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Roommates 5 and 6

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I apologize for the delay, I had to rewrite 5, and as a reward for your patience, here is 6 as well. Enjoy.

Roommates 5

Sara always got up before Lily, and most other college students for that matter. Today she was up about half an hour earlier than she usual, setting her plan in motion. She had let the camera charge last night so it would be able to get a decent amount of video, and then got out some electrical tape that matched the shade of the tile in the bathroom. Tile was notoriously difficult to get tape to stick to, so she used some of the left over no-show bonding they used to put up their shower caddie, and hid the camera underneath the shelf of the caddie. She went to her laptop, and checked the feed to make sure the angle was good, checked the options to make sure it would still receive with the lid closed, disabled sleep mode, and then when she was satisfied, closed the lid on her laptop.

She put on her sports bra and spandex, because there was a line between freedom and practicality, and this is where she drew hers, and put on her running shorts and shirt. The ROTC workouts started at 5:45 am and lasted 45 minutes most days, giving Sara plenty of time to get back and take a shower before her roommate got up.

Lily still hadn't woken up hen Sara returned from her workout for her shower. That wasn’t unexpected, as Lily usually got up around 8, 8:30 most days. Sara striped out of her sweaty workout clothes and threw them into the nearly empty clothes hamper. She walked naked over to the coffee maker, grabbed the decanter and took it with her into the bathroom. Sara closed the door behind her, turned on the faucet and brought the coffee pot to her pussy lips. Anticipation spread throughout her body, as she pissed into the decanter. It always gave her a huge thrill to pee where she wasn’t supposed to, but knowing that her roommate would be drinking her special brew made her especially excited. She got a little over two cups into the decanter, and drank a little bit to sample the quality. Slightly bitter, and slightly salty, just about the perfect mix. She then filled the pot to about the 6 cup line with water, to get a nice dilution. She poured the solution into the water reservoir and poured the grounds into the filter. There were better ways to make a cup of coffee, Sara knew, but you work with what you have. “Maybe if Lily likes the coffee this way we can get a French press instead,” she thought to herself. She turned on the coffee maker and left to take a quick shower.

The shower gave her the opportunity to test the next part of her plan, and a chance to have a little bit of fun as well. The thought of Lily drinking her piss made Sara wet in more ways than one, and her pussy was begging for attention. She started gently playing with her clit, when she was met with a brief moment of sharp pain. Her combined masturbatory adventures yesterday had left her clit more than a little sore, and would need to rest for at least the rest of the day. She was hoping to put her new electrical toothbrush through its paces, but that would have to wait for another day.

Sara was still feeling super horny, and creative. She grabbed her hairbrush, and with a mischievous grin, Lily's toothbrush. Sara normally preferred to rub her clit first to help get her juices flowing, or have the help of a willing tongue, but none of those were present. She swirled her tongue around the handle of her hairbrush, like an imaginary cock. The thought of her hairbrush being inside her roommate drove her wild, and she sucked on it with vigor for a few seconds, hoping for a taste of her roommate’s pussy. Nothing. It would taste like pussy here in a minute, Sara thought to herself.

Sara started to gently work the gel handled brush into her pussy, slowly, teasingly at first. She found herself much wetter than she had expected, and her hairbrush slipped in without too much resistance. Sara started fucking herself harder with the brush, while picturing Lily doing the same thing drove her wild. She ducked underneath the water, imagining that she was on her back, Lily standing over her; pissing for all that she is worth. Sara opened her mouth and caught some in her mouth, and was momentarily disappointed to find it only water. The warm water cascading down on her chest still felt lovely, but she was going to need something more today. She sucked on the handle of her roommate’s toothbrush for a second, and then slowly slid it into her ass. She started to work the toothbrush and her hairbrush simultaneously, and the stimulation of both holes brought her to the edge of climax as she heard a knock on the bathroom door.


“Yeah, Lily?”

“Would it be ok if I slipped in to use the restroom right quick? I need to pee.”

The thought of a desperate Lily doing a pee dance outside the bathroom door did something for Sara, but she wasn’t going to be that mean to her roommate today. “Sure, give me a sec to unlock the door.” Sara quickly washed off her roommate’s toothbrush under the showerhead, and put it and the hairbrush back on the bathroom sink. She then unlocked the door so Lily could come in.

“Thanks, I’ll be quick.” Lily was dressed in only a long t-shirt, which she quickly raised above her waist, giving Sara a great view of her perfect ass before sat on the toilet. Lily felt Sara looking at her, and spread her legs wide as she peed in the toilet, giving Sara a perfect view of her shaved muff. “Ah, I needed that,” Lily exclaimed. A forceful stream loudly hit the water. Showing off in front of Sara was making Lily much hotter than she had ever expected. Not to be outdone, Sara decided it was her turn to have a little fun with Lily, and started peeing on the clear shower curtain that separated her and Lily. Almost unconsciously, Lily reached down, and began to gently stroke her clit. Waves of pleasure started to move all throughout her body when she realized what she was doing. She instantly, stopped, and reflexively started to close her legs. She caught herself about halfway, and reopened them, and flashed her roommate a meek grin.

Sara and Lily briefly made eye contact, both roommate with naughty grins on their faces.

Lily decided to change the subject, “Did you make coffee this morning?”

“Yeah, it’s free game. Just save me a cup. Feel free to try some, it is a family recipe.”

“I’ll pour you a cup first then. How do you take it?”

“A little cream, lots of sugar, could you put it into my travel cup for me?”

“Sure, no problem.” With that, Lily quickly wiped and left the bathroom.

