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Past Weekend’s Piss Hunt

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Good to see you getting out on a sighting mission again.   Excellent that you caught a few and hopefully are developing knowledge of best spots for sightings going forward.

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1 hour ago, Alfresco said:

Good to see you getting out on a sighting mission again.   Excellent that you caught a few and hopefully are developing knowledge of best spots for sightings going forward.

I had to do a lot of moving around, unlike my original spot a few years back where I could stay put and see a lot of sightings. Still haven’t hit a sweet spot but have 2 spots I need to pay attention to. I discovered that there are sights after 3am which is usually the time I wrap up. 

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On 8/9/2022 at 2:42 PM, Starks2010 said:

I discovered that there are sights after 3am which is usually the time I wrap up. 

Yes that’s a problem.  A lot of night clubs kick out very late and that is when the patron have nowhere to find a toilet - usually I have places to be in the morning and can’t cope on very short sleep.

I sometimes wonder whether I would be better going to bed early  and getting up at 3am to see what I can see.  

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1 hour ago, Alfresco said:

Yes that’s a problem.  A lot of night clubs kick out very late and that is when the patron have nowhere to find a toilet - usually I have places to be in the morning and can’t cope on very short sleep.

I sometimes wonder whether I would be better going to bed early  and getting up at 3am to see what I can see.  

That’s what I usually do. Go to bed early, sleep a few hours, then go out. The original Lot I would sleep like 8pm until 12:45-1am so I could arrive by 2am which was just before the waitresses would take their break, which was just before peak pissing time. 

With the parking garage I would arrive at 11pm which is when one of the lounges started letting people in.  I was seeing people piss upon arrival. Then I would stay until just after 3am which is when the lounges let out. Looks like it’ll be back to arriving at 2am and I’ll stay until about 4:30am. 

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  • 1 month later...
On 8/8/2022 at 6:12 PM, Starks2010 said:

This past weekend I ventured out for some piss sightings. I figured I’d return to the parking garage which provides parking for two lounges, and I have seen 3 ladies relieve themselves there next to their cars.  

I arrive about 11pm to find one of the lounges to be dark, vacant, parking lot closed off, building boarded up. No parking attendant in the booth for the parking garage next door which is usually staffed with a female attendant and a police officer. You grab a ticket from the machine and pay upon exit. The other lounge on the other side of the garage was open, but dead. 

I proceeded over to other night life establishments that had activity.  I observed a wet spot on the ground and two used napkins between an SUV and a car parallel parked on the street. I missed whatever lady left that. I cruised through another parking lot to find a wet spot on the ground and a soggy wade of paper in it along side the rear quarter of an SUV.  I missed the lady who left that but I did post up in a stall across from that SUV and noticed there was a lady sitting in the passenger seat. 

I held that position for a while.  While in that spot I heard a metal gate and female voices.  I look to my right to see a lady from a metal gate which wasn’t on any hinges, just propped up there.  Two ladies proceeded down the dark alley along side of a gas station I assumed to go piss.  I heard one of two make reference to stream.  It was too dark and there were tree limbs so I could not see anything.  After several minutes the two ladies exit the alley, remove the gate then place it back where it was. 

It is about 2:50am and I decide to wrap up the night but not before cruising a bit me.  As I make a right turn I seen an SUV pulled up to a brick wall and a few ladies, one of which was in between the SUV and the wall with another lady at the outer, front edge of the SUV like she was blocking something.  I completed my right turn, then made an immediate U turn but was held up by a red light and two vehicles ahead of me.  I get across the intersection and pull into the parking lot where I set up to park behind that SUV.  One lady on the front, left side of the SUV seemed startled.  She had her cut off denim shorts down with her bare ass against the brick wall.  She was standing in front of the front, left headlight, leaning forward, pissing on the smooth, blacktop pavement.  Not looking directly at her I see her wipe and throw the napkin down.  She pulls up her shorts, comes from in front of the SUV and is fixing her clothes. 

There are four ladies, attractive, thick (Not fat nor skinny), brown skinned.  At least 2 of them pissed.  From my position I could see the ground in front of the SUV is wet and there are trails of urine running toward the rear of the SUV. They remain around the SUV, the two guys there were with return from across the street.  They get a bottle out of the SUV and they finish off two bottles.  

After a while the group of ladies and two dudes walk off and turn the corner heading to the lounge down the street.  I reposition my vehicle, backing into the stall next to the SUV.  I get out and examine the pissy area, there is so much piss, an empty liquor bottle, and soggy, napkins.  I snatch up all the pissy napkins, the napkins are dripping fresh piss.  Back in my vehicle I secure the wet napkins, my trophies in a Ziplock bag.  I pulled up to look on the passenger side of the SUV and there was a trail of piss that ran out almost to the middle of the parking lot behind the SUV and it pool and had a small section of bubbles in it.  It was just after 3am and I ended the night there. 

Glad to see you are finding some sightings again. Really loved your previous posts from the Lot

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