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Some Sneaky Swimming

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At long last, Summer is upon us. When I have time off from work, I love going outdoors and just basking in the sun, whether it's walking, biking, or swimming. Oh, I do love me some swimming, and I think I've mentioned the reasons on this forum, before.

So this one weekend, Alice & I were relaxing at a local public swimming pool, among many other people. We had both been there for about an hour & a half, and we were winding down after swimming & playing around. (Naturally, we both took a moment to empty our bladders in the water.) I was lying on my back on one of those pool recliners, and Alice was lying on her tummy. All in all, it was a good time.

I was jostled out of almost falling asleep by the sound of a truck pulling up behind me. I turned my head and made a quick look; a truck from the town association had pulled up to the side gate of the pool and was unloading some sort of water processing equipment. The gate happened to be right next to where Alice & I were situated, so I got to watch the folks operate from behind my big 70's sunglasses.

Alice turned over and sat up. "Hmm. Hope nothing's broken."

I patted her on the head jokingly. "Nah, I've seen this happen all the time. They're just doing a little upgrade."

They passed through the gate on the way out and closed it behind them. I was just about to suggest packing up and leaving when I felt Alice tug on my arm sharply.

I was a little concerned. "What's up?"

She leaned in closer to me and whispered in my ear. "They left the key to the gate padlock inside."

Sure enough, I looked up to the padlock that kept the side gate shut and the key was still lodged inside. They never leave that thing lying around in the open. "Huh. How in the world did you notice that?"

"I notice everything." She was silent for a few moments, and then whispered again: "I have a frikkin' brilliant idea." She did a quick look around to make sure no one was paying attention, reached up to the padlock and yanked the key out.

I was more than a little surprised. I whispered back: "And what are you gonna do with that thing?"

She stood up and stretched; palming the key in her hand. She then put the skirt & sleeveless top she brought with her back on over her bikini and grabbed her towel. "Chill here for a bit, I'm gonna be right back."

"Uh... OK." I tipped my sunglasses down and looked her right in the eye. "Care to fill me in?"

"Don't worry, I'll be back!" She leaned back down close and whispered again. "And try not to look conspicuous." She gave me a smooch on the cheek and headed towards the pool exit.

What else could I do? She was taking the car, after all. I made myself comfortable again and relaxed. I took a look through the fence surrounding the pool at her car and saw her inside, smiling back at me and waving her bikini bottoms in the air. That made me laugh. I cracked open "A Song of Ice & Fire" and just waited. Not once did someone come looking for the key.

About half an hour later Alice came back into the pool and lied back down onto the recliner next to me. She was grinning from ear to ear. "Did anyone come back for the key?"

"Nope. I've just been sitting here reading. Are you gonna tell me where you went?"

"Patience!" She did another look around the pool, and reached back up to the padlock, jamming the key back in. Not a soul saw her do it. "OK... wanna leave now?"

I nodded and got myself together. I put on the skirt & t-shirt I had in a bag and stood up, heading towards the exit. When we got into the car, I slipped off my bikini bottoms and buckled myself in. "OK, spill it, you. What are you up to?"

Alice cheered out loud and pulled something out of the glove compartment. In her hand was another key. "Check it out; our very own copy of the gate key!"

I was dumbstruck. "You went and got a copy made?! Why would you do-" And then it hit me. Now that we could open the gate whenever we wanted, we could come here when no one was around and have some real fun.

Alice was watching me as I figured it out. "Yeah... you getting it now?"

"You're a genius. You're an evil genius and I love you." I gave her a deep tongue-kiss, and she laughed as we pulled out of the parking lot.

Alice & I went back to the pool that night. Instead of driving, we met up and walked there, since my house isn't too far away. It was very late; almost midnight. Nothing but the sound of crickets filled the air. It was still very warm out, but occasionally a cool breeze would blow by. We'd squeal every time the breezes hit our lady bits under our skirts.

When we got to the pool, we looked around to see if there were any cars parked; none. We slunk up to the side gate and Alice tried getting the key into the padlock. "Come on... augh! I can barely see the hole."

