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The World Is Her Toilet, Part III

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3:30 AM, depending on how Betty looked at it, was either very late at night, or very early in the morning. Either way, she was almost home and looking forward to going to bed. After another fun night out with friends, she and Kelsey, who lived in the same building, were headed home together. The only thing missing from the night for Betty had been the chance to pee somewhere fun. She just never had a good chance to break away from her friends, engage in a little private mischief, and leave a mark on the world in her preferred manner. Betty felt the urge to pee growing, and was thinking about where she could relieve herself, if only she were by herself.

If she had taken her car out, she might have just pissed in the parking garage. But, she mused, peeing on the pavement was mundane. The stairwell would be a little more exciting. She imagined crouching on a landing between floors, spraying down a flight of stairs. That was always thrilling. Or, maybe it would be in the elevator. Betty wanted to try to pee standing like a man in the elevator. She imagined her piss stream hitting a point waist-high on the wall, then pooling on the floor. No one would ever guess that a woman had made that mark! Or, would she go to the garage roof, hang her ass over the side, and make some passers-by on the sidewalk think it was starting to rain?

Alas, since the girls rode the train, none of those was going to happen. Betty wasn't sure how Kelsey would react to her brazenly pissing all over the train. If Betty had found herself completely alone in such a situation, however, she might have taken the opportunity to christen a seat or the train's floor.

"Next stop, right?" Kelsey asked, as she closed her eyes and exhaled sharply. She seemed to be uncomfortable and in a small amount of distress.

"Yeah. Is everything all right?"

"Oooh, I've gotta pee so bad," Kelsey said with a sheepish grin. Then she clenched her fists and shifted in her seat. "I can make it. I'll be fine."

"If ya say so. We're almost there," Betty replied with an exaggerated version of the slight Southern accent Kelsey revealed when drunk or stressed. Right now, she was a little of both. Both girls laughed at how ridiculous Betty sounded, but Kelsey shifted in her seat again and crossed her legs. The poor girl's not going to make it, Betty thought.

As the train pulled to a stop, Kelsey leaped out of her seat and bounded out as soon as the doors opened. Betty followed behind a bit more leisurely. "Shit, the bathrooms will be locked at this time of night, won't they? Damn! Why'd I drink so much water before we left?" Kelsey growled with frustration.

"Sorry, babe. Gotta stay hydrated, and you don't wanna be hungover, do ya?" Betty replied, in an even greater mockery of Kelsey's accent.

Kelsey no longer found Betty's teasing amusing, and marched out of the station with grim determination. "C'mon. Let's just get home. We're almost there." The girls' building was eight blocks from the the station. It wasn't a long walk, but to someone who desperately needed to use the bathroom, it was long enough.

After three blocks, Kelsey stopped, pressed her hands against her crotch, and skittered back and forth, trying regain some equilibrium against the forces straining within her body. "Ah, hell," Kelsey whined. "I wish I were a man so I could just whip it out and piss wherever I wanted."

"What's stopping you?" Betty prodded her friend. "I mean, I know you're not going to whip anything out, but why not just pee here on the sidewalk?"

Kelsey shook her head. "No. Gross!" Then she pointed at all the apartment and condo windows overlooking the street. "Someone might see me," she hissed.

Betty immediately formed a plan and grabbed her crotch, shifting back and forth where she stood. "You making fun of me again?" Kelsey said with growing impatience.

Betty denied the accusation. "I haven't said anything before, but now I've really got to pee too. I'm strong enough and I don't think I'm going to make it."

"C'mon, we're almost there. Just a few more blocks."

"No, Kelsey. Look!" Betty pointed to a covered walkway between two buildings across the street. "If we duck in there, no one will be able to see us."

Deep shadows hid the interior of the arcade from the street. "I'm not going in there," Kelsey protested lamely. "What if there are gang members dealing drugs, or an axe murderer hiding out in there?"

