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Kiki and Her Mom: A Hold It Flashback

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Kiki awoke to silence, a rare surprise since her mother was usually up by now, fixing breakfast, watching television or (especially lately) doing laundry. She listened for the familiar hum of the washer, or the sound of dishes clanking. Nothing. Not even murmuring voices that might be coming from the television.

Taking notice of her full bladder, Kiki sat up and smiled. The stack of towels she had brought into her room the night before was still spread out across the floor. She pulled her nightgown up, revealing her bare bottom, and scooted herself to the edge of the bed. Biting her lip, Kiki spread her legs and sighed as her pee began to spray freely to the floor. It splashed wildly against her legs and pattered noisily to the towels. Kiki thought she could feel trickles seeping into her mattress, but she did not care. When the flow decreased, she grinned at the big wet spot on the towel and stood up, enjoying the few trickles that snaked down her legs.

Kiki walked down the hall to check her mother’s room to see if she were sleeping in. No sign of her mother, but Kiki smiled at the disheveled and clearly soaked bedspread that lay next to the door. She checked the living room, but still no luck. Instead, there was a sheet of paper taped to the television. Reluctantly, Kiki pulled it off and read it:


Went to the grocery store. You looked so peaceful after such a stimulating evening that I thought I would let you sleep in. The house is yours for the next couple of hours. Be sure to do some laundry for me.



A big smile lit up Kiki’s face after reading the letter. The house was all hers. What would she do? She thought of all the great things she could get into while her mother was gone and her smile grew bigger. She had already emptied her bladder, however, so she needed something to pass the time until she needed to go again.

After carrying her mother’s bedspread to the washer, Kiki stripped off her nightgown and gathered the towels on her floor, grinning again at the fresh damp spot from this morning. The smell of urine excited her again and she wondered how much longer before her bladder filled up. First, some breakfast.

Wanting a quick breakfast, Kiki opened a package of pop-tarts and poured herself a large glass of water. Before even touching the pop-tarts, she gulped down the entire glass of water and filled it again. As she ate quietly, Kiki began to remember a time shortly after her experience with Joanna when she and a few of her friends had a holding contest.

They were all spending the night at her friend Tara’s on a Friday night after swim practice. Kiki was tempted to tell the girls about what she had seen in the locker room but decided that memory was too special. As girls often do, they started a risky but welcomed game of Truth or Dare. It came to Tara, and she boldly chose “dare.” Danielle smiled wickedly and extended her dare.

“I dare you… to pee in your pants.” The other four girls, Jane, Bridget, Kelly, and Dawn, snickered at the ridiculousness of such a suggestion. Kiki, however, felt goose bumps crawl across her skin.

“I’m not going to pee in my pants, that’s so grade school,” Tara responded.

“But it’s a dare, so you have to,” Danielle pressed. Again, the other girls giggled to show their agreement.

“No, I just got these jeans and I don’t want to ruin them.”

“I have an idea,” Kiki said, interrupting their squabble. An idea had crossed her mind and she could not believe she was actually going to mention it. Too late to back out now. “Why don’t we all have a contest to see who can drink three glasses of water and hold their pee the longest? Last person to need the bathroom wins.” There were a few seconds of silence and Kiki continued. “Since Tara doesn’t want to pee her pants, we’ll just have a contest to see who can hold it the longest.”

“I’m in,” Danielle said. Kelly, Dawn, Bridget, and Jane also agreed, although with some reluctance. “Come on, Tara,” Danielle pleaded. “You botched on your dare, so you can at least give this a try.”

“Fine,” Tara groaned.

Three glasses of water and forty-five minutes later, all seven girls were watching a movie, clutching their crotches and beginning to wonder if this was such a good idea. Kiki felt her bladder filling up with each passing second. In spite of her pressure, however, she was nowhere near the worst. Danielle was lying on the floor on her side, her hand pressed beneath her skirt to hold herself. Dawn was standing with her hands wedged between her tightly closed legs. Kelly was sitting on her feet, rocking back and forth desperately and grunting to show her discomfort. Bridget was sitting in the beanbag chair, her legs also crossed tightly as if to hold back an oncoming mishap. Jane was standing near the bathroom door, exhausting all of her willpower to keep from leaping into the bathroom and end her suffering.

The worst, however, was Tara. Visible beads of sweat were trickling down her forehead and she was obviously shaking. Kiki could hear her whining as she squirmed frantically in her seat and grabbed at her crotch. Kiki knew it would only be a matter of seconds before Tara jumped out of her chair and dashed for the bathroom.

“Oh, God, I can’t hold it anymore.” But the voice was not Tara. It was Dawn, rushing for the bathroom, already tugging at her jeans. She closed the door behind her, but they could all hear her groans of relief and the loud spray of her pee into the toilet. This was agony for all of them, even Kiki, as she squeezed her legs together tighter, thrusting her hands against her crotch.

Tara’s shivering became more intense and once again Kiki was sure she would be up out of her seat any time now.

