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Oops, I didn't notice that girl!!

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Hi, this will be a short story about a wetting experience, that I had a couple of months ago. But the incident didn't take long, it was over in maybe five minutes.

I was walking along a lane in a small village back to the parking lot where I'd parked my Beetle. It was very warm and sunny and I'd had a lot of water to slake my thirst. I'd been pretty desperate for quite a time and realized that I should pee before I sat in my car and drove home. I seemed to be alone on the lane, so I stopped abreast of an arbour. Hidden among the leaves a bird chirped. I listened to its song, and became so absorbed by its beauty, that I didn't at once notice that I've started to wee in my panties. But feeling my warm pee running down my thighs made me aware of what was going on. I parted my legs and hitched up my skirt to keep it away from becoming wet. I looked down. I've always been fascinated by watching myself wetting my panties like a little child. The pee stream increased and thrust its way through my panties and splashed down onto the pavement. I put a hand between my thighs and felt the hot wee running between my fingers. I felt so horny and couldn't resist to rub my pussy. I sqeezed the wet, pink cotton fabric in between my pussy lips. Then I heard:


I looked up. On a bench in the shadowy arbour sat a girl. Shit, she'd seen me all the time! I tried hard to stop peeing, but it just went on flowing like it would never stop. I pressed my hand against my pussy, but it didn't help.

I looked at the girl. I knew I was blushing like hell. She was staring at me with wide open eyes. She seemed totally fascinated. She was probably a couple of years younger than me. I thought I should say something.

"I'm sorry, I can't stop... I'm trying but..." I didn't know what to say more. And the girl didn't say anything. I made an effort to press harder on my mimsy and even rub a little. Which I shouldn't have done! In seconds I got a strong orgasm! My whole body shivered and I couldn't help moaning. It felt so wonderful! But that feeling soon became mixed with a strong feeling of shame.

"P...pl...please forgive me! I..." I stopped. What could I say? I turned and walked away. Fast, very fast. Pee still running down my legs and, to my further more shame, almost overwhelmed with an increasing arousal causing additional orgasms while still walking.

Before I started to drive home, I had to set my mimsy (and my mind) to ease. In which way I did that...? Well, guess!

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