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Ending A long Drought of Holding My Pee Until I Couldn't

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I held my pee Twice Yesterday Part  1


I have not been able to hold my pee for fun in a long time. Yesterday I did it twice. I was wearing dark grey sweats.

First off I cannot overstate how much I enjoy the sensation of my bladder gradually filling with urine, and remaining that way, for a long time, without becoming overly painful, until near the end of my holds.  Of course by that time, I have developed my favorite part; strong pressure in my penis, right down to the tip .This is why I don’t use the rapid desperation method. That’s just my personal preference

 I am not sure when I had peed last, but I did not need to go when I started reading my book around 2 PM. I was laying on my bed .Within about 1.5 hours, so around 3:30 I became vaguely aware that my bladder was getting really full.  It was stretching and was quite pleasantly  uncomfortable. 45 minutes later I am becoming desperate, and in addition to my bladder becoming almost painfully full, I was experiencing strong pressure in my penis. It was then I decided since I was enjoying the hold, I would continue to do so. I set a goal of 4:45 a half hour later. But within 15 minutes the pressure in my dick had reached the tip, and my urine was pressing against my pee hole. I was determined to reach my goal, no matter what, but my pee felt like it was going to force its way out, so I had to begin holding myself with my hand. Since I was wearing loose fitting sweats it was easiest to slide my hand inside intermittently as needed to grip my aching penis directly.  I was only doing it when necessary to keep my pent up pee from coming out. I made it to my 4:45 goal without leaking, but by then I had to squeeze my dick constantly. There was a sharp pain right at my pee hole. My bladder was rock hard.

It was then I noticed I only had 10 minutes left in the chapter I was reading. Dare I push it another 10 minutes even though my pee felt like it was going to come out any second?   Oh what the heck what is the worse that could happen, this is fun. So, although it had become difficult to concentrate, I squirmed around a bit, squeezed my legs together over my hand that was gripping myself tightly. My bladder knew I was past my goal and complained about the overtime. 5 minutes in I felt that sensation of a little pee was in the slit of my pee hole. It was about to come out.  I checked how close I was till the end doubting I could hold it any longer, 5 minutes left. I felt my hand get a little wet as I could not prevent a little leak from happening. I finished the chapter, with just a few very small leaks occurring, mostly getting my hand wet. I wondered what would happen if I stopped squeezing myself. Not wanting to get them wet I pulled my sweats down in the front to free my dick. Within a minute a very slow but continuous leak occurred for about 10 seconds. I enjoy this sensation the most, so when I regained control, I pressed on my bladder. Instantly a bigger spurt leak occurred.  It was time to get up and pee in the toilet.  Actually, I ended up measuring what I had held. I can’t hold it like I used to, but I still hope for about 1 liter. Yesterday’s first hold 950 ml, not bad for an old guy .To be continued… More pushing my limit.

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Part 2 I Push My Luck

So I had urinated 950ml. just after 5PM. I had dinner and .5 liter beverage around 6:30.  Around 7:30 I got comfortable lying on the couch, and began watching a two 1 hour TV shows. Shortly thereafter I noticed my bladder was filling quicker than I expected. By the end of the first show my bladder was very full.  I thought about getting up and going because I already had to pee pretty badly. But once I get comfortable on the couch I hate to get up, and of course I enjoy holding. I was comfortable everywhere but my bladder and penis, which was beginning to exceed pleasantly uncomfortable, I soon started to doubt I could hold my pee another hour. I was squirming, trying to find a more comfortable position, and with strong pressure at the tip of my dick, I had started using my hand periodically.   There was a sharp sting at the tip of my dick .I had to pee so badly. By the halfway point in the second hour I was holding myself constantly, trying desperately to hold off  the leak that felt like it was about to happen any second. I was not going to stay dry this time.

Another 15 minutes and the sensation that urine was in the slit of my pee hole, and it was about to come out became stronger and more persistent. So, it was not really a surprise when I felt my hand start getting wet. I thought, I am holding it another 15 minutes damn it. However, every few minutes another tiny leak escaped. My dark grey sweatpants were starting to get wet. As the program ended a long slow leak occurred, right through my hand, maybe 10 seconds. Fortunately the absorbency of my pants, and boxer briefs underneath kept the couch from getting wet.

 It relieved some of the pressure, so I got a crazy idea. Instead of just going pee in the toilet like a good boy, I decided to try and hold it while I had my snack and a drink getting ready for bed and just pee when I usually do. Honestly I knew this wasn’t going to work. Having leaked some I was ok at first, but as I filled my water glass, I couldn’t hold it any longer. A big strong spurt sent urine gushing down both legs and onto the kitchen floor. My hand was no longer effective  holding my pee so I stopped using it. My pants were getting really wet.

Then I remembered I had to fill the humidifier. I needed both hands so I was unable to resume squeezing myself, even if I wanted to. Another big spurt forced its way out. This time some pee came out directly from my crotch to the floor.  There was now a sizeable puddle on the floor and my although dark pants didn’t show much wetness I could feel they were soaked. I think what helped stop the flow, was I was getting aroused. I had half a hard on in my pants.

Once again pressure released, I decided to try to hold on a bit longer while I brushed my teeth. My bladder did not like being forced to hold in a still large amount of pee, so it pushed out another longer stream, the longest yet. My sweatpants are highly absorbent and I could feel they were sodden. Since they couldn’t absorb much more, pee just ran down both legs, and ,more directly from my dick through my crotch, like the cloth was not even there. It had created another large puddle on the floor.  Like a few minutes earlier I started getting another erection.

Having totally soaked my pants, but not feeling empty, I stepped into the shower and let go. Now I was peeing full force, and for longer than I expected.  Urine sprung through my pants in spots down my leg. Despite my mutable loss of control leaks there was still a lot of urine inside. Finally my bladder was empty and relaxed.

This was the first time I enjoyed holding my pee until I couldn’t and I wet my pants in a long time.

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This is so exciting that I can't believe it ohhhh ❤️❤️❤️

My bladder pressure increased so much after reading this post, I have to pee so much ohhh 🤯❤️❤️

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6 minutes ago, KylieK said:

But I can withstand this pressure on my bladder, come on, I'm holding on to pee with all my strength ❤️🤯

What are you doing to hold it. How long can you hold it in?

I love reading and posting while I am actually desperate to pee.

Edited by wettingman
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Oooooooo this chat thread is sooooooo exciting!!!  I love holding to the point where I have no more conscious control and I know I'm about to soak my pants and undies!!  I usually 'predict' when this will happen and take 'precautions' like a plastic trash bag under a couple towels!  Many times I can 'regain' control before I'm empty which shortens the time to another 'loss' into my pants! After multiple 'losses' and when 'empty I either go use the garden hose to freshen up then the pool or take a shower to launder everything!! 


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