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An Awkward Dad Roadtrip Piss

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Contains a cis man pissing, a person with a vulva pissing, and some daddy/(adult) child elements but nothing sexual, so be warned if that's not your thing.


I don't talk to my dad much anymore, for a variety of reasons that I won't get into. (Yes, I know, I fit into the daddy issues stereotype.) Weirdly, this event was not one of the reasons. This happened the summer before I went to college, so when I was 18, and he was like 49-50. Several years ago, so forgive me for not remembering every detail.

We went on a camping trip together at a site several hours drive away. I wasn't thrilled to go because I don't love camping, but the trip was uneventful. Except on the drive back we hit massive traffic around Atlanta, not quite at a standstill, enough movement that my dad, who was driving, had to be constantly paying attention to roll forward.

Well we both had to pee very badly. Full disclosure, I have a watersports fetish, but I would never tell my dad that, and I wasn't arroused by him. So I was just embarrassed and uncomfortable, not turned on

We were both fucking busting, but I had gone at the last gas station and he had not, so his bladder must have been more full than mine. He seemed full, legs shaking and face twisted up. We were in the inner lane. There was no way to get to the outer lane, and it would be incredibly dangerous to get out of the car even if we did. So we suffered in silence for a while.

He broke first, which is surprising because I usually have the much smaller bladder. While we were stopped, he pulled out an empty diet cherry Coke bottle (his favorite), and said he was going to use this, and told me not to look.

Not excited for this to happen, I followed his advice. I heard the bottle unscrew, and a few seconds later a I heard liquid hitting plastic and a big heavy relieved "Phew!" and a "Lord, I was busting!" But when the cars in front of us started moving, we sstayed till while my dad pissed. Someone honked.

I guess he must have moved a hand to the steering wheel or something because I heard a sound that is liquid NOT hitting plastic, and a "Ah shit!"

This is where it went from bad to worse! Because now he's spraying a think stream onto the floor and can't stop, but he has to keep driving the car. He needs one hand to hold the steering wheel and one hand to hold his dick, and a third hand to hold the bottle.

Unfortunately for me, I have hands, so without thinking, I reach over and grabbed the bottle and directed it to the tip of his penis. I think we were still moving at that point, because I actually had to concentrate to holding the bottle in the right position. And the opening was narrow. There were actually a couple bumps in the road where my hand slipped and I got piss on my hand. Guess there's a reason why guys like wide- mouth bottles to piss in.

I guess I could have held my dad's cock while he peed, to aim it better, but there was no way I was going to do that. I was already interacting with my dad's dick way more than I ever wanted to.

It's like, average? Apparently he shaves his pubes which I did not expect, but his dick was unremarkable. Circumcised. Like 3-4 inches soft. No idea if he's a grower or a shower.

I held the bottle there while he pissed, until I eventually had to warn him that it's filling up. And then I really, really warned him, because Oh My God I Do Not Want any more of my dad's pee all over my hand than what is already on it. And it was going to be my turn to drive soon so I didn't want any more piss on the seat than there already was either.

He clenched, and stopped. I lifted the bottle up and screwed it closed. It was completely full, almost spilling over the top of the bottle. I think it was one of the 16oz bottles.

I was pretty desperate, and watching him relieve himself had made the pressure on my bladder unbearable. Obviousky a Coke bottle was not going to work for me, so I grabbed one of our wide mouthed Nalgene bottles and took off my shorts to go in that. He didn't look as I pissed, which I was very grateful for. I was able to pee in it with no problems, and because Nalgene bottles are huge, there was plenty of room for him to finish draining his bladder into.

This time he didn't need help, I imagine because he could just stick his penis in the mouth of the bottle.

The rest of the trip home was awkward, but, like most things between us, we never talked about it ever again.

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