Betty gave her friend an incredulous look and rolled her eyes. This was one of the safest neighborhoods in the city. Betty walked into the street and motioned for Kelsey to follow.

The arcade contained a few business suites, a sandwich shop, and a jewelry store. Unless someone stood directly in front of the entrance, it was impossible to see the girls from the street. "Let's go in here. No one can see us. It will be fine," Betty urged her friend.

"No! What if there are cameras in here or something? What if we're caught?"

"Honestly, Kelsey... I'm not going to make it home. If you think you can make it, go. I'll catch up with you. "

Kelsey turned and started to walk back to the street. Then she heard a telltale hissing noise and a focused jet of liquid striking a hard surface. She turned around and bugged her eyes when she saw Betty with her panties around her ankles, skirt pulled up around her hips. Kelsey saw relief wash over Betty's face as a silvery beam of liquid traveling from her pussy onto a basket of newspapers meant to be delivered to the building's tenants. "I didn't see those there. Oops!" said Betty as she shrugged. But she didn't move and sighed loudly with relief as her piss continued raining down, soaking into the stacked copies of the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, and the local city paper.

Betty had spotted the basket of newspapers as soon as she entered the arcade and had immediately decided that she would make it her toilet. Of all the things she had peed on or in, this might rank as fairly tame. Still, ecstatic shivers traveled up her spine as she emptied her bladder and imagined the puzzled businessmen wandering in a few hours later, wondering what had happened to their precious newspapers.

Kelsey looked at her friend freely and joyfully urinating on private property and felt a strange mix of revulsion, admiration, and jealousy. What Betty was doing was undoubtedly wrong - she destroyed those papers. But she was so fearless and certain in doing it! The sound of Betty peeing only intensified Kelsey's own desperation. "Ah, fuck it. I've gotta go, man!"

"Hey, look," whispered Betty, as she pointed to the sign on one of the suites - Metro Rail System Authority - District Office. "Why don't you let them know what you think about them locking the bathrooms at 10 at night and not reopening them until 6 in the morning?"

"Bastards!" Kelsey agreed, as slid her panties down before stepping out of them. She slipped her skirt up and faced the suite's front door. Lowering herself into a deep squat, Kelsey grabbed the brass handrail spanning the door's width, and held on for dear life. Feelings of fear, excitement, shame and joy swirled through her body, coalescing into a single point between her legs. At first, only a small, short trickle emerged. She'd been holding it in so long and so hard, it was difficult to let go now. Kelsey breathed deep and slow, trying to relax herself. At last, the deluge started with another light trickle. Instead of stopping shortly after beginning, it built into a heavy torrent of hot, turbulent liquid gold, striking against the door with a frothy fury. Finally, after nearly a minute, Kelsey's piss tapered off into a ragged trickle which soaked into the doormat before finally ending. "Oh... oh my god," she whispered.

Betty fished a packet of tissues out of her purse and used one to wipe her pussy. "Feeling better?" She offered a tissue to Kelsey.

"Yeah, I... Whew!" Kelsey wiped with the tissue, then, appearing to wipe again, gave her pussy a short, hard rub.

"Do you think they'll get the message?" Betty asked.

Kelsey looked around at the inundated newspapers, the mark spattered across the lower third of the door, and the long river of piss flowing away from the scene. "Yeah, I think so."

"Well, I want to be sure!" Moving quickly, Betty opened the suite's mail slot and shoved her soiled tissue inside.

Kelesy gasped and laughed. "I can't believe you just did that! You dirty bitch!" She opened the mail slot again and quickly deposited her used tissue too, before she could second-guess the decision.

"Guilty as charged! C'mon, lets get out of here." Betty smiled, knowing that her circle of naughty peeing friends had expanded by one. Even if Kelsey might never be as vicious as herself, finding out what those limits were would be a lot of fun.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks Nopjans. I've read this before, but it was so good that it was well worth a second reading. I'll look forward to seeing if you come up with any further developments to this storyline as they would certainly be most welcome.

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  • 1 month later...

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