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Are there women who don't like their big clit?

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Just curious if there are women that don't like their naturally large clit (or a clit that swells to a larger size when erect)?  Most men with larger cocks enjoy having them, but curious if women have a different attitude.  If you have a big clit and don't like it, why?

(I am specifically discussing natural clits, not someone that intentionally has a large clit on testosterone such as FTM).

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I'll answer this for a friend. She has a bigger clit and its been years that she feels unhappy about it. She thinks that it makes her look like a man and that she can't go commando under jeans or trousers. Her biggest issue is finding bikinis that cover her pussy entirely. We actually joke about this haha, because I struggle to find bikinis that covers my tits well while hers is the exact opposite 

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