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The Gentlemans club

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I will share  my secret with you about gentleman's clubs, which I visit a couple of times a year when I am away from home and want some wet excitement.

I will visit a gentleman's club, a reasonably sized one so I can be relatively incognito and there are plenty of girls to chat to. I always look to find a girl who loves the subject of watersports and its really not difficult to find one. My favourite chat up line which works every time - "When you need to pee is it a nuisance or a pleasurable feeling for you?" Invariably a favourable reply comes back, even from those girls who have never had the conversation before; they really like the idea and we can talk for ages. Conversation gets deeper and more sexy into the subject and they (and I) get really turned on by the lovely conversation that follows. Some clubs exist just to give dances for a fee, but I say I will give you some money just to stay and chat about this beautiful sexy subject and they are nearly always happy to do that. If a girl shows no interest I simply and quickly move on, but those are the exceptions.

Last weekend I was in a Scottish club and easily found a girl who was really turned on by the subject and was seriously into it. She admitted she needed to pee but was very happy to hold it for me, knowing I was in the same situation. She told me among lots of other things about her experience on the train home the previous week which was a real turn on; She had been out drinking with her friends in town and got on the train quite tipsy and needing to pee quite badly after loads of drinking.  She was feeling naughty and just couldn't be bothered to try and find the toilet so she decided to pull up the back of her dress so she wasn't sitting on it and decided to do it there and then - a huge piss through her panties and straight onto the fabric seat of the train! A huge puddle formed around her bum but she loved the naughtiness of her huge piss, and  eventually it dissipated into the seat. When she arrived at her station she simply stood, her skirt fell back down to cover her soaked panties and she walked off feeling naughty but very happy and fully relieved.

It was such a sexy story to share and that's not where it ended. We both had very full bladders as we sat there and decided to share a sneaky pee from the bench seating we were sat on straight down onto the carpeted floor. We both did loads but in the half light nothing showed. It was an incredible sexy night for both of us! I just know it will happen again in  the future when I am away and my g/f is not with me.



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That is a nice story.

My bf believes that the women that openly talks about them peeing in odd places are or might be more open to a pee fetish except they are too shy to admit it. However, that's his theory.

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Guest UnabashedUser

I think women who talk about it also secretly wish they'd succumb to the urge to do it , agreed and probably would be really adept at it if they were to get over their shyness.  I think most women enjoy giving blowjobs but won't admit it either. What say you?

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On 3/7/2017 at 2:10 PM, Sephora said:

That is a nice story.

My bf believes that the women that openly talks about them peeing in odd places are or might be more open to a pee fetish except they are too shy to admit it. However, that's his theory.

Sephora, It meant a lot to me that you liked this story and thank you for your response.

I believe what you say is very true; when a situation arises in conversation for a girl to talk about her own peeing situations and experiences invariably they do really love to speak openly and freely about it. It is as if they have spent years and years thinking about it but have never been able to speak out about it. Suddenly they have the opportunity, and grab it and love it. 

It was like when I first ever plucked up courage and spoke to a girl about the joys of peeing in a club years ago; for me it was like a pipe-dream come true. I have been living it ever since.

Thank you again for responding to my true story.

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