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Hi All,

The other day I was frustrated by a very hot flirty and friendly woman.

My MIL brought her girlfriend over who was celebrating her 50th birthday.  She was wearing a low cut very tight blue clingy dress with a "C" cup cleavage. She was 5.9.145 pounds so a full figure woman but looked fantastic as well due to her impeccable makeup carefully applied with loop earrings, dark red finger nails and a blingy large beaded choke collar. Very classy indeed just like my MIL. Not only did this woman look real good her personality was very outgoing and flirty even with the wife being present. A little inappropriate but I was just on the receiving end.

All of the usual girls had their respective very hot pees. Ms. Birthday Girl had drank 36 ounces of water in 3 hours and was waiting for her to empty her bladder.

With my heart racing she finally strutted over to the toilet and methodically pulled her panties down and gently sat on the toilet seat. Finally after 15 seconds she started her flow. I was expecting something long and possibly fast flowing. Much to my surprise she started tinkling off and on in the bowl. I said to myself "if she tinkles forever I will be satisfied". When the off and on tinkling in the toilet water ceased at 18 seconds I was very hard and frustrated. Not sure why her body was not producing more pee but that is life. After a quick wipe and hearing her bracelets jingle as she pulled up her panties, washed her hands and fluffed her hair she exited the bathroom in all smiles saying "that was a relief".  I will refer to her as "Tiny" if she comes over again. A disappointment!!

Great Horned Owl

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She sounds like a hot lady for sure and a shame she only tinkled for such a short amount of time. I prefer the sound of a longer pee also. Hope you got your frustration sorted after she left.

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