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The Scandinavia sales trip (a Hearsay story)

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I have got another ‘hearsay story’ to enjoy you with.

On my trip recently through Europe and especially Scandinavia, I have met several people and usually stories and information is exchanged during sauna sessions of course in the company and enjoyment of the necessary booze, mostly beer that is.

O how I love the sauna. Not the kind of Sauna they pretend to have in other countries where you, if you forgot to keep an eye on the hourglass, would pass out if you overstayed the 15 minute limit because of the high heat, no air circulation and all possible gap’s and doors completely closed.

Now, here in the north of Europe a sauna door has a big gap of at least 6 to 8 inches, an air circulation pipe in the ceiling. Temperature is much lower than other in countries but you can raise the temperature easily by throwing on vast amount of water, and you can make it very hot that way if you want, depends what you are in for. A record attempt of how hot, or just a business meeting (yes they do that in the sauna there), or just relaxing, sweating and enjoy a couple of beers, sit outside in between or go for a swim. Swimming in the summer is great in the lakes and in the winter, well, cutting a hole in the ice and swimming will not last longer than say, a minute at most then. Nudity is common and allowed almost everywhere if it is in combination with a sauna, like the sauna is holy. Therefore swimming in between sauna breaks is always done in the nude no matter if in full view of some other people. In public sauna’s a sign is always in full view telling people that bathing suits are not allowed in the sauna.

So, on one of the many sauna evenings I had in the summer, during my business trip, I guy I used to work with sometimes, told me this story and I would like to share that as it was told to me by my friend Anderson.

My Scandinavia sales trip.

I have been driving around for quite some years now here in the Nordic countries, mostly by myself, and especially in the summer it is very pleasant. It is hard work but many times it feels like a vacation because I often have to visit the small hotels, camping’s and B&B’s for my business. Nature is beautiful, not very busy on the roads and I can take breaks whenever I want.

So this one afternoon, I decided to call it a day very early. The weather was nice, I was a bit tired and wanting to go for a swim, and just as I was deciding, I drove past a sign for a nice bed & breakfast just a few mile of the main road a that said it was right on the lake shore so I thought having a look.

I turned the car and drove up the small unpaved road towards the hotel. It was a very nice old building, a wood structure of course and painted dark red as so many older traditional buildings here. I did not see any other cars so I was wondering if it is open but then again, it is not uncommon to visit a B&B or a small hotel that at some days and being very quiet.

A lovely lady came to welcome me, a very nice smile and her figure was to my liking also, full and luscious, not to skinny and not overweight but full and healthy. I knew her, I remembered I have met here briefly long ago on some sales trip or demonstration or so but it was long ago. She must be around beginning 40 or late 30’s.

She walked up to me, introduced herself as Anna and asked if she could help me with my luggage. I did not have much luggage beside a small kind of airline carry-on bag.

I asked her for a room for a night and asked her if she served besides just breakfast, also evening meals, which she indeed does.

The difference with a B&B serving an evening meal compared to larger hotels is that you usually don’t get the option to choose. The owner will tell you what is on the menu that evening and you can either eat together with them or must find a restaurant somewhere else to eat. The menu she mentioned to me sounded delicious so I accepted.

On my question if there are anymore guests tonight she told me,” no reservations for tonight unless, just like you did, someone else might drive up”.

I dropped my bag in the room she had pointed out to me and I went to the terrace for a nice well deserved beer which she brought out to me.

I asked her if she had by any change the sauna already fired up since I loved to have a relaxing sweat and swim.

“ I will fire up the sauna for you, only takes about 15 to 20 minutes before it is hot, it is a nice wood burning sauna, I build it myself and it is right over there near the lake.”

“Great Anna, thanks, sounds wonderful, hey, I think I met you before, many years ago at some trade fair, weren’t ‘t you with your husband then?” I asked her.

Anna replied, “Yes, indeed, now I remember, I was wondering already if I had seen you before somewhere.” “Yes , well my husband left me last winter, he met someone barely of legal age, packed his bags and left me to take care of the B&B all by myself. I do have help twice a week with cleaning and laundry but I can manage.”

It is not uncommon, there are quite a few small hotels or B&B’s where the relationship of the owners had gone sour and then one of the partners ending up running it by themselves, sometimes the man but very often the lady will continue the business.

I saw her walking across the small field towards the sauna building to start the fire heating up the sauna. It was an nice cute log cabin type sauna with a patio and a jetty with a stepladder into the lake. The fire was lit, I saw the smoke slowly trying to rise from the chimney as she walked back into the hotel and came out several minutes later with a glass of lemonade and sat down across from me to continue the conversation.

“Sauna is on Anderson, ready soon, I kind of feel like sauna also, would you mind if I join you in the sauna?” Anna asked me. It is often done in these regions for these kind of requests, even it is the lady of the house, nothing odd about it. So I told her that it was fine of course.

