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Old sightings out in nature

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So another experience from the same group:

I also met a woman through this group, who I later went hiking with several times just the two of us. She was a young to middle aged Asian woman, very easy to talk with but introverted and sensitive. We met on the very first hike I was ever on with that group, and coincidentally one of the first things I saw her do (before she and I had even begun chatting) was walk back along the trail with some other women to the parking lot where they had gone to pee before the rest of us arrived. I didn't at the time know if she was interested in me as just a friend and hiking buddy or as something more, but it turned out she was likely a lesbian, which I found out when she invited me to a party that turned out to be an LGBT event.

Almost every time I was hiking with her, either with the group or not, she would either go into the bushes at the beginning to pee, or would stop somewhere along the way and hide in the bushes. She was very shy and this extended to peeing, even though she was interning to become a nurse at the time, in fact she would use clinical language like "I need to void my bladder" rather than "I need to pee". While in some ways she clearly trusted me and opened up to me about some rather heavy emotional stuff going on with people she knew, she never became comfortable enough to go in view of me though (or anyone else, as far as I know). Though I wonder if SOME of that had to do with the fact that I was going through some very significant mental health challenges at the time, and a decent amount of our conversation naturally gravitated toward my problems. I could tell that being quite empathic she was personally affected by my own distress and this probably didn't put her in the most relaxed mood when we were together. I also don't know what would have happened had I stepped off the trail for a pee myself on one of our one on one hikes. Again, if I had been in a better place at the time I may well have eventually done this.

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