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The new 2pee4you.com

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After opening the thread about writing a story about me (http://peefans.com/threads/the-day-i-met-sexysinna.5987/#post-80196), I realized that I could also offer a place to share the story specifically with my fans. So I created a website the past 2 days and I think I am ready to let you test it and give me feedback - if you like. I'll be adding more content after everything was checked and you tell me it works as it is. Otherwise, I would need to adjust all content retroactively and that would be a lot of work

If you like to help improve the site, just freely voice any advise about anything and I can consider it. Also tell me about display issues in different browsers and devices please. I checked on a few, but I don't have all browsers or smartphones / tablets, so my testing was limited.

When you like the page, please also tell me so I can start adding more content.

If you would like to add content, I accept all stories you wish to share and of course will give full credit. Videos and pictures can be a problem because of copyrights and server bandwidth.

I set up a little bit of advertisement to test funding the website. It would be cool if it paid for it's costs one day. Please tell me about anything you find troublesome about any ads or monetization as well. I can change and remove anything, because it's not meant to bother you in the worst case, I'll remove all ads and pay for the site myself or maybe put up a donate button (although these have proven to not work very well, if at all).

The site can be found here:


Don't forget: it's just 2 days old and basically an early alpha version! Report anything that doesn't work or that bothers you in any way. I appreciate it.

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The drop down menu repeats itself


Thanks, I fixed it although I think it's a bug in the theme because I had to disable the top left tiny menu. Since no one will be using that though, this is better :) Thank you for spotting that

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Great idea!Only some of the vids are a little grainy..but its very good!

I wrote the frontpage text yesterday to explain that but I guess I have to make a new category and clearly state and divide the ND videos from other videos that I will add

They are compressed to sizes smaller than 10MB. The SD and HD version can be bought in my store. I created these for people with no money so they could at least get an idea of what I am up to. Since file grabbers let people download and steal everything, it is sadly not possible for me to offer better qualities of my "premium" videos (that I pay my bills with). I tried and 60 videos were immediately hacked and put on youtube, so I won't do that ever again.

Hence the ND (no definition) idea. But yes, I see that I need to state that more clearly.

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I wrote the frontpage text yesterday to explain that but I guess I have to make a new category and clearly state and divide the ND videos from other videos that I will add

They are compressed to sizes smaller than 10MB. The SD and HD version can be bought in my store. I created these for people with no money so they could at least get an idea of what I am up to. Since file grabbers let people download and steal everything, it is sadly not possible for me to offer better qualities of my "premium" videos (that I pay my bills with). I tried and 60 videos were immediately hacked and put on youtube, so I won't do that ever again.

Hence the ND (no definition) idea. But yes, I see that I need to state that more clearly.

It wasnt a complaint,just saying.Its a great idea Sinna!

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Oh I didn't see it as a complaint, just wanted to explain. But I guess explaining can easily be seen as defending.

It doesn't matter, because I just changed the pages and now it should be clear. I might need to change the text though, I just quickly put that in place to prevent any confusion about the quality.

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