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Roommates 7 part one and two

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Part 7 got a little long, so I broke it up in to two parts. They can be read separately or back to back at your preference.

Roommates 7 part 1

Lily's first class of the day was Calc 1. Math was one of her better subjects, and she was doing well in it here at university, but her teacher for Calculus was Dr. Steward, who was well known for giving extremely long homework assignments. His philosophy was that calculus was fundamental to studying higher math, and the only way you would gain true understanding of it was through constant repetition. His point had merit of course; Lily had learned more about mathematical principles in her 6 short weeks of class than she had in her entire time in public schools. She also had several hours’ worth of homework to do each night for this class, and had Sara not been suffering along with her, she would have probably dropped Calc this semester and taken College Algebra next semester. Lily wished that Sara was in the same class, but she was in the one after hers. Most days they ran into each other in the hall between classes.

Calc 1 was taught in a large lecture hall, that would easily seat a hundred people, but her Calc 1 class had only about 35 in total enrollment. Lily figured it was too big a class for the smaller math classrooms, but in the lecture hall, the class seemed tiny. The fact that Steward took attendance by grading only 3 problems on the homework, meant that those who hadn't finished the homework often times didn't bother to come in that day. Lily sat down in the second row, to give herself a good view of the projector, and to be able to easily hear the professor. The seat felt cool on her bare ass, and gave her a bit of a thrill as well. “I'll have to be careful, or else Dr. Steward will be able to see straight up my skirt,” Lily thought to herself as she sipped her coffee.

15 minutes into the lecture, Lily's coffee ran out, and as it did, she found it harder to focus on derivatives. She didn't have a pressing need to pee at the moment, but she was reminded of the image of her pissing on herself in the mirror this morning. That brought a smile to her face as she crossed her legs quickly, and tried to refocus on the lecture. Her instructor seemed to be looking at her for a moment longer than usual, and then just as quickly his gaze moved onwards as he continued his lecture. Had she accidentally given him a peek up her skirt? To her surprise, she found the idea exhilarating, but given his almost total lack of reaction, it was probably her imagination. Soon Lily found herself wondering what her professor would think if she spread her legs wide, and pissed all of the front row of the lecture hall? Would he be outraged that she had disturbed class and call her down to the front to spank her on her bare ass for the whole class to see? Would he instead only offer quiet amusement as she sprayed her stream all over his laptop with the lecture slides, and be thankful that he wouldn’t have to teach the rest of class? What would the girl sitting in front of her think as her hair got sprayed by her waning stream of piss? Lily bounced her knee a little bit, and found that gave her a very pleasurable sensation, and it also seemed to draw the eager gaze of her teacher. A weak smile crossed her face as she returned to taking notes.

Her mind soon drifted away from the lesson and back to the realm of fantasy. Lily imagined herself lifting up her skirt, spreading her legs wide, and pissing all over the expensive digital projector and the teacher’s laptop. the lesson would then be more or less over, everyone would come before her and service her in gratitude, and she would soak each and every one of them head to toe, and they would use their tongues to clean her afterwards. All of the people in the class would strip down and shower each other in hot piss as the hot blonde two rows back licked her clit as she rode the tall football player on the other side of the lecture hall. Lily became aware that as she had been bouncing her knee the whole time, as more waves of pleasure came over her. Her teacher managed to keep teaching the lesson, but she was certain he was watching her covert masturbation. Lily wasn't sure if she should be embarrassed or excited, but she figured since he couldn't prove anything one way or another, she might as well give him a bit of a show. She slowly switched her position, knowing that she would be giving her teacher the briefest glimpse up her skirt. Dr. Stewart looked intently at Lily as he readjusted the bulge in his pants.

