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Roommates 4

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Roommates 4

Sara headed to her car as the cool autumn breeze blew in, making her nipples stand erect. She had planned on keeping the hoodie just in case she saw one of her professors, but it was starting to seem like she might need it for the return trip. It was only early October, but Midwestern weather can be unpredictable at the best of times, during fall and spring it would easily swing from one extreme to another. The cool autumn breeze did nothing to sate the fire between her legs, and if anything, it excited her more.

By the time Sara reached her car, she was dying for the semi-privacy that it afforded. She loved to masturbate in public, and had given more than a few guys and girls a show in the past, but she wasn't willing to risk her academic and military career by being so brazen on her own campus. As she drove off campus, she spread her legs, and started to finger her wet snatch, filling the car with the scent of her sex. Her striptease for her roommate had gotten her hotter than she had realized. Whenever she had jilled in the car by herself, it had been to relieve the boredom of a long drive, and always on the highways where she could set the cruise control. Breaking, accelerating, and turning while pleasuring herself provided some relief, but it’s start and stop nature just got her more worked up without providing any real relief. She never thought one of the drawbacks of going to college in a small town would be not having enough time to masturbate on your way to the store.

She had fantasized about driving to a Wal-Mart that was out of town, giving her time to reach climax, but she didn't want to waste the gas or the time, as she still had to be up at 5:30 tomorrow for her workout. She started to reach inside her wet pussy, trying desperately to get herself off. “If only I had brought my hair brush with me,” Sara thought as she maneuvered a second finger into her dripping opening, “then I could fuck myself again with something that had been inside Lily.” The thought turned her on more, but Sara was really only able to tease herself, and it was driving her insane. If this had been Wednesday night, she might have made the trip, but it was still Monday. Sara licked her the juices off of her fingers as she pulled into the parking lot, and debated finishing herself off right there.

She decided against it, as it was already getting late. Sara took a deep breath, brushed her curly brown hair back, grabbed her hoody, went into the store and grabbed a shopping cart. She didn't actually need a new toothbrush, she had a spare in her hygiene kit, but Sara was pretty sure her roommate was getting off on using her stuff. That didn’t bother her in the least. She got off on the idea of Lily fucking herself with her stuff, and it made her even hotter thinking about Lily drinking out of something Sara had pissed in. It was only fair that Lily get off as well. For that, Sara had a plan.

Sara had heard of using an electric toothbrush as a vibrator before, but hadn't tried it herself. She had an actual vibrator she used when she felt the need for some vibe, which wasn't all that often. She kept it mostly manual, partly out of fear of becoming overly reliant on the vibe for orgasm. If she was going to be a soldier, she didn't want to be deployed somewhere for 6 months to a year and not be able to get herself off because her vibrator broke. Sara was pretty sure Lily didn't have any actual sex toys, and seeing how Lily didn't have an electric toothbrush either, it was a safe bet she had never used a vibrator of any sort. Where Sara's logic got fuzzy was if Lily would use the toothbrush on herself, but she was a bit of a betting girl, and Sara would of found the temptation too hard to resist, and was hoping the same would go for Lily too. She could then take a voltmeter and measure the battery and see if had been used by someone not her, giving her a reason to talk about their masturbatory habits together, and maybe lend Lily a hand.

That was only one part of her plan, the next two parts felt a little bit disingenuous to her, but that was also part of the thrill of them as well. Sara had been meaning to get a tiny webcam for some time, and she had her eye one at the local Wal-Mart for some time, but had hesitated to pull the trigger until now. She had sometimes fantasized about selling clips on the internet or doing cam shows, but she was too afraid that it could get out and ruin her. That was also the reason why she made sure all the pics she took of herself didn't include her face, and were heavily encrypted on whatever storage media they were on. Overkill, maybe, but she didn't want videos of her pissing all over a changing room getting out on the internet by some crazy ex. She had released some of her milder videos via reddit and tumblr, but most of the video she shot was for her personal enjoyment, and hopefully someday a trusted lover.

