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Peeing on marble and stone facades

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I was just traveling and walking home from dinner in a fancy shopping district. There was a jovial, mixed gender group of 20-somethings in front of me. The group paused and one of the guys went over to the plate glass window of a fancy storefront. The others in the group (male and female) milled about and looked in another window. The area was so fancy and well kept that it did not even occur to me what he had stopped for a pee.  I kept walking towards him and noticed that he had turned to the corner of the column and window and was peeing. It started to run across the wide sidewalk as I walked past. I was instantly so aroussed. I paused about a block later looking at my phone. The group resumed their walk and went past me. I walked back and to the same store. I saw that he had marked this luxury storefront and even a bit of the window with his pee. I had had several drinks prior and felt like I could pee so I picked another column and also wet the marble. It was very exciting. 

As I did this I had a flashback to my youth in Spain and France. My nannies would guide me and my cousins to take pee breaks  against buildings when we were out in the city. They would sometimes pick places that were fancy polished marble or stone. I liked that. When I got a bit older I could pick my own spots to pee, but I was still young enough that I could get a way with blatantly peeing in public in the daytime. I can remember not peeing before going out and thinking about when I would ask the nannies to stop so I could pee. I would often pick an interesting building, window or alcove to pee on. I was having a flashback to peeing on the polished marble, watching my pee spread out on the stone and waterfall down the wall. 

One building I remember in particular had large marble tiles on the wall and very small tiles on the ground. I could stand close enough to the stone wall that I could touch my penis foreskin to the cold stone at an angle and have my urine stream not splash back but just flow down the wall. Then I could watch it flow to the ground and run in between the small tiles grout channels. It was always interesting to watch the path it would take around the little squares as it spread out and ran to the sidewalk. I thought it was almost like my pee was Pac Man around the tiles. 

Anyway, does anyone else like peeing on fancy marble tile or stone facades? Was anyone else allowed to pee on such places growing up?

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