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Feedback / Idea "The theory of female urination": an exclusive monography for PeeFans.

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Greetings to admin and moderators! First of all I would like to thank you all for the work you do to keep this site the best forum related to urination!

For many years I`ve been gathering data related to female urination not only for erotic pleasure, but also I wanted to make complete, categorized theory of female urination from all perspectives possible, including history, anatomy, physics. psychology, fiction and interviewing ladies themselves.
So far I have a 700 page Word Document with all that intel gathered: 
1. The anatomy of the female genitourinary and excretory organs and it`s changes through aging and how it affects stream, the power of the stream, the amount of urine.
2. The functions of female genitals.
3. Urination and its aspects such as hydrodynamics and the potential energy of the stream being calculated using basic physics.
4. Explaining the dynamics and the dispersion of the stream.
5. Phenomenology of the urination, attempting to categorize all the possible actions involved during urination.
6. Psychological and ethnological differences of female urination, showing how culture changes the way women all around the world pee. The psychological aspects of group and public urination.
7. Puddles, its types and how the type of surface affects it.
8. Hissing sound and stream types.
9. The complete chart of urination types.
10. The complete chart of the places used for urination.

Please let me know if you`re interested in such work being posted on Pee Fans, and to make it more clear, I would like to ask a few questions related to such thread:
1. Which category should it be posted at?
2. Should I post all paragraphs in one thread or create a thread for each topic (ex. the theory of group urination, physics aspects of the stream etc.)?

Once again, thank you very much for everything you do!

Edited by Daniel_defo
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