“Okay, I’m out,” Kelly shouted. She made a dash for the bathroom as Dawn was coming out.

“I’ll join you,” Bridget said as she followed quickly behind. The remaining girls stared at each other, wondering how that arrangement was going to work out. Two groans could be heard through the door along with a new hollow pattering sound. Kiki smiled as she realized that Bridget had just used the bathtub as her toilet.

“Oh, God,” Jane mumbled, holding out well to be the one closest to the sounds of relief coming through the door. “Mmm, I’m going to pee myself. Hurry up in there.” Jane tugged at the bathroom door and was horrified to find that it was locked. “What the fuck. Hurry up!”

Kiki glanced at Tara again, still certain it would only be a matter of time. Her own bladder was beginning to get sore and for a second she felt a trickle escape.

“I’m sorry, Tara, but I’m about to piss on your floor,” Jane whined. Tara did not answer as Jane snatched the waistline of her pants and tugged them down, panties and all, to her ankles. To their surprise, she squatted outside of the bathroom door and within seconds a loud hiss could be heard across the room as she peed uncontrollably onto the tile floor. “Oh my God, that’s so great. I’m sorry, Tara, I just couldn’t hold it anymore.”

Tara was still unresponsive, as she seemed to be entranced by her desperation. Kelly and Bridget emerged from the bathroom and looked on it amazement, being careful not to step in Jane’s growing puddle. Tara finally sat up in her chair as if waking from an overwhelming dream. “Oh, shit, I’m peeing myself. Oh my God.” Tara spread her legs and Kiki could see a small wet spot about the size of a quarter on her jeans. “I can’t pee in these pants. Oh, God.”

“They’re already wet,” Danielle said. “Just go if you can’t hold it anymore.” For a few seconds, it looked as if Tara still had some fight left in her. She winced and gasped.

“Ah, fuck it,” Tara said. Instantly, the wet spot grew as Tara stood from her seat and ran to the tile floor outside of the bathroom. The wet spot spread across the front of her pants and down both of her legs. “Mmm, man, that is so much better. Shit, I can’t believe I peed in these pants.”

Kiki turned her attention from Tara and stared at Danielle, who was finally starting to really show signs of desperation. Kiki knew how she felt as the feeling in her bladder had changed from soreness and nagging to pain and distress. The two of them eyed each other for a few seconds until Danielle broke the silence.

“Tie?” she asked.

“Tie,” Kiki agreed. Both girls darted for the bathroom. Kiki felt the wetness of the tile floor on her feet but did not care as she tugged her jeans and panties down. Her pee began to spray before she was even seated and she felt a few drops of it splash against her legs.

“Don’t tell anybody, but I’m just going to go right here.” To Kiki’s surprise, Danielle stood right in front of Kiki, pressed her hand between her legs, and wet herself through her skirt. Her pee hissed out of her as it passed over her fingers. Kiki was amazed as she watched shiny trickles of pee pass down Danielle’s smooth legs and caress her bare feet to form puddles on the floor. “Mmm, this feels nice running down my legs. You should try it some time.” Kiki remembered the locker room and was tempted to say I have. “You picked this contest on purpose, didn’t you,” Danielle whispered.

“Um,” was all Kiki could say.

Back in the kitchen, Kiki finished her last pop tart. Her bladder was beginning to fill quickly, but she was not ready to relieve that yet. She walked into the bathroom and turned the knobs on the bathtub. The sound of the water splashing against the porcelain triggered another spasm of desperation. Still not ready yet.

Kiki strolled into the living room, staring longingly at the dark carpet. Her mother had soaked the couch cushions last night and Kiki had left her mark on the rocking chair. But neither of them had braved soaking the carpet, perhaps in fear that the smell would be too much. Should I? Close to changing her mind, a gentle trickle passing down her bare leg answered for her.

“I have to pee so bad,” she mumbled, pretending her desperation was unintentional. Kiki walked to the corner of the living room where no one ever sat or even went. “Oh, God, I can’t hold it anymore. Mmm. What am I gonna do? I’m just gonna go.” Without further hesitation, she sat on the floor and giggled at the feeling of the carpet fibers against her bare bottom. She stretched her legs out in front of her and spread them. With a pleasing groan, Kiki closed her eyes and let go.

With a loud hiss, her pee sprayed wildly and splashed against her thighs and onto the floor. She licked her lips as pee pooled between her legs on the carpet and warmed her crotch. Her excitement growing, Kiki stroked her clitoris with her fingers and thought of Danielle, sweet Danielle who had peed her skirt intentionally right in front of Kiki. This thought sent her over the top. “Oh, I’m gonna come, oh God.” She continued to spray urine against her fingers and the carpet as she climaxed long and hard, licking her lips and enjoying the growing warmth between her legs.

When finished, Kiki caught sight of the phone and grinned. “I think I’ll call Danielle.”

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I know that I sound like a broken record, but I'm happy that you brought these stories to this forum WetWulf. I love reading about Kiki and her mom's amazing adventures again. Please continue to post them.

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