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Similiar interests - close to home?

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Howdy all!

Forgive me if I start off a bit cliché here, but allow me to say how fantastic this site is and for all the enthusiasts "across the pond" or even "down under" who share the same pee fun; how awesome is that?

My question is if any of you have had "close to home" encounters where you've met someone from here on the PeeFans site who live near you?

See, I'm wondering if there are any other ladies or gents who reside near where I do in central/southern NJ?  Not to get weird with anyone but where we could be on Chatbox at the same time to talk and possibly "water" a new friendship?  Who knows, maybe it can turn into a good party and let "nature" take it's course. Puns intended by the way.:15_yum:

I totally respect the privacy thing; trust me I get it. If you're not wanting to meet people and keep it behind your computer or smartphone that's your affair; no worries. Just curious.

If you have met up with someone how did it go?

If you do live near enough to or even in NJ and share the same curiosity as me, then give a reply back and we'll take it from there. Thanks in advance.

Pee happy everyone!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't want to rain on your expectations, but I found mine in Scotland (I live in Australia).

Funny thing though, it was totally accidental, I overheard some locals in a bar taking the piss out of some poor girl, and just happened to make the right comment at the right time. Word of what I said got back to this girl, and the rest is history.

It was that easy, lol. We were married a year later, and that was 12 years ago.

I could have said nothing at the time and we never would have met.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On ‎5‎/‎7‎/‎2017 at 0:45 AM, peeallthetime said:

Sorry hunny, I would! I'm looking for something similar but I'm in NE. Good luck in your search. 

Hey there peeallthetime! 

Want to thank you sweetie for replying.

Last I remember NE was Nebraska; a few hours flying or a good couple of days drive from NJ. Heck, I'm always up for a road trip.

Unless you're already a Mrs, nothing rules out some friendly conversation to start, sharing stories and so forth but I leave it to you. Who knows what can happen, if you're interested. Drop a line once in a while if you are.

Pee happy peeallthetime!

All the best,


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