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Piss mansion (Part 3)

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We all returned to the living room, where more champagne was consumed. I was myself beginning to feel a serious need to pee, but was delaying the moment for as long as possible. I still couldn't get entirely used to the notion of it being ok to just pee anywhere in front of everyone. My girlfriend Camilla, however, had no such qualms. As we all chatted about something or other, she suddenly lowered herself into a squat, pulled her panties aside, and began a powerful piss on a still dry part of the living room carpet. Everyone else just carried on talking, like peeing on the carpet was the most natural thing in the world. And to them it pretty much was: it was I who was having difficulty getting my head around it, even though I found it incredibly sexy to an extent that surprised me.

Soon, the conversation was back to peeing again. Margaret Holdsworth MP, was relating another tale, primarily to me as presumably the only one present who hadn't already heard it. "Mark, you'll so love hearing about this one. Gerald and I were in Greece last summer on his motor launch, which is rather large and luxurious. We had a number of guests on board, business friends of Gerald's mostly, and their wives."

She exchanged smirks with Gerald before continuing." Well, Gerald had the most unbelievably naughty idea! He made a few calls, and managed to hire a couple of young English-speaking and very attractive Greek girls. They couldn't have been much older than maybe 20 or 21. And we all just spent the entire afternoon and evening peeing all over them whenever we needed to go! It really was the most splendid fun, hahaha."

Well, the very thought of this respected lady MP actually doing this was making me rock hard again, that's for sure, in spite of all the champagne I'd been downing.

With my tongue loosened by drink I couldn't help asking, "Are you not afraid of the public reaction if all this sort of thing gets out? Lots of people wouldn't be cool with it at all, probably."

Margaret responded seriously, "Oh I know. People can be SO narrow-minded. Stop the press! MP peed on carpet! I mean, really? Aren't there more important things to worry about? But yes, you are right. If the public knew about our rather carefree attitude to peeing, my political career would be over for sure, and all our names would be dragged through the mud. Crime of the fucking century!"

She was getting quite heated now as she warmed to her topic. "So what if I pee on the carpet! Whose business is it anyway!"

"Yeah right", laughed Sarah off to my left. I immediately looked in her direction to see her squatting and peeing all over carpet. "Just lending you some moral support" she laughed.

"Has no one ever tried selling you down the river just to make some money?" I asked.

Gerald then piped up, "One or two have tried it on over the years, but wealth and power in combination buys a massive amount of influence. We have contacts in the upper echelons of the secret services, the police, parliament, the legal profession, the civil service, and the media itself. We can always make sure that our privacy is fully maintained, and those who would betray it thouroughly discredited. So no, we don't really need to worry."

My own need to pee was by now reaching the point where pretty soon I'd be unable to hide my discomfort. And I realised that in the eyes of this group of piss-anywhere libertines, I would then just look silly. So, emboldened by the drink, I took the bull by the horns and announced my need to pee as I began to unzip my fly.

Margaret Holdsworth laughed, "Well, you informed us all of that so boldly that I'm surprised your announcement wasn't accompanied by trumpeted fanfares." There was much laughter at this, and were I less influenced by alcohol I might have been embarassed, but it passed me by.

Camilla smiled at me. "Mark, darling, if you gotta pee, just pee. No need to make a big announcement about it, hahaha."

Margaret laughed, "Maybe he's hoping someone will lend him a hand."

Camilla chuckled, "Are you offering?"

"Actually, I'd not mind that at all. If that's ok with you?"

Camilla grinned as she nodded.

Upon approaching me, Margaret joked, " This will screw up your liberal politics, hahaha. Tory cabinet minister holding your penis while you pee. " And soon indeed she had my penis in her hand, aiming me towards a coffee table in front of one of the sofas.

In moments, I was pissing, spraying the coffee table, and the carpet all around it, as Margaret Holdsworth MP aimed my dick around to drench a large area.

Gerald laughed, "Pity we don't have a copy of the Guardian. You could make him pee on that." Everyone thought that was funny.

Still aiming my pissing dick, the MP responded, "I'd rather make him pee all over the next Labour manifesto, hahaha." Again there was much laughter. "But right now he's doing a fine job of peeing all over this table."

