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Near sighting

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I was away in a truck and parked in the services on the m6 one night and was woke up in the night to giggling and talking and when I looked out the cab window a teenage girl was walking back to a car full of girls pulling up her jeans guess I was just to slow

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  • 4 weeks later...

That is really annoying. I remember once walking to a toilet block that was closed. As I got there a woman came out from behind the block, doing up her jeans. She passed me and I carried on round the corner to find a lovely puddle and a tissue. Timing at its worst!

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Argh, how frustrating. I know what you mean - in fact I think we all do. It can be really hard to actually spot people peeing sometimes, but I'm sure I can remember several occasions where it looks like someone has just finished peeing. It sucks, but at least you can gather what they've been up to and imagine the whole thing in your head. Better luck next time in getting some sightings!

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