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I never would have guessed she was one of us.

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after being on this site for a few weeks I now wonder about people  i know.

.  A few weeks ago a friend passed away and after the buriel his family took 50 of us out for a meal.  It was in a private party room at a restaurant. 

. Each table had pitchers of wine, beer, soda. The table next to me were all woman and they all drank wine. This meant the beer got warm sitting there for 2 hours.

   I knew most of these women for many years. 

One of the gals named C

I've known the longest. Very attractive and a player based on some stories heard.  

  One guy stopped by their table and poured a glass of beer. He said " this beer is warm, it tastes like piss, ask for a new. "

   One of the women said " give it to C, we know she'll drink it!" Everone laughed and  C said

" you'll never let me forget that.  I only drank his piss because he wanted me to. ( old boyfriend) . Laughing another girl said "yeah but you drank it for over a year".

  I will never look at her the same way again. I wanted to give her a 👍  but it wasn't appropriate for the day.




Edited by chubbyjack
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