"What's the hurry?" I asked.

"I've really gotta go! I've been holding my pee most of the way here and I didn't bring any panties!"

I laughed out loud. "Well who's fault is that?"

"OK smart-ass, did you?!"

"Eh, nope. I knew where we were going."

"Exactly! I just can't find-" A clicking sound interrupted her. "Ah, there we go!" The gate swung open as she manipulated the padlock.

"I can't believe we're doing this. This is kinda breaking the law." I started to sweat a little.

"I know; isn't it exciting?!"

"It certainly is." My heart was pounding, but I was also slick at my crotch. We both walked in and Alice shut & locked the gate behind us. The pool was all ours.

"OK, I can't wait anymore!" Alice threw off her clothes & sandals, baring all to the world. I saw her slender figure scuttle to the side of the pool, where one of those exit ladders are mounted. She backed up towards it and grasped the metal rails, using them to hold herself up as she crouched down low, dunking her butt under the surface of the water. "Whew! That was close."

I giggled a little at her and slipped my clothes & sandals off. I didn't bring a bra; my nipples were stabbing the air with excitement. "So, how's the water?"

She smiled up at me. "Two things. One, it's no more chillier than it usually is before we get used to it."

I walked over and sat on the edge of the pool next to her, sticking my feet in the water. "That's good. And two?"

"And two... ahh... it's getting warmer."

A familiar sensation of warmth started to surround my feet. "Ah yes, I can tell!" I leaned down towards her and stuck my arm in the water, reaching under her butt and playing with her bits as she peed. I could feel the warm jet stream she was making in the water.

"Whoo!" She hopped out of the water as I started to play with her. "You sneak!"

"What; didn't expect that?" I can be such an ass.

Alice trotted off to the shallow end of the pool where there are stairs for folks to ease themselves into the water. She started slowly taking steps down. "Well, not yet anyway. And I didn't finish peeing!"

We both laughed out loud. I followed her to the steps and started to descend; the water was cool, but not terribly frigid. The heat of the day & night were helping to keep it at a steady temperature. As I submerged my body, it started to sink in; we were skinny-dipping in a public pool. And it was so thrilling!

I was relishing the feeling of swimming fully-nude when Alice attached herself to my back, wrapping her legs around me and groping my breasts with her hands. We giggled and she rode me around for a bit.

Finally she spoke up again. "Isn't this just the best thing ever?!"

"Hell yeah it is!" I admit, I was really loving it, despite the legality. I was very turned on and Alice groping me was only making it better.

Suddenly, I felt a hot sensation on my lower back. "Ahh, there we go... that feels so good." Alice was finishing her pee while clinging to me!

She was setting me on fire. "Hon, you are really turning me on here." I reached down and started to play with myself under the water, and then I felt that familiar urge. "And now I've gotta pee, too."

"Well, great!" She hopped off me and circled around, staring me right in the eye. "Good thing no one else is here, eh?" She pushed me backwards up against a side wall of the pool and stuck her tongue in my mouth. As we made out I took her hand and put it between my legs. She started to play with my pussy, but I gave a push and started to pee. That warm sensation surrounding my crotch combined with her feisty fingers was absolutely lovely. "Oh yeah babe, let it all out", she cooed.

I certainly did. As my bladder emptied into the water, Alice didn't stop playing with me. We spent the next half hour or so playing and sexing each other, and then discreetly left. As far as we know, no one figured it out. We still have that key copy, and we intend on going back and filling that pool with more of our pee & girl goo. I'm not saying I recommend doing what we did and, y'know, breaking the law. But... it was awesome!!!

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That was a fantastic idea and a great experience. I hope you get to repeat it plenty of times. I take it that the pool is secluded and nobody can see in from the outside?

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  • 2 weeks later...

When I was in university there was an outdoor pool close to the residence halls. I snuck in there a couple of times with willing girls and you're absolutely right .. the combination of nudity in a public pool and being somewhere we weren't supposed to be is a real turn-on. I hope you and Alice visit again (and tell us about it, of course).

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