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Male Wetting

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Question for the ladies on site:

Do you like to see or watch male wetting?

Something came up last night, quite a lively discussion resulting in about 7 changes of clothes.

We know that the site focuses on girls peeing, but my girls like to see things too, which started this whole thing off. I did what they asked, and got a lot in return, we now have a day of washing, lol.

What do you think?

Anyone else like to share?

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  • 2 months later...
I only appreciate male wetting if I get to see at the very least, the outline of his cock. If there is a powerful stream coursing out and I can sense where the opening is, and imagine seeing him pissing, but I would much rather watch a nude cock pissing.

I think its right that girls should like to watch guys pee,as much as we like them to pee.Do you like to see guys jerking off too,and ejaculating?

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