About 20 minutes and a nice conversation later we picked up the necessary refreshments, mostly beer, from the kitchen and walked towards the sauna.

We undressed, opened up a beer and went into the ‘hot house’.

Oh man, I enjoyed the view, problem is I had forgotten for several days to ‘relieve myself’ so it did not take much to have some horny feelings, but I was able to control myself for now but her appearance did not make it easy for me.

She had a nice almost flat belly, with a very well trimmed bush and a small navel piercing and a tiny rose tattooed on her bum. We were both quiet for a while not know a new topic of conversation and also the sauna was very hot, so just coping with the heat, sweating, hand on top of the beer can in order not to let the top get hot and burn your lips. But the beer did not get the time to heat up because it tasted great and the can was emptied very quickly. We took turns throwing the water on the stones and it was absolutely marvelous.

About 15 minutes of sweating, heating and steaming we went out, picked a new beer from the cooler and relaxed for a moment. “So, how about that swim”, she said, ready? Let’s go!” We ran across the jetty and jumped in. That was just the right time because I had been staring at her and my cock was showing signs of uprising and I did not want to make her feel uncomfortable so when I hit the water , it went instantaneously back into hiding.

We swam a few minutes to cool off, and climbed out, sat on some logs and started to down the opened beer again. We sat across from each other and I could see her absolutely attractive wonderful slit was almost hairless. She must have shaven it, I thought, but left a bit of the bush in front and that was exactly how me and my cock liked it. Her breast were nice, not very big but just perfect and also to my liking and all those perfect things I just described did not make it easy for me, I was almost back to the point before my swim. Ok let’s concentrate on the conversation I told myself.

I asked her where the toilet is because I needed to go, and take a leak and maybe it would be a wise idea to relieve myself to make things more comfortable.

Now, I got to tell you, in case you did not now, here in Scandinavia, when people being nude and during sauna breaks are comfortable with each other and a bit tipsy from all that beer, if they have to pee, they just let go. Usually they sit on a log, are a wooden bench and scoot a little to the front and just let the pee flow straight down even while they are in the middle of a conversation. Not a blink of the eye, not an interruption in the conversation, no excuse nothing. Just open the tap and watering the grass! I have done it myself every now and then when I was with friend. having a sauna.

But I wasn’t sure if the women did that too, I thought it was an ordinary men thing to do.

So when I mentioned to Anna that I had to find a toilet she laughed and said, ”Ha ha, hey you we are among friends, there is grass that needs watering or the lake needs filling up, just let go, don’t be shy, I do it also most of the time, just feel free and be comfortable!”

With that, she open her legs a bit, looked straight at me and took the first turn. What a stream!, almost clear and it did not go straight down but more a bit forward for about close to a yard and landed just short a couple of inches, in front of my feet.

“Oops” , she said, “a bit out of control, I waited too long, could not hold it, sorry if have splashed a bit on your foot.”

Well man, I have to tell you, that I just about lost it!, a raging horse that wants to come up, needing to piss like a race horse, what could I do! Did not take long for my cock to raise its head!

“Anderson, are you pee shy or just happy to see me!” she said with a wink and a snugger in her voice that was trying to burst out in laughter.

She almost finished peeing and was playing a bit with the subsiding stream, moving her hips so her fountain swayed a bit from side to side.

“Anderson!, you need some help, would you let me do it to you, just relax, sit back and let me hold it, I am good at it!” She did not wait for my answer sat next to me and slapped my, by now very hard cock, with two fingers firmly and it worked, it went down a bit. I concentrated and my flow was starting and after a few false starts, stop and go, it went fine and then in full force.

I was leaning a bit backwards with my eyes closed and truly enjoying myself. She swayed may cock and my pee went everywhere, she moved it up and down also causing my pee to spray my knees and my belly once. I did not mind, I secretly had a interest in the pee fetish any way, so I just loved the wetness. I pretended to have my eyes closed, just opening them slightly every now and then to see what she was doing.

Suddenly she started to massage my cock and while I was peeing it started to grow again and the big surprise came when first I felt her thumb massaging my still peeing hole and all of a sudden that thumb was replaced with her tongue!! Her mouth filled up, letting some of it dribble from her mouth and swallowed the rest!

Difficult to describe the feeling but peeing and your cock starting to become hard at the same time, being sucked, it is heaven! I was hooked at once! I must have peed for at least two minutes or longer. She withdrew it from her mouth at some point and sprayed her face and hair until her whole head was completely soaked with my juice!

I finished peeing and she gave my cock a last kiss and let go and falling backwards with a satisfied expression on her face.