Sara could barely wait for Lily to close the door. She quickly grabbed her hairbrush, and fucked herself to such a furious orgasm that she was barely able to contain her screams of pleasure. She put the hairbrush back on the sink, and quickly finished her shower. She was looking forward to reviewing the video later, and hoped the camera got it all.

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Roommates 6

Lily sipped her coffee as she watched Sara leave for her classes. Part of her wished she had stayed, and seen where things went, but that would have required Sara to miss her classes. Lily would still be here, and she wouldn't have wanted Sara to choose between school and her. Sara was too important to Lily to want Sara to risk her academic success over her. The fact that Sara was already at class meant she was preaching to the metaphorical choir, but she felt the point still stood.

The biggest regret Lily had about her morning was wishing she had torn the shower curtain open, let Sara's delicious pee rain down on her, taking some of it into her mouth, and gulping it down straight from the source. She had gone into the bathroom mainly to tease Sara, as payback for last night, and to turn herself on a little bit to boot. Lily didn't expect to get so turned on that she couldn't help touching herself openly while her roommate watched. She could of finished herself right there, drinking in the stares of her roommates. Just thinking about it made Lily reach down underneath her t-shirt and start feeling herself. It had felt so good to have her roommate stare at like that, to feel like Sara wanted her more than anything else in the world.

It was that feeling of mutual desire that made her keep her legs open as she finished. She was a little embarrassed about touching herself in front of Sara, but judging from her lustful stares, Sara didn't mind one bit. Lily now started to gently stroke her outer lips while she was drinking her coffee, wanting Sara to hatch her get herself off. While Lily was pretty sure they could both play it off as a joke, she knew there was a distinct attraction there, and that it was undeniable.

Thinking about her early morning escapades while she drank her coffee was making her so wet that her girl juices were starting to run from her pussy down her inner thigh. She ran her fingers along the inside of her thigh, gathering her juices up, and sucking on her finger, sampling the flavor. She enjoyed licking the pussy juice off her fingers, and savoring the flavor. It made her think back to her coffee, which she was on the second cup of, and its unique flavor.

She recognized immediately the improvement the better coffee made, and she wasn't sure she could go back to the cheap stuff after this, but there was another flavor that she recognized but was unable to put a finger on. Sara had said that it was a bit of salt, and she definitely tasted the saltiness, there was a slightly different bitter undertone that was undeniable. Lily thought it might just be part of the undertones of the coffee, but it made her wonder if Sara had peed in the coffee? It would explain a bit of the salty and the bitter, but it must have been diluted some way.

The thought of her roommate peeing in their coffee pot almost made her cum immediately on the spot. She started to rub her clit furiously, needing immediate release. Lily reached orgasm in record time, but she was far from sated. She went into the bathroom to retrieve Sara's hairbrush. When she got there, it smelled like distinctly like pussy. Lily was certain she had cleaned it off yesterday before Sara had gotten back. Tentatively, Lily gave the handle a lick. The handle tasted pleasant, but not at all like her. It also smelled quite fresh. Had Sara been using this before she left? It was her hairbrush; she can fuck herself with it if she wanted to. The thought of them both using the same object as a sex toy was a massive turn on for Lily; she needed the brush inside her right now. The handle of the hairbrush slipped in to her well lubed pussy with ease. Lily watched herself in the bathroom mirror as she fucked herself with the handle. Her t-shirt kept blocking her view, so she took it off and threw it into the corner of the main room.

She had never really watched herself masturbate before now, but she would definitely be doing it again. Lily loved the way her breasts heaved up and down, and there was something unmistakably hot about watching the strokes of the hairbrush go up and down inside her. Her clit was in need of some attention, and she was just about to start rubbing it, when she spied Sara's brand new electric toothbrush. The idea of using her roommate’s toothbrush on her clit was too good to pass up the moment it came into her head. While still steadily fucking herself with the hairbrush, she grabbed the toothbrush of the sink and hit the start button. It vibrated a bit in her hand, and she placed the base of it on her clit. Mmmmnm, that felt nice, she had heard of using an electric toothbrush as a sex toy before, but she wasn't exactly keyed in on the details. She instead tried the back of the head. The sensation was a great feeling, but was exactly what she was expecting. Did the girls in band really use the head of their own toothbrush on their clits? Lily figured there was only one way to find out. At first, it was more than she could take, and she had to let off, the feeling was so intense. She focused on teasing herself with the spinning bristles of the toothbrush, and imagining that it was Sara who was licking her, instead of a proxy. After a little bit, she could use a very light touch, which caused wave after wave of pleasure to explode over her. She started fucking the hairbrush with renewed vigor, gently using the toothbrush as she felt the orgasm build.

It was at this point that the two cups of coffee she had drunk began to press on her bladder. Lily knew she could have probably held it, but she figured that the bathroom was tiled, and wouldn't be too hard to clean up afterwards, and held on till her orgasm crested, and as she climaxed let go of her bladder. Piss spurted out all over the floor, covering the shower rug, the toilet, the shower, and part of the sink, as she continued fucking the two brushes for all that they were worth. Lily arced her back and tried with some success to spray her image in the mirror with the hot urine. Had she not been completely spent from her previous efforts, she would started fucking herself anew after wards.

A naughty grin of satisfaction spread over Lily's face as she surveyed the destruction. She briefly thought about taking a picture on her phone, but her modesty prevented it. She was concerned that someone would find out about her hobbies, but that didn't mean she didn't enjoy them. She quickly cleaned up the bathroom, the tooth and hair brushes, and took a quick shower. She felt like showing the world a little bit of leg that morning, and put on a cute little sundress. She skipped the bra and panties today, as a little experiment for herself, grabbed the last of the coffee Sara made, and headed out to class.

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