Just as I was finishing, there was a knock on the door, followed by the entry of some liveried butler who informed us all that dinner was ready. He took not the slightest bit of notice of me pissing on the table. And I had never seen the guy before, so clearly any servants really do remain as unobtrusive as possible until called upon.

As soon as I'd finished, George led us all into the dining room where the large dining table was neatly set with all the required accoutrements. Two attractive blonde female waitresses in their 20s were serving the first course of what turned out to be a sumptuous three course meal. Gerald took out his dick and started pissing on the carpet right beside one of the serving waitresses, who simply smirked slightly but otherwise didn't react. The other waitress had to detour around the squatting form of Maria, who was soon peeing on another part of the carpet. But again, she took it in her stride, clearly wholly unsurprised by such behaviour. Sarah was soon holding David's dick as he peed against the wall.

The meal went on for some time, during the course of which we continued to drink fine wine and champagne, inevitably growing more inebriated, so my memory of events after this do start to become a little more hazy and confused. But I do remember Sandra at one point opening her legs where she sat and pissng right there on the carpet under the table.

Towards the end of our meal - amidst much drunken laughter - Sarah climbed up onto the table, removing her panties and hoisting her skirt in front of all of us. She adopted a kind of semi-squatting position above the ice bucket in the middle of the table and was soon pissing in it. Or trying to! Because, no doubt as a result of alcohol, her aim was seriously off and most of it was just splashing down all over the table surface all around it, and over any nearby plates, glasses and cutlery. Everyone thought this highly amusing.

Once Sarah was done, Margaret Holdsworth MP laughed and said to Maria, "These youngsters today have no sense of decorum or good manners, do they? If one wants to show one's appreciation for the waitressing staff by peeing on the table, please let's do it properly, haha. Why even bother with a bucket at all?" And with that she reached out and picked up the ice bucket to place it upon the floor.

"Come on then, Maria", she continued. "Let's get up on to this table and show the youth of today how it should really be done."

And amidst much mirth and laughter, both women were soon standing with their legs apart upon the table, their skirts hoisted to expose their ass cheeks and muffs to everyone present. Moments later, both were pissing all over the table and everything on it, deliberately aiming their pee over the entire surface. The sound of it splashing down mingled with the laughter that filled the room. I had never seen anything like it in my life. Pee was soon pouring off the edges of the table in a couple of places, as I grew rapidly hard.

As the grinning women climbed down afterwards, the MP said, "Now those waitresses of yours will really know how much fun we had at mealtime when they clear that table, hahaha."

This is my last totally clear memory of the evening. It's all a bit hazy after that with just disjointed snippets of memory. I seem to recall peeing on a bed somewhere in front of a laughing audience. And I have a memory of Camilla and Sarah both peeing in glasses. Sandra the popstar I recall at one point insisted that we all go and watch her actually using the toilet - which she did without bothering to lift the lid, much to the amusement of the rest of us. Maria at some point performed her party trick of pissing in the dishwasher.

I think probably the most outrageous thing I can remember seeing is Mike pissing in the fridge whilst Sandra, laughing, held his dick. The most outrageous thing I remember doing, along with David, is pissing all over the bared and naked ass of Margaret Holdsworth MP, bent over in front of us with her buttocks thrust in our direction. Our giggling girlfriends were holding and aiming our dicks as we peed.

I actually still have to pinch myself when I remember that. Did I really actually piss all over the bare naked ass of a female Tory MP and cabinet minister?

Don't really remember much else but it was certainly an absolutely fabulous night. I'd never had so much fun before. I never knew people like this got up to such things. If these are the kind of shenanigans that Conservatives and their supporters get up to, then I'll seriously have to consider switching my political allegience, lol


Part 1 - http://watchgirlspeeing.com/threads/piss-mansion-part-1.2744/

Part 2 - http://watchgirlspeeing.com/threads/piss-mansion-part-2.2772/

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  • 10 years later...

Ten years late reading this min-series, but man, this just got hotter with each part! All that pissing all over the house sounds like tons of fun! Hope I get invited to one some day. Wonder if Mark ever ended up fucking the pop star and MP, either that night, or days later. I know I wouldn't say no to both of 'em asking me!

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