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Ex-girlfriend night out

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45 minutes ago, Schmitty20 said:

This happened when we were in our forties. We were out with friends to dinner and a few drinks and at the end of the night when we were ready to leave my ex Tracy asked if we could drop her friend off on the way home it wasn’t that far and it was sort of on the way home so I of course said yes. We dropped her off and had about a 25 minute ride home and had to get on the highway we were riding along for about 15 minutes and all of a sudden we came to a complete stop and weren’t moving at all so I assumed there must have been an accident. As soon as we stopped Tracy said oh fuck and I said what’s wrong and she said this traffic and I said well hopefully it won’t be that long and we aren’t in any hurry anyway. She said maybe you aren’t but I am and I said why are you in a hurry to get home and she said I need to pee really bad and I looked and her legs were going back and forth and her hand was in her crotch holding herself. I just said oh how bad is it. She looked at me and said I really don’t know how long I can wait I am really desperate. Where we were stopped there was no where to get out and pee anywhere without being seen. It was about 5 minutes and she was really quiet here hand was in her crotch and she was really squirming and she looked at me and she said I don’t think I am going to make it I can’t wait much longer I peed in my panties a little already. I just said I was sorry and that I wished there was something I could do but really I was thinking to myself this is hot. We finally started moving slowly but we still had about 10 minutes to go. I was driving and we we’re getting close to the exit and I said to her I am hurrying and she said thanks but it’s not going to matter I am peeing in my pants I looked over but it was dark and I couldn’t really tell and I said well maybe it will only be a little she had a disgusting look on her face and said oh no it’s more than a little I just finished fully peeing in my pants. When we got home I looked at the back of her pants and yes they were soaked. We got inside the house and she was going into the bathroom and I joked isn’t it a little late for that and she said haha real funny and you better not tell anyone about this. She walked in the bathroom left the door open and pulled down her wet pants and panties and sat on the toilet and started peeing and she said I guess I wasn’t totally finished yet. She smirked a little and she said again please don’t tell anyone about this promise and I just laughed and said I won’t.

I'm hoping this situation wasn't a one-time event. If you have more stories, well, don't tell anyone. 😉 

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  • 1 year later...

My ex girlfriend was by no means into to peeing fetish but a couple times while we were together got herself into situations like this which I wrote about on this forum and although I never told her about my fetish I really did enjoy it when she got into these situations. I guess I should consider myself pretty lucky. We are no longer together and since these situations I have not witnessed any wetting or desperation with anybody in awhile. All the things I wrote about on this forum happened years ago or when I was younger. 

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