“Wow Anderson, that was some load you had, I loved it, always dreaming of doing this! My husband was too much of a prude but what the heck, you will leave tomorrow and we might never see each other again, so my only chance!” “Let’s go back into the sauna and relax a bit before I help you out with your load because I see your eyes are turning white, ha ha ha.”

She quickly set up some tray from the cool box with smoked salmon on cucumber slices and we took a couple before heading back into the sauna, of course not forgetting to take some new beers. Beer is just the drink of choice into a sauna, you must drink something to be able to sweat. Beer brings back, fluid, some minerals, some salt and sugar, the best choice. Also it creates a lovely smelling sweat, you don’t get drunk quickly because in a sauna you sweat so quickly and so much that part of the alcohol is sweated out. And when you go outside, no mosquitoes or flies, they stay far away because of the smoky smell and maybe something to do with the alcohol you sweat out.

We relaxed, threw some water on and drank our beers. She said, “Got to go again, are you ready, can’t hold it ha ha.”

I had decided just then that I had to try it, maybe I will never have a chance again so playfully put my fingers on het pussy and opened her up. She relaxed, sat back and without hesitation pissed a stream so powerful! Almost three feet up into the air! I dropped myself between her legs and tried to catch the stream and followed it whichever direction it took! I did not hesitate to swallow. Big surprise, the stream wasn’t warm at all! Just because of the sauna which has a temperature of more than double the body temperature the pee feels refreshing, cool and tasty. My goodness what a treat this was! I drank as much as I could and moving in on her pussy closer and closer until my mouth was completely around her pussy and she kept peeing full power! Could not drink everything but I did catch most of it!

It did not stop there, I kept licking and probing my tongue into her pussy and massaging her pee hole with my tongue, every last drop was my reward!

Sweat, Pee, Beer, a very wonderful lady in a sauna on the lake shore, what a day!

We went outside again, jumped into the lake to cool off for a few minutes and after that returned to the sitting area on the logs. And of course......refilling with beer...

We were slightly tipsy, but just nice and comfortable, not drunk or out of control or sleepy just enough to be loose.

Out came the snacks again from the cool box, salmon, other local delicacies as marinated mushrooms, berries and dried reindeer meat.

She suggested,” He how about a BBQ, let’s forget the menu, I got some fish and some local meat from the farmers her, just have a fun evening, it is still early! It is only about 6 or 7 pm, the sun is not going down, so why bother going into the hotel!”

In Scandinavia it is sunny 24 hours a day during the summer and during the midsummer fest in June the sun does not even go down under the horizon anyway.

But first, she came over, started playing with my cock which was hard anyway, she grabbed it and stood over my cock and started peeing, swaying her hips so her flow covered me from my knees op to my chest. I bent my head forward, open mouth and tongue hanging out and almost drooling. Stream coming closer and closer until it filled my mouth. Again, I wish I can describe the feeling and taste.!

She scooted backward and started to give me a blow job, man she was good! Sucking and twisting my cock and at the same time licking with her tong my cock from bottom to top and trying sometimes to enter my pee hole.

Before, it was taking me longer to pee than to reach an orgasm!, I blew balls and filled her mouth, just could not stop coming, nor did I want to stop of course. But she did get a mouth full.

Again she surprised me by spitting it out onto her hand and massaging it onto her face. Her nose, forehead, ears and neck, she did not skip a spot! Her face was shining with my cream. “So”, she said with a big smile,” my first load of night cream, this is better for my skin than any cream on the market, I want more later, Ha ha ha.” Her laughter was sweet and soft, just loved it.

But what happens to men that just came, right! Within minutes they need a piss and so did I ! I pointed my cock upwards and started to pee with as much force as I could! I pointed it towards my mouth, took a sip and then pointed it at her mouth and hair and wherever I could. She took it into her mouth and swallowed just like the beers we had just drank!

We sat back down and relaxed and before we knew it our eyes closed and fell into a short deep sleep. What was it, maybe 10 or 15 minutes of sleep?

“Hello, Anna, are you there? Anybody here?” we heard across the field and I looked over my shoulder and at the same time Anna started to moan and wake up. There was a lady walking across the field towards us and calling out to us.

“O jeez”, Anna said,” I was supposed to call her and let her know about some food I needed to order, she is the neighbour’s wife, the farm next door about a mile away,”

She was getting near, and waving and we were waving back, just to be funny.

When she was at the sauna place, and saw us sitting in the nude with snacks and beer she first apologized, but just barely and then introduced herself.

“Hi, I am Berlinda from next door, so sorry to disturb you Anna but when you didn’t call or show up and did not answer my calls I just felt I should make a short visit to see if everything is alright with you, after all you are all by yourself.”

Not a blink of the eye about our nudity and the state we were in. Anna did not make any attempt even to cover up or suggesting me to cover up. We must look like a mess, a bit smelly maybe, half eaten food, empty beer cans, you could clearly see the shine on Anna’s face and some spilled cum around her mouth.

