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Soft Drop

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Recently I've been really enjoying this queer erotica series I found on Twitter! It's called Soft Drop and by an artist who goes by Welcome_to_Heaven. The series is mostly novelized with some images and interactive elements to break things up (a Homestuck-like if you will. If you won't, that's probably for the best)


It follows a handful of characters, bouncing between them each chapter and they're mostly episodic so you can just read about the pairings you wanna see if you prefer. Despite some of its bleaker story elements I still find it to be a feel-good series because it's all about portraying intimacy and healthy kink relationships. It was even educational for me on occasion and introduced me to facets of sex, sexuality, and kink that I wasn't privy to before.


All in all, I'd definitely recommend! The series is on hiatus at the moment and I'm using that time to catch up as I haven't read it all quite yet.


For your pleasure. Happy Pride Month 😉🏳️‍🌈



Chapter 1:


Edited by Peenicks
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