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Inheriting shape "down there"?

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Warning: While not actually about anything incestuous, I recognize that some may be squicked out by anything remotely related to family, so if this is you then don't continue reading...

In the course of answering another question on here about when we learned how the opposite sex pees, and thinking about curiosities regarding the opposite sex, made me realize something I've sometimes wondered but never asked.

Somewhere I was on a forum (it may have actually been this one) and some guy said he wouldn't want his parents to see his dick, and then someone else pointed out that since many men's penis shape is a lot like their father's, their dads would only need to look down and their moms would need only to look at their husband's to have a pretty good idea what their sons' parts look like. It was even mentioned that there was a study where women had to pick out their partner's penis in pictures and tended to choose their sons' if they were among the pictures. It's been a long time since I've seen my dad's (or he saw mine), and at the time I was too little to look much like him, but looking back, although he's circumcised and I'm not (a difference that is obviously not biological in origin), we both share a rather generous girth in relation to length.

This fact got me thinking though, how much is women's genital shape passed down? Are women who are "innies" likely to have a mom who's an "innie" too, or those whose inner labia hang down likely to have relatives who are the same way? And what about the location of hair around the area (whether only in front of the slit, or also on the inner thighs, or on the outer labia as well), or even something as subtle--but relevant to this forum--as how far forward the urethra/pee stream is? Does anyone know?

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