very satisfying to me to realize that she had lost her feelings of shame and revulsion toward her own bodily fluids and processes, and that I had helped her with that.

So, she would go out for lunch or dinner with a guy, go to the Ladies', and come back with a "story," as she had often done with me, when we were together. She was fairly bold, since she wanted to find the "live ones" quickly. She would talk about how dirty the room was, and often described her "hover" peeing style in general terms. She said that more than half of these guys showed interest, and asked questions, the first time she shared these intimate details. Some just got nervous, and acted funny. She preferred the straightforward types, realizing that the others were possibly interested, but she did not want to spend the time necessary to bring them "up to speed". One or two became evasive, or ignored her remarks, as a cover. She found out, however, that one of the latter had come in his pants, when they got back to his car after lunch! (LOL) She reported no actual negative reactions, with this method.

On the other hand, one night, she and a girlfriend were having a few drinks at the GF's house, with the GF's BF, and another male friend. One thing led to another, and I guess it got pretty drunk, inside. The GF and her BF disappeared, probably into the bedroom, and "Lisa" and the other guy were making out on the couch. "Lisa" genuinely needed to pee, and in the mood she was in, she tried to drag this guy into the bathroom with her. Shockingly, to me anyway, he resisted, strongly and successfully, pulling away, almost angrily. She went in, and peed, all by herself. Since she was about half ripped at the time, she really didn't care. She said she thought the guy was a jerk, anyway. Strange, funny story. That guy had no idea what he was missing!

When we first met, she was in the process of splitting up with her Old Man, because he had admitted to having an affair. Her affair with the very tense cop, my predecessor, was in a way, motivated by revenge. After she and I formally split up, for a complicated variety of reasons, but continued to see each other, she decided to move back in with her ex-husband, and attempt a reconciliation, since the divorce had never become final.

One night, she called me, out of the blue, at about 9:30 PM. Apparently, her ex had taken her to a very posh restaurant, on restaurant row in L.A. There, they had gotten into a horrendous argument, which ended with him storming out, in a big huff, leaving her stranded, to find her way home in a cab, or by other means. I was to be those other means, if I was willing. Willing? Hell! Ecstatic! (At that time, things were not progressing well at all, with "Michelle," my girlfriend of the time.) I begged an hour to shower, shave, and drive to the location she gave me. She said, "No problem, I'll just wait for you in the bar. I have a credit card."

When I arrived, she bought me a drink, poured out her story, and we made small talk, for a while, before deciding to leave. She said she needed to use the Ladies' Room first. Normally, I would have asked her to save it for me, but with the events of the evening, and her apparent mood, I didn't think even she would be receptive. Besides, I didn't know the neighborhood at all, and had no idea where we could go, or where she could pee safely. And my car, a Honda Accord, was probably too small for indoor activities. So I let it pass, deciding to make this purely a "rescue mission." She went to the Ladies', returned without comment, which was also odd for her, with me, and we left.

We got into my vehicle, and started for home. She was living with him in a gated condo complex, so we could not be too late. There was a spot, outside the complex, where I could safely drop her off. We didn't talk a lot on the hour drive to the condo. This also was odd, for us.

Just before arriving at the drop-off point, she suddenly told me to pull over, at a relatively secluded spot at the side of a small street in her neighborhood. We had stopped there before. She began thanking me profusely for rescuing her, and then began kissing and hugging me quite passionately. So much for the "pure rescue mission." One thing led to another, and we found ourselves trying to fuck in the Honda. It was cramped, compared to the Cadillac. I was very anxious, watching for the cops with one eye, since they had bothered us there before. (Nothing serious, just asked for ID's, and told us the usual lie about recent crime in the neighborhood, before asking us to move on.)

Long story short, I was a "3 minute wonder" with her that night for the first time ever, in several hundred encounters. (We had always been able to prolong our sessions, virtually indefinitely, until we both were well satisfied.) She was very disappointed, and did not hide her displeasure, in the least. I didn't apologize, since I was more than mildly pissed off at her for putting me in an anxiety-filled situation, like that. I was also embarrassed at my unexpected lack of control. We rearranged our clothes and drove to the drop off point. She got out, and said, "Call me." "Sure will," I said.

The next day, I was even more embarrassed and angry at the way things had turned out. I didn't call her, figuring she was probably trying to patch things up with the Old Man, and I shouldn't interfere. Besides, maybe things would improve with "Michelle," I hoped. One day turned into weeks, months, and years, as can happen. Finally, in a depressed mood, about 2 and 1/2 years later, I called her. We talked pleasantly for a half hour, catching up on events in our lives, during the intervening time. I finally suggested that we see each other again, just for the sake of old times, saying there was no real reason for our breakup, and expressing regrets. She became a bit angry at this, saying "You just came too quick!" I begged forgiveness, citing the car, my anxiety, etc., and pointed to our perfect record, previous to that incident.

She finally admitted that she would have forgiven me quite readily, if I had called her within a few days after the incident. Since I didn't, she felt I was rejecting her, permanently. I said I would still like to see her again. She said, "OK, call me some time." This time I did call, a few days later. She gave me some kind of wrong number excuse, as she usually did, when the Old Man was there and she couldn't talk. But her tone was strangely angry and vengeful. I got the message, and never called again. So unfortunately, I have not seen her since the late 1980's, although she still lives in the metro. area, with the Old Man.

As I look back and remember her, and our time together, I realize that I didn't appreciate her enough. I wish I had been more aware of how special she was, and had treated her accordingly, including swallowing my pride and embarrassment, and calling her after what turned out to be our last time together.

Dr. P.

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Sorry it didn't work out for you both.  There was obviously a lot going on emotionally for "Lisa" and I guess if she is still with the "Old Man", that probably meant that when she was blocking your calls she may have been trying to stay loyal to him.   She obviously felt hurt from you not following up on the call sooner.  However, that is where us men can't ever get it right.  If we follow up quickly and keep pursuing then we get told off for not getting the message and leave her alone, but if we don't follow up or don't call regularly then we apparently don't care.   As I say, we can't win!

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