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Cassie and I meet Kelly (part 14)

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I arrived home feeling a little hung over but otherwise on top of the world. And I realised I didn't have to return to that shitty call centre in the morning, and had most of the week off. I freshened up and opened my email account and checked my various forums. After a while I got chatting to Cassie again on Skype. She wasn't needed in the office until quite late in the morning, and I had the Monday off, so we decided to hit the Pink Lemon again that Sunday evening.

Sundays are quieter in there, but Cassie had heard from Kelly, the pissing exhibitionist who loved peeing in public when she'd had a few. And she was going to be there this evening. Another new member of the gang to meet. Roxy was working so she'd be there behind the bar. It was arranged that Cassie would pick me up in a cab and we'd head out to the club, where hopefully Kelly was going to show up.

We then chatted about other stuff for a bit, though in mid-conversation an email alert from Nicky the policewoman came in. Turned out to be a zip file containing a video - a new one featuring Nicky herself in her uniform, trousers and pants around her knees as she squatted in the corner of her bedroom. And there she was pissing on the carpet, smiling at the camera as she did so.

Superb! I saved that video to my computer right away.

Cassie picked me up later and we walked into the Pink Lemon. It was quiet with only a few people in there. We chatted to Roxy at the bar and started having a few drinks. A few more punters came in, but the place wasn't hugely busy. Eventually, Kelly showed up to be warmly welcomed by Cassie and Roxy. She turned to me with a broad smile, "And you must be Rochelle! Have heard lots about you. All of it good. Welcome to the gang."

She'd already had a few drinks before arriving and was not only very relaxed and conversational but also badly in need of a pee, as were both Cassie and I by then. So we all headed into the toilets, where Cassie laughed, " You can tell it's a quiet night. The floor hasn't even been pissed on yet, haha."

Kelly grinned, "I suppose you two are going to change all that?"

Cassie and I both laughed as we confirmed her suspicions by popping a squat beside the sinks, pulling our knickers down around our knees and lifting the backs of our skirts. Kelly chuckled at the sight of us both pissing all over the floor, and grinning as we did it. The hissing and splashing of our relief filled the room and we flooded that part of the floor.

Kelly then added in a kind of mocking way, "Dirty bitches, pissing on the floor like that. I am going to use the toilet like a proper lady." Grinning, she strode into one of the cubicles, left the door open, turned to face us and removed her knickers and hoisted her skirt. Standing astride the toilet - but without lifting the lid - she laughed, "I might be a lady but I am too fucking lazy to lift up that lid."

And within seconds, she was pissing there, her piss splashing everywhere and flowing down onto the floor, flooding the area around the toilet.

Well we all had a few more drinks after that, and peed on the carpet under the table, as well as on the toilet floor again. Kelly actually peed in one of the sinks. At one point - since this was a quiet night - Roxy invited us behind the bar to watch her standing there and pissing on the floor, no knickers on under her skirt. The other barmaid on duty just rolled her eyes and smiled good-naturedly at this.

Kelly was open about her desire to piss somewhere totally public with loads of people around. She said she loved to shock people and that their reactions were funny. Many would just try to ignore her. A few would utter comments of disgust. Many would grinn or laugh. And a few - mostly guys - would cheer her on. She said it was hilarious sometimes when some girl or other commented on how disgusting it was with her boyfriend pretending to agree but having an obvious boner in his trousers.

Anyway, when we left the club, Kelly had persuaded Cassie and I - we were very easily persuaded - to go find somewhere very public to pee. We ended up at this busy crossroads with night time traffic going past and loads of nightclubbers milling around. Kelly had dared us to join her, and we actually did. I still can't believe I had the nerve. I suppose the alcohol helped.

Anyway, all three of us ended up standing with our legs parted and knickers pulled aside as we sprayed our piss all over the pavement. People were walking right past us as we did it. Car horns hooted. Most pedestrians had been drinking so mainly just grinned or laughed. Some guys wolf-whistled us. Some people just tried to ignore us. Was surprised that no one said anything negative, actually. Maybe if they'd been sober some of them would have expressed disgust instead of finding it funny.

Lucky escape as well. Kelly was last to finish pissing, and little more than ten seconds later a police car drove around the corner. Half a minute earlier and we might all have been charged with urinating in a public place, lol. Having to face such a charge in a courtroom would have been embarassing for sure, lol.

Well, I ended up at home eventually, and had to bring myself off at the memory of that public piss. Had never been so brazen as that before, but I got a real buzz out of it. Would never have had the courage if I wasn't drunk, though. For good measure, just before crashing out, I decided to just piss on the carpet beside my bed. What the hell, I could clean it in the morning.

Was another fun night, actually.

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  • 3 years later...
18 minutes ago, steve25805 said:

These are a series of stories I wrote some time ago now.

Newer members - especially those who like ladies peeing in naughty places - might enjoy these.

You wanna check these out, @spywareonya ?

I read many of them, not all indeed

I'll check…!

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