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What is the longest pee you can remember having ? and longest you held it

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Through the years I have read desperation stories on forums and they have been interesting to read. I have always been interested in how long they can hold and how long was there pee. I always like to hear where people were the most desperation and how long was your pee lasted. Being in public makes it harder hide desperation when you need to go. I am always interested and seeing what techies people do to when they are desperation.I like to hear the pee too. When they finally let go the relieve they have.

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I don't often time myself. However, A couple of times stick in my mind. One was after a long film at the cinema and the requisite large drink. I was struggling to hold towards the end of the film and went to the toilet and I did time it at 1:25 seconds.

I'm not a great holder. The longest I've held it was probably on a long car journey of 5 hours. I needed to pee by about two hours in, but we kept going without stopping so I had to hold for about 3 hours after I would have normally gone for a pee. I know that doesn't sound that much, but I tend to pee about every 2 hours during the day as I drink quite a lot.

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When I go to the movies I always have to pee. I remember getting the large soda then drinking it and really had to pee in the middle of the movie. I was a kid and dint know better and as a kid your bladder is not as big. I wanted to take the lid off the soda and pee into it. Worst part is the line for the restroom was always super long. The mens room is always quicker then the ladies room. I always felt bad for them because they had to wait so much longer. That is a good story on movie theater pee and everyone has to go after the movie over. Dont be a shame that you can only hold in your pee for that long. Some people cant hold it in for that long they have weaker bladders. Sometimes holding it in for that long is not good because then you cant go and puts more pressure on your body. Around a mintue 1s is normal how long me pee is if I hold it for a while.

Your second story is very good too. I have been in your shoes lots of times with long car trips. When you have to pee really bad during the car trip worst part and having no where to stop at. I go a lot too drink a lot of water makes me go.

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