“Hey is the sauna still warm, ye mind if I take a sauna Anna, my hubby is still out and won’t be back until tomorrow, don’t feel like heating mine up just for myself. Also brought you some elk meat for you, it is ready to eat!”

“Sure Berlind, go ahead, the sauna is nice and hot and the lake inviting go right ahead, we will also take another round.”Anna said. Without being bashful Berlinda undressed right in front of us, threw her clothes on the bench and hopped into the sauna.

“Nice lady isn't she,!”Anna asked me, “I’ve been in the sauna before with her and other neighborhood ladies as well, she is about my age and works on the farm with her husband and she is in great shape as you could see. She is one of the women that also pees if she has to pee without being embarrassed and does it even in the sauna or outside during eating a snack and talking to us, so let’s see if we can tease her a bit, what you say Anderson, are you game!”

She called out for a quick jump in the lake, which we did and ran back to the sauna.

Of course, I shouldn’t even mention that we grabbed a couple of new beers and brought an extra one for Berlinda!

Just when we came in, we saw Berlinda with her eyes closed enjoying the sauna, but quickly withdrawing her hand from her crotch, she had been playing with herself!

She thought we had not noticed and gladly took the beer we offered.

Again about 25 minutes later, relaxing and sweating, and Anna grabbing my cock now and then when she thought that Berlinda wasn’t looking, we went outside, taking our familiar places, pulled another log to sit on for Berlinda and placed it strategically across from me and Anna.

Berllinda sat down, did not bother to close her legs and I looked straight up her slit, also very well groomed not shaven but hair short enough to see many details and her pussy was open, wet and ready, at least so it seemed. Waiting for the things to come and what Anna had ‘up her sleeve’.

Anna picked up the tray of snacks and handed it over to Berlinda and while she was doing that, Anna just started peeing, accidentally she peed a bit on Berlinda’s leg two feet away. Yes Berlinda did blink an eye, a faint smile but pretended not to notice anything as it to be the most normal action for them.

I was lika a spectator at a circus and I was loving it!

“Thank you dear.....always love those snacks!, you are so good at making these Anna.” And Berlinda turned to me and handed the snack tray to me after eating one and she was looking in to my eyes with one eye but at my cock with the other it seemed.

As she was handing over the tray she too started a stream, a little bit more yellow than Anna’s but hey, she just joined the game.

I took a chance, I took a a piece of cucumber with salmon from the tray and held it into Berlinda’s stream, pee dripping off, raised it to my mouth and ate it with taste, looking through the slits of my eyes at Berlinda. She gasped and started smiling.

“I knew something was up between you two the minute I walked in on you, you both glowing and smelling hot and nice.”

And she started laughing so much that she fell of her log, on her back, legs up in the air and she never stopped peeing. Pee went up in the air and splashed down on her chest soaking her breasts and even with one deep laugh she managed to pee a shot in her own mouth, what she did not expect apparently because she started coughing and swallowed it quickly.

“Ok Anderson”, Berlinda called out,” now your turn, Anne went, an me, make it good!”

Ok, I decided to lay down first and told the ladies I am pee shy so I needed help, but of course I was kidding.

So they came over, gave it a little slap and then, each had a hand on my hard cock squeezing it. I started to pee and they were kind of fighting with my cock trying to point it at each other’s face. Just about 30 seconds later it was the other way around and each trying to point my stream into their own mouth and trying to swallow as much as possible. I have never had so much fun in my life. We peed, licked and sucked for at least another half an hour taking turns. Did not matter that the left over snacks were wet with pee, we ate it anyway.

Also we made love, I was lucky and took turns and of course spraying their faces with my cum because it was common knowledge it seems that cum is the best cream for your face.

We invited Berlinda for the BBQ of course, all night long swimming, peeing, sauna, eating, making love, well for me, coming 4 times that whole night was the limit but as long as we kept filling up with beer and water, no one could stop the fun.

Of course I did not leave in the morning, I extended my stay. Actually I never left. I stayed and got married with Anna and we have been happy ever since and occasionally the neighbor's wife Berlinda comes over if her husband is out of town, to join in the fun.

Also of course we have the ‘normal’ sauna evenings with the guests of neighbor's and then men and women split into 2 separate groups. But the peeing even with friends or by yourself, sitting in your seat outside relaxing and just letting go when you feel like it is addictive, can never give it up, but then again, I don’t have to!

Hope you enjoyed the story!

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Thank you very much for the 'like's' and the kind words. I hope to write more. These last 2 were told to me very recent and if some interesting information enters my ear again I will try to put it into a story form again. I enjoy writing it down, just the writing makes me horny and it feels like I am the one who experienced it but who knows, If I meet my friend Anderson again next year, let's see were that leads to.

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