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How Grace met Alice

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The topic has come up to me about my girlfriend Alice, who's been in a couple of my stories, and how exactly I met her. Well, it's a sexy pee story, so why not tell it?

It was about 8 or so years ago; I had just gotten married and was taking college courses to contribute towards my future as a nurse. At the beginning of the new semester, I took a psychology class, among others. On the very first day, as per usual, people from all walks of life make their way into the room... and then, she arrived. Alice sauntered into the room, and she immediately made an impression on me!

Alice is a good foot taller than me, has a toned slender physique, long raven black hair, and eyes that pierce the air like daggers. I could tell right away she was kind of a hippie chick; she wore a long billowy skirt and a loose top clearly without a bra. She has a B-cup bust, so that isn't surprising. I noted right away just how strikingly beautiful she was... but I had no way of telling if she was into girls or not. So I played it cool. She locked eyes with me for a brief instant, and found a seat for the class.

Of course, as the class went on, I felt the familiar urge for a pee. I managed to wait until the class finished for the day, and then made my way to the ladies' room. No one was in there at the moment; perfect! I went into a stall and closed the door behind me, then set my book-bag & purse on the stall hooks. I pulled out a pair of panties from my purse and slipped them on under my skirt. Hovering over the toilet bowl, I just started to relax my bladder when I heard the ladies' room door open.

Now, I wasn't worried at first, because I was in a stall. All the other person would hear is pee splashing in the toilet. My fetish would stay secret. But as my muscles relaxed and I felt my pee coming, I suddenly realized I made a crucial mistake. I forgot to actually latch the stall door! The door flew open, and as my pee filled my panties, moistening all my most sensitive places, I looked right up into the face of Alice.

She didn't look under the door to see my feet, and I must have been quiet enough for her to think there was no one inside. Naturally, her eyes were fixated on my rapidly moistening panties. It's not like I could have stopped peeing at that point. I was just speechless; all I could have hoped for was that she didn't scream & make a scene. She stammered for a bit and let out a weak "Uh... sorry." She closed the door again and immediately left the ladies' room.

I was quite embarrassed. I wasn't ashamed of my fetish, it's just... that wasn't the first impression I wanted to make. I quickly finished my wetting, removed and stashed my panties, and cleaned up. When I walked out of the ladies' room, I noticed Alice hovering around the nearby building exit, looking right at me. As soon as I came out, she scuttled out the door. Great; I think I freaked her out. I was already tossing out the ideas of future flirting.

To my utter shock, the next time our mutual class met, Alice came in and immediately sat next to me! Unexpected, to say the least. She situated herself in her seat with her things, and turned right to me, extending her hand. "Hi, I'm Alice!"

Keep calm & carry on, as the British say. I took her hand. "I'm Grace, nice to meet you."

She didn't miss a beat. "I hope you don't mind; I didn't really get to know anyone in the last session, and it's always helpful to have a conversation buddy, right?"

"Uh, right!" She made a good point. After that class, we actually spent the next hour or so in the lobby getting to know each other a bit. Alice was simply taking the class to get to know the human creature a little better. A little sinister, but very cool. She was my age, and liked video games & fantasy & sci-fi, just like I did. And, she also let slip that she was a solid lesbian! I thought that I might just have a chance after all, if it weren't for the fact she caught me blatantly wetting myself in a public restroom. Funnily enough, that didn't come up in the conversation.

The next time we met in class, it carried on as usual. After class, Alice & I were packing our things up, getting ready to leave. As the last person walked out of the room, Alice looked right at me and asked, "So um... how come you don't wear underwear?"

I suddenly froze up. "What do you mean?"

Again, no delay in her response. "Well, I notice you wear a bra. One would have to, if they were as gifted as you."

"Heh, thanks." I blushed pretty hard. She just complimented my breasts. That was a good start.

"But," she continued, "I've seen you a total of 3 times, and all 3 times in a row, you've worn skirts."

"I happen to like skirts."

"Yeah, but after I saw you in the ladies' room that one time, you came out really quickly. And you weren't walking like you were wearing a pair of wet underwear, your legs were snug together. I assumed that if you took them off, you don't have an issue with going commando. And since you wear skirts all the time, I figure you go commando all the time too."

