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Afternoon all!

I've had a very lovely morning so far. It's been both productive, and indulgent! πŸ˜„

I woke up this morning really early for some reason (aroun 6am). I got myself up, went for my morning pee (I don't like strong pee) and then drank a pint and a half of water before going back to sleep. I woke up again at around 08:30 with a fairly full bladder.

I got up, showered, dressed, drank a load more water, and made a cup of tea. By 09:30 I was very full and needing to pee. I was planning to go outside and work in the garden. I grabbed my work trousers. Head to the bathroom, squat down and power peed through my boxers into the bath. I waited for the drips to subside, then hopped out the bath and pulled my work trousers on, knowing they'd dry quite quick while in the sun and cool breeze in the garden! My black work trousers are thick material and do a very good job of hiding damp patches (not that anyone was around to see anyway).

I carried on drinking plenty as I worked and by around 12:30 I had to go again quite badly. This time I stayed outside. I hid myself behind the bushes, squat down and peed once again straight through my tight boxers. Again I waited for the drips to subside, pulled my work trousers back up and then settled on the garden chairs to type this up.

I need to go out and buy some lunch at some point! I'll be changing into fresh boxers to go and do that, then hopefully will be soaking yet another pair later on after I've eaten! πŸ˜„

I hope you are all enjoying youself today as much as I am! πŸ˜„


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Any suggestions for the 3rd wetting? I'll purposely try and keep my bladder full for the next comment suggesting what to do. To do that, I'll just keep letting little spurts out through my boxers in front of the toilet to keep the pressure down until someone suggests something fun to try! πŸ˜„

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18 minutes ago, Peeteller said:

Next time you have to pee walk into the bathroom with your eyes closed andΒ  try to make mess limited only listen to the pee hitting the water. Don't open your eyes until you finish

Well I was already bursting. (been keeping myself on edge of desperation for ages by just letting little leaks through my tight boxers at the toilet).

I opened the bathroom door, managed to walk in, feeling my way to the toilet. I pulled my trousers down, managed to get my pissy little guy out from my boxers without loosing control and then aimed where I was pretty certain the toilet was.

I missed to start with as I heard it splashing slightly so I aimed left and heard the water. It wasn't as messy as I expected but I still had to clear up a little splash on the floor next to the toilet.

Once my bladder was empty I tucked my pissy boy back into my boxer briefs and I've just settled down to play some PC games while I let my damp boxers dry! πŸ˜„Β 

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