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Squatting down for a pee on a hike in the desert

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On 4/3/2023 at 9:56 PM, bigpeegirl69 said:

Once I really had to pee on a hike with my girlfriend who is into pee, but really shy about doing it outside or in public. I asked her if it was ok if I just peed outside and she said yes. I was surprised she allowed me to, because there was another time I had to go way worse on a hike and she didn’t let me go because she was scared someone would see me. Anyway, I find a crevice between rocks where no one can see for miles, and I squat down on the edge of a rock and pull my pants and underwear to my knees. I lean back so my pussy points away from my body and less pee gets on me. For a while I had a little stage fright having my girlfriend right there, and I almost told her to leave, but then I figured that was ridiculous, I needed someone to keep watch. I eventually started peeing off the rock. When I finish, I don’t have anything to wipe with, so I just keep squatting there for a bit to drip dry. I pull up my pants and we leave. I ask my girlfriend if she was watching. She blushes and says “a little bit”. She also told me that had she known I was going to pee outside, she would have brought a Kleenex so I’d have something to wipe my vagina with.

This sounded like such a fun time. I can only hope you got over your stage fright quickly.

Having gone on literally hundreds of dayhikes with friends, it's rare when at least one of us doesn't haven't to pee. For someone with my kink, it's usually the high point or points of the day.

When we hike as a group, it's pretty much a needs must thing. We do nature's business, then go on our way. But, when I'm in a one on one situation, we tend to be much less inhibited. Depending on how shy my trail partner is, we might take two or twenty steps off the path and I'll often be asked to keep watch. To which I have no problem, though my eyes might not be directed at those passing by. More than once her gaze has met up with mine, but I don't blush easily.

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