The small webcam she was wanting had the benefit of being able to transmit wirelessly back to a linked computer, with no need to connect the camera to collect the video. It had a decent onboard storage, but it had a great camera and microphone, and was really small and black. it was marketed as a micro trail cam, and had motion detection features as well as being water resistant almost to the point of being waterproof, which Sara was hoping to put to good use.

The last item she was going to get was gourmet coffee. Lily bought shitty instant coffee, and so Sara rarely partook in a morning cup. She wasn't opposed to the idea, but if she was going to drink coffee then she wanted to make sure it was something worth drinking.

Sara found her way to the pharmacy section and found a decent electric toothbrush that had a nice strong vibration to it. She was tempted to try it out right there in the pharmacy section, but one of her classmates in ROTC worked loss prevention at Wal-Mart to help make extra money for school. He had ranted on a trip about how corporate was too cheap to actually install and network all the cameras, and only installed them for high risk, high traffic areas. The rest of the balls in the ceiling that were supposed to house them were just dummy cameras. Pharmacy, electronics, Sporting Goods and the registers were the only places guaranteed to have cameras. During his rant he also complained that those were the only place this Wal-Mart even had cameras working. It may of made his job twice as hard, but it was knowledge she was about to put to the test. She grabbed a 3 pack of condoms in the hopes that her plans would play out as she expected, and headed to housewares.

She made her way towards the curtain aisle, which happened to be sandwiched between two aisles on either side, creating a big blind spot in the middle of housewares. When Sara reached the middle of the aisle, she hung her hoodie over one side, lifted up her skirt, placed the back of the brush head against her clit, and pushed the button on the handle. She was not disappointed with her choice, as waves of pleasure started to come over her whole body. Sara flipped it over to the bristle side, and was blown out of this world. She worked the head of the toothbrush in circles around her clit, as she started to breathe heavily. She hadn't planned on going all the way to orgasm in the middle of Wal-Mart, but the combination of the vibes from the toothbrush, the excitement of masturbating in public, her striptease at the dorm, and her frustrated jilling session in the car, and she was getting there quick. She stuck a finger into her wet, hungry snatch and started to fuck herself vigorously in addition to the clitoral stimulation. She had to bite her lower lip to keep from moaning as she came hard, much harder than she ever expected. Sara squirted from time to time when she had a particularly full bladder, or an extremely strong orgasm, but she hadn't mastered the art of squirting on command yet. She squirted hard all over a display set of curtains, and it felt marvelous. “If they are wet anyway, I might as well,” she thought as she grinned to herself. Her bladder wasn't quite full, but she wasn’t going to pass up a chance like this, and released a torrent upon the curtain display, rubbing her clit hard with the new improvised toy as she came a second time. She was spent fast, which was probably for the best, the circumstances being what they were. She moved the display curtains around to hide the big wet stain she left on them and walked towards electronics. She licked the girl cum off of her new toothbrush and placed it in her shopping cart.

In electronics she found the model of webcam that she wanted without too much difficulty, and headed to grocery to pick up a brand of coffee she enjoyed and a 12 pack of Pepsi. She checked herself out in the self-checkout lane, and saved the webcam for last as she needed the sales associate monitoring to deactivate the alarms on the box. She was worried she would see the electric toothbrush in her bag which had a bit of girl cum on the packaging that she hadn’t noticed, but the associate was nearing the end of her shift and was oblivious to the world. As she left the store, she wished she had taken a few pictures of the curtains before she rearranged them, but figured it probably was for the best she didn't. She got back to her dorm a little past 9 to find Lily hard at work on her calculus homework. They worked together till they were done and hung out till about 10:30 when Sara decided to call it a night. She went to the bathroom, and brushed her teeth with the toothbrush that she had massaged her clit with earlier. The fact that it still tasted a little bit of her lit her imagination up once more, and she went to sleep with the hopes of tasting her roommate in the morning.

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