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I've started getting into my pee fetish over the last year or two. I think it stemmed from an interest in squirting. Either way, I slowly started introducing this to my wife over the past year or so. She hasn't been keen about it because I think she still feels that it is dirty. I've made plenty attempts to get her to pee play with me and the closest I got was she let a few drops go on my dick one night at a hotel room. She has a hard time getting comfortable due to her being shy about peeing.

Fast forward to last night. I couldn't sleep. It's been playing on my mind. Recently, her and I have started a Daddy/little girl relationship. She now calls me daddy most of the time. She listens. So, while she slept last night, I sent her an email from our secret account that basically spells out for her that I'm not ashamed and it isn't as dirty or weird as she is making it out to be. I then told her that her daddy had 3 special tasks for today to start the process of normalizing pee play for her. I told her that 1)She is NOT to use the toilet this morning. She will get in the shower with me and pee on me in the shower. That should take care of the shy bladder thing since she'll really have to go and the shower will help cover it up. 2) Any time I am around and she has to pee, she is to tell daddy and let me watch. And 3) tonight, I will go outside to pee and she is to hold my cock while I do it.

I also sent out encouraging words describing the shared intimacy of these acts and how proud daddy would be of her. Well, she didn't get the email until after she already went this morning BUT after I pointed it out to her, she read the email, came into the room and said, "Daddy, do you want to take a shower with me? I could probably go pee again." INSTANT HARD ON. So we went into the shower and while facing each other, she started to pee. I put my hand down there and let her pee on my hand while it pooled in my cupped hand. Holy shit I was hard. I made damn sure to let her see how turned on it made me. She seemed pleased. I've been treating her like a princess all day too. Brought her lunch at work. Very complimentary about how proud I am of her and how beautiful she is.

So, overall I am really excited about this development and wanted to share it with someone and came across this community. I am holding out hope that she gets comfortable enough to pee on me and with me during sex. That is kind of the end game for now.

Also, I am open to any tips anyone wants to give a newbie and his extremely newbie wife. Thanks!

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Guest UnabashedUser

Wow way to go yes keep treating her like a princess and keep up the shower thing. Don't get greedy and ask for too much too soon. Keep her comfortable with the hand cupping thepeeing pussy for a while and make sure you make her cum hard after peeing for u.

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Thanks! Today I sat in front of the toilet and watched her pee. It was a large gushing waterfall. Getting ready to go out and let her hold my dick while I pee. Something has certainly changed. She has previously been so stand off-ish about this topic and today she is all about doing stuff to help me. I think my heartfelt explanation helped.

So keep up with what I'm doing... I wonder what my next assignment should be for her. We play a fun foreplay/sex game every Friday night. We call it Foreplay Friday. About to get that going. What have been some of your tried and true ways to get previously uninitiated people into pee play?

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Guest UnabashedUser

Drink a lot of beverage ahead of time to put pressure on the peeing side of things. Then follow her into the bathroom and ask for a show. While she's peeing, take out your cock and slowly stroke it and see if she'll take it in her hand. Being watched while peeing turns on a good deal of women once they've been introduced into the pee scene I've found. At some point she may even suck you while peeing which is incredible.

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Well, a little over a week into my peeing admission to my wife and already she let me put my hand by her Pussy while she peed in the shower, let me watch her pee on the toilet, held my cock while I peed outside, and let me pee on her ass cheeks while in the shower. I was so turned on by that last one that I fucked her from behind and then asked if I could cum on her chest (she said yes) all while still in the shower.

Tonight I'm going to see if she will go outside and pee off of our porch and maybe hold my dick while I pee. Exciting stuff.

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Guest UnabashedUser

Most cool. She's getting into it. There will come a time when she grabs you and says "Come with me. I have to pee and you have to watch"

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I think she still is a little weirded out by it but I'm hoping the more I normalize it with her, the further I'll get. Thanks for your words of encouragement. I'm getting ready to give her the task of peeing outside, spread eagle preferably, while I watch. We shall see how it goes.

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Yup, absolutely. We were going to go outside to have her pee last night but a little before we did, a skunk ran by our sliding glass door and so she was a little spooked by that so I didn't push it at all. A bit disappointed about the change in plans but I know how to play it cool. So, instead, this morning, I heard her mention that she had to go pee and then was going to join me in the shower. I told her that she could "go in the shower with me." So she came in and stood under the shower. Just before she let it go she said, "Sorry it's taking me a minute. I'm just not used to this. It feels kind of weird. I'm not used to it." I said, "That's okay, that's why we are doing this, to get used to it." And right about then she let go. I just watched it this time. Than I gave her a hug and a kiss and told her, "You know, I don't know why I like it either, but it does the trick so I'm all for it," as I showed her my hard on. I got out of the shower, dried off and then opened the shower and asked her to give my dick a kiss. So she sucked on it for a bit.

