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the 5-liter challenge

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I try to flush the toxins out of my system at least a couple times each month. To do so, I drink at least 5 liters of water on top of anything else, which for me is usually a large protein shake and coffee. I'll begin this when I get up in the morning.

I know, it sounds a lot, but if you spread this out evenly across the day, it works out to a little over a cup each waking hour. I'm not a doctor, but there should be no risk of water intoxication, IF YOU TAKE THINGS SLOWLY, unless you have serious health issues.

Now, as the biggest part of what goes in has to come out, over the course of the day you really have to pee! If you care to hold, you can, though doing so for more than half a day will require major effort. Otherwise, you can go whenever you feel yourself starting to get full. In any case, to get the most out of this test, it's helpful if you keep a log to record how much you take in as well as when and compare it with your output.

Anyone care to join me in this challenge?


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Almost a liter of water in, I still have more than four to go.

Now I'm starting to really feel the need to pee. The rest of the day won't be getting easier. :arghh:

I have one or two lady friends who would enjoy your company right now. They'd relish your desperate, full-bladdered, discomfort. :)

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I have one or two lady friends who would enjoy your company right now. They'd relish your desperate, full-bladdered, discomfort. :)
I'm hoping I know them, too. Perhaps they could join me in discomfort. After all, misery loves company. :)

I also wouldn't mind if you could find a few who enjoy that sweet moment of relief. I'm sure there will be several of them today. Now, I don't suppose you could, er, beat the bushes? :wink:

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The challenge is only to drink at least 5 liters of water in a 24-hour day. You can drink other things as well, but that on top of the five. There's no need to hold, if you don't want to. In fact, I would think you wouldn't wish to, as it's more a matter of letting things out so you can get more in.

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Lizz ,

Are you referring to my statement / to the statement that Glad 1 had made .

I'm a bit :confused:

So can you please clear that confusion up for me , girl .

Thank You


Oh sorry I did not quote the original poster, I was replying to glad1.

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It is not uncommon for me to pee every hour (or even less) depending on the temperature and my level of activity. If I am working when it is very hot, I end up sweating more of the liquid out. If I do not have to pee for a few hours in a situation like that, it tells me that I actually need to drink more fluid.
When I first started hiking with a group, one of the first things I learned was the importance of adequate hydration. One particular leader explained it to us in terms of our urine, that we know we are drinking enough when we feel the need to pee every couple hours and what comes out is clear or pale yellow in color.

Since then, I've insisted that my hiking partners stay well-hydrated. I've even had to check on a few, er, to make they were following instructions. :)

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