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Periods of interest?

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Just curious as to whether anyone else seems to experience periods of interest when it comes to peeing. Whilst I'm not saying one day I love it and the next I hate it, there definitely seems to be periods where I'm extremely turned on by it, and other times where I enjoy it, but just not as much.

What about you? :coffee:

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Yes, my interest in peeing, whilst always present, does ebb and flow somewhat in it's intensity.

I first joined this forum following a couple of weeks of ever worsening discord on Peesearch, the details of which are not really worth retreading now. Suffice it to say that it had been a while since I had been able to enjoy simply interacting with others about pee. So when I found this forum, my desire to talk pee was at a very high level and I got stuck in here with great enthusiasm. I was also able to rapidly achieve a very high post count partly because I had already built up a wealth of good material on Peesearch which I was able to post here along with any new material.

Just about all my best stuff from elsewhere has now already been pasted here though, and for a week or so my interest in this topic has been ebbing away slightly. This is nothing unusual and has always happened. It also always happens that after a relatively quiescent period that can last anything from a couple of days to a couple of weeks, I come back with my interest fully renewed.

In the meantime I still look in regularly and will respond to the posts of others, and will post rather more in the off-topic sections myself as well, but start relatively few if any threads about pee. Ideas for new stories simply do not come, and I am insufficiently motivated to bother looking for new pics or vids. I have other online interests too, particularly politics, and during these quiescent periods I am often much more active on these politics forums.

But sooner or later I will be posting much more pee erotica of some kind again. I actually have today and the next two days off work, so it is just possible that my peeing interest will bounce back during that time - but no promises. Occasionally, I can re-trigger my interest myself just by making the effort to think about new things to post, when my interest in other things becomes spent (Curiously, my interest in non-sexual areas tends to ebb and flow too, and in the last week or so my interest in politics has been of a high intensity, but I notice it waning again now).

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