I just stood there with my mouth hanging open. This girl just psycho-analyzed me to my face, asking me a very personal question, and what's more; she didn't really seem fazed about my wetting! I wanted to know more; I just had to play along. Her assertiveness was making me a little wet. "Yeah, that's pretty spot on. You're very observant."

She laughed. "Thanks! I try to be. Sherlock Holmes is pretty much my hero."

"I can tell!" I laughed with her, and we walked out of the room. "But yes, if you don't mind me saying, I go commando nearly all the time."

"All the time? Even when..."

"...I did say nearly."

"Ah, right." Not much needed to be said about that. "Wanna go get coffee?"

She said the magic words. "You bet!" With that, we went to our respective cars and met at the local Starbucks.

We got our drinks and sat down together. I made sure to get a seat far away from other people in the restaurant, in case our conversation got a little private. At first, we were just chatting about random things, until she finally returned to the important subject at hand. "You know, you never did answer my question. Why do you go commando?"

She obviously wasn't freaked out; she was taking the initiative here. Time to be forthcoming. "Well, it's not a hygiene or laundry thing... it's more an arousal thing. I'm just really in touch with my sexuality."

"Really? That's it?" She seemed surprised I didn't try to make up some silly reasoning. "That actually sounds pretty cool. Pretty... sexy. I wish I had the guts to live that way."

I was blown away by how easy she was taking this. I decided to bump it up a notch and see how far I could get. "Oh, it's way easier than you think. It takes a little courage, yes, but when you realize what you can get away with, it's as easy as riding a bike."

"I bet." She paused for a moment. "You're doing it now, aren't you?"

"Yep." My pussy tingled. I thought to myself, come on Alice, ask away. I know you're dying to.

"And what about in the ladies' room? What was that for?"

YES! OK, don't hesitate, just let it out. "What do you mean? Nature called."

"Oh, so you just naturally do things backwards?" We both laughed at that. "Is that also an arousal thing?"

"You bet it is. I actively try not to pee unless I'm covered up in some way." I playfully took a sip of my drink. "Grossed out yet?"

"Well... it is a little weird. What does that feel like?"

"Haven't you ever wet yourself?"

"Yeah, I suppose. When I was a little girl, and I couldn't help it. But on purpose?"

I was making some serious ground here. "Try not to think of it as just the pee. Think of it as warm, soft liquid suddenly surrounding all your sensitive parts at once."

Alice blushed. She pursed her lips a little as the thoughts rushed around in her head. "I see..."

"I didn't mean to scare you back then. I just forgot to lock the door."

"Oh, you didn't scare me, I just..." She was visibly searching for the words. "I... kinda would like to try it."

My heart jumped. "Well, OK! That's great! You could do it right now, if you want." I pointed towards the ladies' room. "Let me know what you think, yeah?"

She shook her head. "Uh-uh, not by myself. Show me how you do it." With that, she grasped my hand and squeezed a little. Let me tell you something; sparks flew. My heart was going a mile a minute.

"Oh, sure thing... you want to do it now, or wait 'til later?"

"Right now. This coffee's gone right through me." She immediately stood up and grabbed her purse.

"You got it." I stood up and grabbed my purse too, heading towards the exit.

"Oh, we're leaving?"

"If you want do it like I do, you have to be able to do it anywhere." Instead of walking to our cars, we walked around behind the building, where there was a heavy patch of woods. I knew of a walking path back there. We walked until we were out of view of the Starbucks, and then I motioned to a large tree off the path. "Behind here."

Alice followed me off the path and behind the tree. "This is fun. You do this every time?"

"No, just when I need some special privacy. And I think we're gonna." She laughed. Everything I was saying & doing wasn't repulsing her, it was attracting her! I couldn't believe how lucky I was.

"So, what do we do first?" She put her purse down on the ground.

I put my purse down, and squatted down. "Do like me. Squat down close to the ground, and lift up your skirt." I scrunched up my skirt, revealing my bare shaven crotch.

She blushed when she saw my lady-bits on full display. "OK..." She did the same as me, squatting down and slowly lifting her skirt. I could see the hesitation in her. Eventually she lifted it all the way, revealing her sweet grey cotton panties. "You sure no one can see us?"