That gave Lily all the encouragement that she needed. She slowly started to rock her knee, all the while staring at the bulge in her teacher's pants as it grew. She wondered if Dr. Stewart had ever engaged in pee play, if he would have preferred to have her soak the front of his shirt, or if he would take out his cock and spray it all over her sundress, making the fabric transparent and exposing her bare breasts underneath? His gaze caught hers momentarily and she bit her lower lip. He looked like he had had a lot of experience licking pussy, and she wondered if he would mind if she pissed into his mouth after she came? Lily continued to fantasize as her teacher's attention became glued to her performance, and she really wanted to cum right there in class for him, but her newly discovered technique left her wanting, all while Dr. Stewart continued to lecture.

She realized the lesson was wrapping up. Dr. Stewart was notorious for his long homework assignments. One assignment would often take several hours, and the fact that he would only grade three individual problems a day made the task seem pointless. He maintained that you should work twice as many hours out of class as you were in class. Lily thought that might be fine if you were a math or science major, but she was pretty sure she wanted to teach high school band. She already had 20 hours a week devoted to drum line practice, full band rehearsals, individual practice, and not to mention game day, which took up all of most of her Saturdays. Lily had never really thought of herself as attractive, definitely not the way Sara was, but it seemed as if her show had caught Dr. Stewart's eye. She was so turned on at this point, she briefly considered brazenly finishing herself off right there in full view of the class, but a different idea came to mind.

Lily looked at Dr. Stewart straight in the eye, and opened her legs; just enough to make sure that he got a good view of her naked pussy in all of its glory. She saw his eyes immediately dart downwards as soon as he saw movement from her legs, he bit his lower lip slightly. His gaze soon met hers, and Lily gave him a knowing smile, and closed her legs.

“Cla-Class dismissed...” Dr. Stewart said as he quickly gathered his things as he made a hasty exit from the lecture hall with a few minutes of class time left. Lily was sure that she saw a noticeable hard-on in his pants as he rushed out. She saw Sara in the hallway as she left class. Sara asked, “Did Stewart have a chance to assign any homework? He left in kind of a hurry.”

“Oh, we didn't have any. I think he had to take care of something, and left before he could.”

“Sweetness! I hope we don't have any homework either, that would definitely free up my evening some, and it would only be fair.”

“I don't think you will. I might need to take a look at your notes tonight Sara, I was kinda in and out during class. I'll see you after band practice.”

“No problem, Lily. See you later.”

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Roommates 7 part 2

Lily left Sara to head to the library to pick up a few books for a research project she had for Western Civilization I. She usually used this time to get a start on her Calc home work, but since none was assigned today, she figured getting the Western Civ project done and out of the way would give her a chance to revise if necessary. The extra free time would also allow her to go shopping tonight with Sara. Lily was starting to enjoy the freedom a skirt provided, but she only had a few of them and felt she should purchase at least one or two more for varieties sake.

The third floor of the university library was where the reference books were kept, and with the proliferation of the internet and e-books, it was usually fairly vacant, especially around 11 in the morning. Lily saw maybe 6 people on the whole floor of the massive building, most of whom were studying in the serene quiet. She already had an idea where the books she would need were, as she had looked them up on the online card catalog before she had left for class. She passed the restrooms and saw that they were going to be closed for cleaning for the next hour. She hadn't thought of her bladder at all during her escapades in calculus, but seeing the closed sign made her bladder twinge. The second floor housed offices and research materials, and didn't have an easily accessible student bathroom. The bathroom on the first floor was past the computer labs on the other side of the building from the stairs. She only needed to get two books anyways, and she would be on her way, so Lily figured she could wait.

