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5 hours ago, glad1 said:

You know, those senior women can sometimes pleasantly surprise you. I've had the good fortune to run across a few fit women in their late 50's and 60's, I suppose you could say up close and personally.

There are a lot of retired people where I live. (It's Florida, what do you expect!) I'm a member of a hiking club here, where most of the members seem to be over 55. While we have our group hikes every other Saturday, a lot of us want to get more time on the trails in-between, often just two, three or four of us. Something else about our club is that women seem to outnumber men at least two to one.

While I've only been a member for a couple years, I've made a lot of friends. Even better, most all the women seem to be comfortable around me. I guess I'm non-threatening and someone they can count on to see they get back safely. Plus, since I'm self-employed, I'm available most all the time. So, it's not surprising for me meet up at the trailhead on a weekday morning and find there's just one other person, usually a woman my age or older.

Most always I'll let them pick out a trail and set the pace. I don't even mind that they're a good bit slower than I'd be if I set out on my own. In fact, I rather enjoy that fact, because it means that they'll almost certainly have to empty their bladder at least once. And, they don't seem to be as shy about doing so as women in their 20s. If it's been once, it's been at least a dozen times they've peed while we carried on a conversation.

Okay, maybe they've lost some of their capacity of their youth, but I'd rather see 20 or 30 seconds of their waterfall than have a stream of a minute or more exist only in my imagination.



That sounds quite hot. I know plenty women in their 50s and 60s who are smoking hot in bed and in the bathroom. Women are like fine wine. They mature after 40 and their best years are often well padt that age. Watching and listening to a hot older woman empty out is fantastic. You are lucky to have such opportunities in your hiking partners.

Horney Old Owl

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