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Hi All! It's been a busy week at work (lots of overtime) so I haven't had much chance to write up about my naughty wet walk last Sunday that I shared the build up to here on the live action thread.

I can't remember exactly what time it was, but it was evening and I had one hell of a full bladder. I had been drinking beer and lemonade and had allowed myself to get really rather desperate to make the walk more exciting.

Before leaving the house I quickly changed into some nice cool walking clothes (it was surprisingly warm out). I pulled on a pair of tight polyester briefs over my desperate penis. Then grabbed a pair of shiny polyester sports shorts (fantastic for hiding any damp patches!). The outfit was pretty much this.



Just as I was about to head out I began to worry that I was too desperate and may have ended up having to pee too early in the walk. I decided to allow some of the pressure out, and use that opportunity to check how much of a wet patch would be visible on my shorts.

I hurred to the bathroom, pulled my shorts down and sat myself on the toilet. I then slowly released a lovely warm spurt of pee out into my tight briefs. The material wicked the wet nicely and spread it around the front of my briefs. I stopped and started a few times. Letting out lots of little spurts until I was comfortable with the pressure remaining in my bladder.

Once I was happy, I wiggled about to help drip dry the tight material, and pulled my shorts up. I was satisfied with how nice the clingy wet material felt against my wet privates. 😛 

I checked over my shorts after I pulled them up. It was extremely hard / impossible to notice a wet patch on the already shiny material. Just to be safe though, I grabbed a waterproof jacket (in case it rained or a wet patch appeared) and wrapped it round my waist before heading out for my stroll.

The first 15 minutes were pretty uneventful. Other than the cool wet material teasing me as I walked, not much happened. I could still feel my bladder being quite desperate, but I ignored it.

After about 30 minutes I reached the quietest part of the public footpath. It was a section that I had never seen anyone use before, and it was rather overgrown. Most people likely don't even know it is there when looking at it from the entrance at the end. I hurried down the path and found a secluded sport in a clearing in the bushes. This time of year is PERFECT for a sneaky wetting as the overgrowth gives you great coverage. I checked up and down the path for anyone around, and once satisfied that now one was about, I snook off the path into the bushes.

I pulled my shorts down, and squat down. My damp briefs still tight around my desperate penis. As soon as I was in position I released. It was like turning on a fire hose. A torrent of pee poured through my tight briefs, rewetting my already pissy private area. The warmth was heavenly. I stopped the flow once about half my bladder had been emptied, and inspected my soaked briefs. I then pulled them up tight so they dripped a bit, and pulled my shorts back up.

I looked around, no one was about. I continued my walk. I knew of another place about 15 minutes away that was similarly perfect for a sneaky pee through my briefs.

Once again I arrived at a hidden little location amongst the bushes. I repeated the same as before, rewetting my tight briefs. I then head back home which was about 25 minutes of walking around the circular route I'd picked. By the time I got home, my briefs were still quite damp. I decided not to bother changing and kept the comfy damp briefs on until bed time. (About an hour or so after I posted about having done it on here). Throughout that hour I kept peeking down the front of my briefs and admiring my naughty penis that was tingling with excitement.

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