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Drinking it all in

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Melanie is late. I have been expecting her for over an hour and I am beginning to get worried. But now I hear the front door slam and her high heels tapping across the hallway floorboards. She comes into the kitchen where I am sitting listening to the evening news. "Oh, God," she says, "I have got to go pee. I have been sitting in a traffic jam for an hour. I'll be back in a minute."

Before she can leave the kitchen I stand in front of her and take her slowly into my arms. "Let me go!" she squeals. But I don't. I know what I want.

I back up against the door and shut it so she can't escape and I kiss her on the lips. "Alex, no! I am going to wet myself." I ignore her and take off her jacket, then her blouse and bra. She just stands there, half angry, half surprised. I move down and slip her skirt over her hips, legs and ankles. She steps out of it and kicks of her high heels.

She is wearing simple white cotton knickers. They are the ones I like the best.

I nuzzle between her breasts and take one of her nipples into my mouth. "Alex. Really. I HAVE to go!"

I kiss down her flank and her belly, my tongue slipping under the band of her knickers. I stoke her belly with the tip of my fingers, just on the edge of tickling.

A dribble of wetness escapes down the side of her knickers and a few drops drizzle down her left leg. "Alex, please let me go."

But I don't.

I slip her knickers off, sliding them slowly down her legs. She steps out of them. My tongue dips into the front of her cunt and she opens her legs a little. A little more piss escapes.

I look into her eyes and pull her down onto the floor so I am lying on my back and she has to kneel over me, her knees either side of my head. I pull her gently down so she sits back on her heals and her cunt is directly over her mouth. I reach up and lick deep into the crack which is wet with her cunt juice and with piss. It is then that she starts to catch her breath and to let out a sigh. And then a moan.

I love this. I love the feeling of her cunt so close to my face, the taste of her juices on my tongue, the thighs either side of my face. I love feeling enclosed, surrounded, swaddled in her warm skin, thighs, sex.

"Alex, I can't hold it in much longer. If you don't stop this I am going to pee in your mouth!"

I don't care. This is what I want. I put my hands on her hips, holding her gently in place to show that I don't want her to go. I lick some more, tenderly, teasingly, along the whole length of her slit, tucking my tongue into her cunt hole, then circling her clitoris.

"I am so thirsty for you,"I say.

And then, slowly, a few drips at a time, I feel her warm piss begin to dribble out of her piss-hole. I taste it. It is salty, aromatic, delicious.

Once she has started, she can't stop. "Oh, God, Alex. Here it comes!" The dribble turns into a stream and her piss is gushing into my mouth. My mouth is full in a second. I swallow. I have to drink and drink and drink. I drink as fast as I can, but still some of her piss is escaping out of the side of my mouth and dribbling onto the floor and into my hair. I love this wetness of hers. I want it to go on forever.

I open my eyes and look up at her as she in turn opens her eyes and looks down at me. Out eyes meet. There is such love and exultation in her look. She is giving herself utterly to this giving of herself to me. She is feeding me with herself. This is how I want her to love me.

Eventually, of course, her flow ends. The last few drops fall into my mouth and I swallow them too. I lick her clean. And then carry on licking, focussing on her clitoris, turning her on more.

I can feel her clitoris getting larger, engorged, as she come close to cumming. I make my tongue more gentle, just flicking her clitoris, but enough to keep her moving towards the edge. And then she is right at the peak. I hear her breath coming in short gasps, and then a scream as she cums, her legs shaking, her hips grinding her cunt onto my lips, wanking herself on my mouth, wringing each drop of pleasure out of this orgasm; wringing a final few drops of piss out of her piss-hole.

It finishes. She relaxes back on her heals so her cunt is kissing my mouth deeply. I am almost suffocating with her cunt on my face. It is wonderful.

She slides, exhausted and drained, onto the floor beside me, putting her head on the floor, our two heads puddled in her piss, and kisses me, sharing her juices and piss that lingers on my lips. She exhales a deep sigh of contentment and satisfaction.

And we snuggle together in a mess of discarded clothes and piss, enjoying the wetness and the disarray.

"I love you," she tells me. I want to give you everything.

She slides down and unzips my trousers, releases my straining cock and takes it into her mouth. She is tired and rests her head on my belly. Her mouth is hot and wet and so, so soft. I raise my hips and push my cock further in. She puts one hand under my bottom and guides my pushing. I know I haven't far to go. I slowly fuck her mouth, letting the softness of her tongue turn me on. It seems as if I go deeper with each thrust, and with each thrust I am coming closer to my own edge.

I pull out and feel the head of my cock push in and out, fucking her lips. And when I know I can't hold it any longer I slowly slide it back into her mouth. My cock rises as the cum builds. One more withdrawal and one final thrust, as deep as I think she can manage and my cum streams out in one sweet rush.

She releases a growl deep in her throat and I feel her swallow twice. My cock is still twitching and I keep fucking her mouth, sucking out the last few drops.

I am still, my cock resting in her mouth, her tongue gently caressing it. And then she wriggles back up to me and we kiss, the sweet taste of my cum mixing with her cunt juice and piss.

"I love you," I say.

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