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Story of a dream of CO-ED half urinals and stalls, that I had

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I walk into a familiar bathroom and I am at work or a serious place, but have the urge in my dream to use the bathroom so badly that its bursting out. But the bathroom looks like a bath house. A large area with rooms and rooms of stalls and urinals, and other secret rooms, kind of like a large pool locker room.  It stinks of water - bathroom - and the faint distant smell of man piss but very minimal. I walk through trying to find a bathroom and to do it in a respectful way in the toilet, but I get distracted..


The first thought in my head is to do some naughty pissing where I shouldn't. There are wood benches and peoples' belongings, towels, metal lockers above the benches, there are regular lockers, there is white tiled floor, there are these openings (no doors) to these other secret dressing rooms, that lead to a shower with lockers, and its like a labyrinth that keeps on going. The only problem is there are people EVERYWHERE, and you never know when someone will walk in or who. 


(I'm jerking while typing this)


I walk through the locker room and hear people everywhere but spread out in different parts of the bathroom. I don't have much time and there are NO doors on any of the stalls, and if there are doors, that you get lucky to find to have privacy, they are half way so you can see your face and expression while pissing. I hear women and men its a co-ed locker room.


there are complete strangers I barely know seeing me in urgency looking around for a stall. I go in one stall and the toilet is clogged and its overflowing so I try another stall and its got a half door, I squat over it and pull out my dick to use it anyways, and then some people walk by and clearly see me peeing. I stop and clamp up in embarrassment and then run out of the stall holding my dick and trying to find another toilet. I pull up my pants at the same time. 


There is another toilet that is clean with no stall but you have to face people walking in, so if anyone comes, they will immediately see the pleasure and horniness on your face of releasing piss. I was so nervous and it was so realistic I didn't want to do that.

I start to get horny and realized I am in this dream and can do whatever I want, but I'm not sure if I'll get in trouble in case this is real life, so I am holding my dick and my bladder. 

I am walking around an open area and hear voices in the distance like in the shower room, and decided to squat on the floor and point my dick at the white tiles in the middle of what looks like benches and lockers. I feel like I'm going to get in so much trouble, so it is slow to come out and I dribble a bit but suddenly --- two girls walk by and I quickly pull my pants up and run to. a different  room but I feel they may follow me and yell at me for peeing and not being respectful in a locker room that is already co-ed and already messy. I feel blue balls - like my bladder wants to go and orgasmically release the peepee but it can't because people keep walking by. 


I walk into a different room, my boner raging hard and my face hot and red, clearly extremely horny to cum and pee but I try to look normal. I walk into a smaller change room with lockers in the middle and see a guy changing his shirt and on the other side on the left locker area,  a few girls are talking but not really paying attention. in that moment, I wanted to charge at the guy changing his shirt and pull down my pants and piss all over the guy changing and get his dry clothes all wet with my piss and feel him yell at me and the horny shame of releasing where I'm not supposed to. I decide I will, and I'm about to take it out of my pants, and point my dick on the floor nearby the guy instead of on him, but instead I clamp up out of embarrassment, and I feel like I am pressed for time, like the people at my job are looking for me or will come in the bathroom too and see what I'm doing and the look on my face. I even though it would be hot to walk by the guy and piss in one of the lockers to relieve myself on the other side so he and the girls didn't see. so that's what I start doing, as Im' squeezing my dick walking over to the other lockers to hide and squat and stick my penis into the open locker, I see a girl with a towel on her head come right next to me and open her locker "SHIT" I thought, holding back one more time. There is a limited amount of times I can hold it! (ughhhhhh it feels so good jerking and typing this right now, I'm sliding my hand on my penis and the tip is twitching from the pleasure, my dick is red from thinking of this)


I keep on bumping into people in the places I want to "hide and squat quick" to release my pee mess...so to save the shame and embarrassment and knowing there is NO WHERE I CAN GO TO HAVE PRIVACY AND HIDE, I find this room at the front where people walk in directly from outside into this bath house locker room, and I see this metal trough/bin basket.


At the end I find this big long metal trough/like a metal bin and crouch over it bending my knees and pointing my penis, and I wrinkle my noise in disgust at how dirty, naughty and horny this is and my mouth in an ":O" shape like an orgasm face, full well knowing the girls in their 20s will walk by and see me in disgust, as well as the well behaved men who didn't pee on the floor...and start pissing in the metal trough all the way and I know people see me and are walking by but I don't care and I know I'm supposed to piss in the toilet but I would rather piss in the trough. I also move my cock to the side and see the droplets bouncing off and onto the floor "missing" on purpose, and I stop my stream (feels so good) and start it again, spraying piss filling up the trough. I feel and hear women giggling and talking and seeing me. I feel like they're going to tell someone what I'm doing and get me in trouble but such is the case of a co-ed locker room/bathroom. I have this feeling people are going to tell on me but I keep squirting out my piss until I'm finished and enjoy all the ecstasy of it.


please comment what you think of this and have you had a similar dream? if so, can you please share so I can vicariously jerk to it?

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This is so fucking hot. Thank you for sharing this amazing dream.

I've had a lot of very similar pee dreams too, often of endless locker rooms or areas with wide open rows of toilets. Sometimes, no matter where I go, every seat functions as a toilet, with people just sitting and casually using them. Meanwhile, I'm way too embarrassed to do it in front of everyone, so I just hold it and try to find a more secluded spot. I'd love to be able to lucid dream, because if I could, I would spend it pissing all over the place.

In one of the hottest piss dreams I ever had, I was at the grocery store in the checkout line, and off to the side, I could see a couple - a man and woman - scantily clad and heading for the bathroom. Before even getting to the door, the woman lifted her skirt up and started pissing a torrent while she walked. It was fucking incredible, I've jerked off thinking about that a number of times. Really wish it was something I could actually witness.

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One of my dreams involved an underground college campus queer resistance group (fighting against cishet white male weeaboos who turned all the cishet women on campus into mindless anime girl slaves) headquartered in a gender neutral co-ed bathroom, and I shared a urinal with another trans girl.

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