Fifteen minutes had passed until she had found her first book, and it took another 10 minutes of review to determine that it was unsuitable for her needs. Checking the index gave her another book, that might work, but it was in the research section on the second floor, which was kept locked by staff until access was needed. All the staff would be at lunch by now, and she would be lucky if they were back before 1. By this point, her bladder was starting to make its needs known. She briefly debated giving up on her entire venture, but figured that she at least needed to see if the second book would work for her. After 5 minutes of searching, she finally found the book. It only took a cursory search to tell her that the book didn't contain any primary sources, and wouldn't pass muster for her project. Her desperation was starting to grow, but she was fairly certain she could hold it till she got to the bathroom on the first floor. As her bladder was starting to noticeably ache, she was sure that she didn't want too. Lily had never really been a fan of holding games, having to go through too many parades, field shows, and concerts desperate holding pee to ever understand the appeal of intentional holding herself. She was also still extremely hot and bothered from her show during calc, and being pantyless made her feel a more daring. All these factors combined with her frustration with the lack of progress in her research and the fact that the book before her was shallow and pedantic, made her want to punish it for wasting everyone’s time.

Then a very naughty thought entered Lily's head. She needed to pee, this book had been so far useless, and so it would be better serve the world as a toilet then as a book. She was pretty sure there weren't cameras in the library, having observed several couples using the semi privacy for public liaisons. Lily opened the book and lowered it to her crotch, using her other hand to raise the hem of her skirt, and unleashed a torrent of piss all over the book and the carpet below. She started to flip through the pages so she could completely soak the book. In seconds the book was thoroughly saturated, but her bladder was only halfway empty. She cut off her flow, and re-shelved the sodden book. The naughty rush she felt from peeing all over the outdated book and the still pressing need in her bladder spurred her onward. She took a step back, lifted the hem of her dress once more, and sprayed hot urine all over the bookshelf and the carpet. She took two fingers and used them to direct her destructive spray over as much of the bookshelf as possible. The piss mostly bounced off the covers of the books, but it puddles collected at the bottoms of the shelves. Lily took her free hand and ran it across a pee soaked book shelf and put the fingers in her mouth. She loved the taste of her piss, and the little sample left her craving more. Slowly she cut off her stream, and bent down and licked the pooled urine from the bookshelf. The taste was driving her wild, but the few puddles on the bookshelf weren't enough to satisfy her craving. She fished her portable coffee cup out of her backpack, removed the lid, moved the hem of the skirt out of the way, and finished the rest of her piss in the coffee cup. She took a long gulping drink, savoring the salty and slightly bitter taste mingling with the remains of her coffee. A smile crossed her face as she thought about her new coffee additive.

Lily was so incredibly turned on, she could barely contain herself. She started idly stroking her clitoris, tempted to finish herself off right there in the stacks, but the last shred of reason suggested that she move away from the scene of her piss. There was an isolated group of study tables nearby, where Lily took a seat with her back to the corner, and grabbed her laptop from her back pack. She set it up on the table to give herself a bit of cover on the off chance that someone would happen by; they would think she was merely studying. Her fingers went immediately for her clit, as she began to rub it furiously. Her pussy was aching for some attention as she slipped a finger inside. Ugh, it was close, so very, very close; she just needed something a bit longer than her middle finger. She searched through her bag looking for something, a marker, a big pen, a drumstick, anything. A highlighter! Lily immediately stuck it inside her, vigorously fucking herself with the improvised instrument as she worked on her clit. She soon took the cap off to give her a better grip and to get the highlighter in just a bit deeper. After that, it didn't take long to go over the edge. Not being able to cum earlier in class had made her need now all the more dire, and when she came, it was all she could do to keep from screaming. Several jets of fluid shot out from her pussy as she came, making a small puddle on the carpet under the table. Lily wasn't sure she had ever squirted before, but she was pretty sure she just did. As she basked in the post orgasmic afterglow, she felt a tiny pressing on her bladder. Figuring she had already made a mess, she released two quick burst of pee onto the carpet as she took a sip from her travel mug. She looked at her fingers, seeing them covered with little yellow highlighter marks. She lifted her skirt and saw that there were a few highlighter marks on her outer lips as well. She decided against scrubbing them off, as the reminder made her hot all over again.

She quickly gathered her things, and finished the remainder of her cup of pee on the way out of the library as she headed to the student union for lunch with the hopes of meeting Sara there.

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