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Medical Pee Related Issue

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I'm sure between the wet collective someone can answer this properly, but i was wondering, is it possible for the prostate to control how much and how often you pee? Is it the gland that controls the urgency or is it the muscles surrounding the tubes semen and pee travel down?

I ask because recently (Docs are investigating) when ive been out in town and when ive been on public transport, ive had to make strategic stops to public toilets in order to relieve the 'sudden urge' to pee. When i do go though its only a few dribbles at best in a low pressure manner. Despite whether id drank anything or not that day. Doctors have tested for a UTI which supposedly are rare in men, which has come back negative. Im dumbstruck to think what it could be other than issues with my prostate through my own researching on the web (although its not proving to be the best)

Thanks in advance to any replies!!

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I think men get UTI quite regularly.If youre over 50 it can be BPH(benign prostate hyperplasia).Enlarged prostate,which kind of nips the urethra and can cause backflow into the bladder,thus causing irritation and a kind of incontinence.If your bladder doesnt empty the urine can become "stale",thus causing more infection.Emptyimg the bladder is controlled by the sphincter not the prostate,but this all goes south,if anywhere along the route out becomes blocked,a chain reaction of backed-up urine if you like.

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