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An interesting second week with Cassie and friends (Part 12)

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The week that followed saw some interesting developments with big changes for the better on the job front. Roxy got back to me with an offer: she'd been in touch with Anthea - the owner of the Pink Lemon - and it had been decided that an extra barmaid was needed for the two busiest nights, friday and saturday, with two 8 hour shifts on offer from 8.30pm til 4.30am, half an hour after closing time. The problem was finding just the right person, but Anthea thought I'd be perfect.

I did some calculations because there were far fewer hours than my current job, yet the hourly rate was so much higher. It turned out that I would have been exchanging a 40 hour week for only 16 hours, but my pay would only drop by about a fifth. And I was also told that there would be opportunities to earn much more for special private parties at the venue occasionally, and overtime opportunities on busy public holidays and to cover sickness and holidays for colleagues. So I reckoned I could make up that deficit fairly easily. And I'd be leaving a job I hated in exchange for one I'd love. So I decided to take it and gave my notice at the call centre. Friday that week was to be my last day. First shift at the Pink Lemon the following weekend, seven days later.

During the week I spent a couple of evenings at Cassie's place, in which time we flooded her kitchen floor with pee on both occasionss. Nicky visited me at home briefly one evening, in full uniform with her police car parked outside and annother uniformed female colleague sat in it's passenger seat. I don't know what excuse she gave for visiting me, but her real reason was that she wanted to piss on my kitchen floor, and knew I loved seeing her do this in uniform. She simply pulled down her police trousers and knickers to her knees, squatted in the middle of my kitchen, and pissed all over the tiles there, a loud hissing and splashing sound filling the room. When she stepped away she left a massive yellow puddle.

During the week, Roxy sent me a video of herself standing astride her living room coffee table and pissing on it. She then asked if Amy - the stripper - could become one of my online friends, which I was happy to allow.

Amy and I got chatting for a bit, later on. She was now paying a mortgage on her own house, but originally was raised on a council estate. She has a friend, apparently, called Chloe who still lives there and makes a bit of cash on the side by letting guys - and sometimes girls - pee on her carpets and furniture in exchange for cash. She also charges £50 a time to let people pee on her. Once, in return for getting brand new carpets, beds, and furniture fitted at no expense to herself afterwards, she'd let a bunch of people spend all weekend pissing all around her flat. I decided that I wanted to meet her sometime.

In the following days it was arranged that we'd all have a piss party at this Chloe's flat on saturday, Monique agreeing to pay for an entire refurbishment afterwards, as well as everyone taking part paying £50. I thought that I'd probably spend at least that on a night out anyway, so why not?

In the meantime, I went out to the Pink Lemon only once, on thursday evening, for a few hours with Cassie. It wasn't a particularly wild night on the whole, a few puddles on the floor in the toilets, and at one point we saw two women pissing in each other's glasses before drinking it. Roxy - who was working that night - peed on the floor behind the bar at least once. But nothing I hadn't really seen before. Cassie and I peed on the toilets floor a couple of times, but that was about it.

On my last day at my call centre job, I sneaked into my boss's office during her lunch break and peed all over the carpet under her desk. She was a stroppy cow on a bit of a power trip so fucking deserved it. She never noticed it either, least not until I was long gone, lol.

After work, my colleagues pretty much insisted I go out with them for a few farewell drinks, and by the time that was over I was too tired to go out with my pee crowd. I chatted with Cassie on the phone for a bit - she then sent me a pic of herself peeing on a table with a big grin on her face "to give me something nice to think about as I drifted off to sleep".

I finally went to bed looking forward to the party at this Chloe's place due the following day.

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Thanks. I know I struggled with this one a bit and the stories aren't flowing so easily now. The frenetic pace at which I have produced these stories is going to have to diminish with newer installments less frequently when I feel the inspiration, perhaps with breaks to write other stories with entirely seperate characters. It is becoming ever harder with this series now to inject a bit of originality and avoid pure repetition. No idea when the last one will be yet but will keep each one open-ended in case I am inspired to add another part.

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