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Stuck In the City

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Something broke in the Merc, requiring me to bring the thing to Melbourne so the Mercedes gods can work their magic. A part in the semi auto transmission has gone off, gear changes are a struggle. Covered under warranty, just a bummer it's been a couple of days.

Anyhoo, been staying at my lady friends harbor side apartment, when she unexpectedly returned home last night. She clattered in, all long legs and high heels, dumped her bags in the entry way and made for the toilet, saying she was busting. This apartment is a total open plan, the only thing with a screen is the shower, and that's just to keep water in. I had been sitting at the kitchen counter, and turned just in time to see her drop her knickers and plop on the seat. The hissing / tinkling sounded quite loud as you would imagine, she gushed away for maybe 30 seconds, and tinkled to a stop. She sighed deeply, had a quick wipe, and smiled over at me.

When she stood up, she lifted her skirt, and looked down at herself, murmured that she needed to clean that up ("that" was a beautiful mound) a little more untidy than I like, but still incredible to see. I kind of got interested in something on the laptop as she headed for the shower. Why does a girl, normally so graceful, look so awkward when shaving down there? Kind of made me want to offer my services, but nah, it would not have been appropriate.

She left soon after, Maigh and Mary got me on a video call and we had a laugh, but I think my days of crashing here are done, thinking of leaving the keys and a note on this counter when I head off. This just doesn't feel right anymore, I don't feel right if that makes sense.

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Thanks guys, this has been resolved, said a teary goodbye and have gone our separate ways. Maigh and Mary were somewhat surprised that it happened so quickly, but it seemed like a proper moment. We will still keep in contact, meet up every now and then, but the keys have been returned.

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That seems a very unusual apartment to have the toilet totally open to the rest of the space! I guess it could only be owned by a very open family but must make it a bit awkward with visitors.

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