"Don't worry hon, there's no one around. Whenever you're ready, just let it go."

"But, don't you need to go, too?" She pointed at my exposed pussy. Obviously she was not objecting to seeing it.

"Yeah, but I'll worry about that in a minute. Let's see what you do, first."

She giggled. "Yeah, OK. I'll try." She looked off to the side, obviously trying to relax her pelvic muscles. "Feels kinda funny, doing this with something still on."

I sort of hopped over closer, still squatting. "I know. It's all in the mind. Just try to ignore it."

With that, she smiled wide and closed her eyes. I could tell she was bearing down now. Apparently she really wanted to wet herself! After a quiet moment, a dark spot started forming on her panties. She let out a shiver and a little moan.

I couldn't be prouder. "So, how does that feel?"

"Ahh... you were right."

"In what?"

"In everything! One, it's way easier than I thought, and two... it feels SO damn GOOD."

"Glad to hear it! Now, I think I'll join you." I moved my hand towards my purse, when all of a sudden I heard footsteps. Someone was coming up the path.

Both Alice & I looked at each other with panicked gazes. She started to stand up but I shook my head rapidly and she stayed squatting. I knew from experience; any more sound and we would be spotted. As long as we just stayed quiet, whoever was walking by would just carry on without noticing us. Of course, by this time I was bursting for a pee. Here I am, without a covering, and I can't move. What a predicament.

At least, it would have been, if it weren't for my amazing Alice. I felt her soft hand reach over and completely cover my exposed crotch. She was palming my pussy, making sure there was no space in-between her hand and my bits. I'm certain she could feel how wet I was. I looked up at her in silence, and she was just smiling at me, with a finger over her lips. Her eyes shut, and her chest heaved, and she started wetting again. This time, it wasn't just short bursts, it was a full-on flood. She was learning to let go!

I took her actions as a sure sign. I shut my eyes and let go, saturating both her hand & my crotch in warm pee. It felt different, but also the same as wetting myself in a piece of clothing. Alice must have felt something special too, because as we sat there, both wetting ourselves in silence, she leaned down and shoved her tongue in my mouth. We made out like that for quite a while; I think whoever was walking by was long gone at that point.

When we finally separated, we looked at each other knowingly. She was the first one to speak up. "I have a confession to make.

She could have said anything at that point and I wouldn't have cared. "Oh really?"

"Yeah... I've been wanting to kiss you since I first saw you in the classroom."

I was blushing so much I thought my face would explode. "I see... looks like the whole wetting thing wasn't very discouraging."

"Nope. I immediately thought, if she likes it, I might like it."

"And do you?"

"I freakin' LOVE IT." She immediately reached under her long skirt and took off her panties, stuffing them in her purse. I noticed she had a little bit of black hair around her slim crotch. "Ooh... I like this too. Consider me converted!"

I was beaming. We took a look around and stood back up, straightening our skirts. We walked back down to the Starbucks and she popped inside to wash her hands. When she came back out, I asked "So, wanna hang out later?"

"I was hoping you'd ask. I have a lot more questions about all this."

"Well, first things first, we'll have to get rid of that fuzz down there." She laughed, and leaned in to kiss me again. I gave her my address, and told her when to come by. I immediately spoke to my hubby about Alice, and although he pretended to be sad that the possibility of threesomes was out, he was glad I found a girlfriend. He understands the needs of a gal like myself.

The rest is history. As for Alice... well, we're nearly inseparable lovers. Since the beginning, Alice has become a lot more adventurous; more-so than me! I always wonder what wetting method she's going to approach me with next.

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What an awesome story, thats a million to one meeting but i am glad that you got that one in a million. Does your husband get any benefit from your liaison with your gf or is that totally separate and if so is he totally happy with it ???? Just curious ?????

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What an awesome story, thats a million to one meeting but i am glad that you got that one in a million. Does your husband get any benefit from your liaison with your gf or is that totally separate and if so is he totally happy with it ???? Just curious ?????

Alice is a lesbian, so she has no desire to have sex with my husband. And yeah, my hubby admitted he would certainly get in there if he had a chance, but he respects the preference. He also respects my need for a lady in my sex life. They actually get along pretty well and are good friends. Thank goodness for that!

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