So clearly, she is open to stuff even if still not comfortable. And clearly, she is not completely put off because she sucked my dick and was generally turned on and was talking about having sex tonight. So, I am all about the slow play. I know it is more likely to pay off in the end. I'll keep updating. Is it more prudent to keep going on this thread or to start a new one with each new incident? Newb asking...

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Is it more prudent to keep going on this thread or to start a new one with each new incident? Newb asking...
I suggest you keep us up to date on this thread. No need to send us all over the place. I'm sure a lot of us will keep checking back. Edited by Guest
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Guest UnabashedUser
Is it more prudent to keep going on this thread or to start a new one with each new incident? Newb asking...

yeah stick to this thread. I'll be waiting for the next installment. I think you're in for a real good time dude :) :)

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Last night my gf was getting out of bed to pee. I stopped her from getting up and started licking her. Did not taste anything. As I slid in to her I felt her pussy squeeze me and pulse a little. All through the lovemaking she kept squeezing me involuntarily. As we both came she pushed me out of her pussy. She hobbled to the toilet barely making it. She said that was one of our most intense or gas ams in a while.

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Guest UnabashedUser
Last night my gf was getting out of bed to pee. I stopped her from getting up and started licking her. Did not taste anything. As I slid in to her I felt her pussy squeeze me and pulse a little. All through the lovemaking she kept squeezing me involuntarily. As we both came she pushed me out of her pussy. She hobbled to the toilet barely making it. She said that was one of our most intense or gas ams in a while.
The extra pressure from the bladder makes things happen :)
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Oh hey there. So, tonight I was fooling around with my wife downstairs and we decided to come up to bed. Now I had no intentions of trying any piss play or anything like that. The mood for it wasn't there. Wasn't really on my mind. So we do the whole bedtime routine of brushing teeth and peeing.

My wife surprised the hell out of me when she sat down to pee. She looked over at me, opened her legs as she started pissing and pointed down with a look on her face that meant, "Want to look?" Indeed I did so I went over to get a closer view. About 2 seconds in, I don't know what came over me, lizard brain took over or something, but without thinking about it or anything, I just put my hand under her stream and kept it there the entire pee.

Even more shocking is that she didn't flinch, no interruption of flow, and kept right on peeing steadily. You have to realize, 3 weeks ago this wonderful woman was so weirded out by it that even asking to watch her pee up close was a big deal. Now here she is not even blinking when I, unannounced, just shove my hand in her stream. When she was done I rubbed her clit a little. I washed my hands, for her benefit and made sure to tell her it was for her and not because I was grossed out or anything.

After that, I was obviously turned on so we get started in the bed. After a while with some dirty talk where I unsuccessfully use vague questions to get her to talk about it, she finally whispers, "What did it feel like?" Ding ding ding. I described it to her as things heated up. She actually asked if it felt like I expected and if the pressure/flow was good. Also dirty talked about being naughty and she says she wants to be naughty with me. So turned on. Tell her it entails a lot of things if she is going to be naughty for me. She then asks me to teach her! I came in the middle of saying, I'll teach you baby. How could I NOT cum?

So... I guess you could say things are progressing nicely. We actually are getting a hotel out of town Sunday for our anniversary. We shall see what happens. But yeah. That. Just. Happened! Haha super excited to share this with the woman I love dearly.

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I realized I mentioned myself cumming but not her. She came well before me. That is of utmost importance that she cums every time and before me. Important enough that I had to make a side note about it. But it is key.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I suppose I owe an update. It will be short but exciting.

Things have advanced. We stayed at a hotel in a large city this past weekend. Wonderful view. Wonderful times spent out and about. But that night, we stopped foreplay to hop in the shower and I peed on her clit and pussy and she peed on my dick. She was having a bit of trouble getting it going due to a shy bladder so she actually hopped out of the shower to grab a glass of water and chug it, all so she could pee better for me. What a gal! Afterwards during sex, she said, "Thank you daddy for teaching me." Uhhh.. yeah. Needless to say, it was good.

Even last night during what was supposed to be just a run of the mill quickie, she gulped down water and spit it in my mouth and (on command) spit large amounts over my body. Her thinking was basically if peeing wasn't convenient right now, she knows how much I like the wetness sensations during sex. Plus it's fucking hot. So... I'd say we've come a long way since starting the thread. Still doing more work though. I think things will work out nicely...

In the meantime, I've met a wonderful woman on this site who is like a confidante and pee partner that I can open up and share with and bounce ideas off of. This site has been wonderful all around. Thanks everyone!

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  • 3 months later...

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